Protest art placed near Court Square Diner (source hyperallergic)
Dec. 12, 2014 By Christian Murray
The bright pink $515,000 sculpture scheduled to be placed on Jackson Avenue and 43rd Avenue has not only drawn fierce verbal criticism– but now protest art.
An anonymous piece of protest art appeared on Jackson Avenue on Wednesday, according to the art website hyperallergic. The art piece is in opposition to the 8 ½ foot tall pink ‘Sunbather.”
The protest art alleges that the Sunbather is a waste of public money and that the funds would be better spent elsewhere. A message attached to the artwork reads:
“This is not against the artist. It is against the misuse of our tax dollars…This money could be spent on something constructive like education.”
However, as previously reported, Sara Reisman, the director of Percent for Art, told Community Board 2 last week that a sculpture is going up and that the artist selected won’t change.
As to changing the size and color: “We aren’t in a position that we can say to an artist that you must do this?” she said.
Reisman then later claimed that the board’s feedback would be taken into consideration.
For hyperallergic story: Please click here

Source: hyperallergic

Rendering of the Sunbather from three weeks ago
Can someone give me a million dollar and I will give you a sculpture twice the size of that one.
This is fantastic.
What an artist!
Cmon Sara, what’s your % on this? Is he a friend of yours, lover, what? Half million dollars for that piece of horrible HORRIBLE human pink bubble gum? You will have to accept the consequences of your actions, people are going to investigate every single detail of this decision.
There needs to be an official investigation of this sleazy deal, and I agree with you entirely that there is something fishy going on with this Reisman woman and the racket her group is running. The City’s Public Advocate should take a look at this.
And thank you to the anonymous artist.