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Van Bramer receives death threat, following announcement of Trump march

Van BramerNov. 17, 2016 By Christian Murray

Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer received an e-mail this afternoon that claimed he was a traitor who should be executed.

The e-mail arrived at 3:35 pm, about half an hour after Van Bramer sent a mass e-mail reminding his constituents about his march Saturday over the Queensboro Bridge to Trump Tower to protest the President Elect’s discriminatory pledges.

Van Bramer’s mass e-mail also said that 700 people packed out the Sunnyside Community Services Center Wednesday night to discuss ways to fight back against xenophobic policy.

The threat made against Van Bramer was part of an e-mail where the writer referred to the 700 attendees as “communistic socialists” who were destroying the neighborhood. The writer said that “the rest of the people from Queens do not agree with your homosexual lifestyle [Van Bramer is gay], so get the fuck out of this country, you fucking traitor.”

“I will keep a close eye on your every move so that when it’s time to execute traitors, I will try my best so that your name is included in that list of traitors. Execution is the penalty for a traitor, that is the Law of this Land.”

The NYPD is investigating the matter.

Van Bramer said that he will continue to fight for people’s rights despite the threat.

“I’m not terrified and I’m certainly not stopping,” he said.


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Astoria Resident

Trump never said he wanted gays in the closet or black people enslaved. Oprah’s right. People need to breathe. This is nothing short of mass hysteria.

Astoria Resident

Lots of hysteria on both sides of the aisle. Trump never said he would enslave black people, yet his VP pick had to suffer through a sermon from black people concerned about this non-issue. Talk about a being a captive audience. Trump also said he supported gay marriage but just objected to the Supreme Court getting involved when it’s a State issue. Oprah is correct. Everyone needs to breathe. He wasn’t my pick but this is collective insanity.

red cloud

We all might have different opinions on the pink “artwork”, but I’m pretty sure we’ll all have Jimmy’s back on this one.


Anger is a healthy emotion that can be expressed constructively. Many of these people aren’t simply angry. They are full of hate and rage, and are dangerous. Thanks, Trump voters!


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