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Parks Dept. to start repairing Shady Park this week

Andrews Grove/Shady Park

Andrews Grove/Shady Park

June 10, 2013 By Christian Murray

Long Island City, Queens: The Parks Department is expected to start work this week on repairing hurricane-ravaged Andrews Grove/Shady Park.

Andrews Grove/Shady Park, a popular park on 49th Ave (btw. 5th Street and Vernon Blvd), was battered when eight 50 foot trees were uprooted, which led to the concrete being torn to pieces and the children’s swing set being decimated.

“The workers will start repairing the concrete this week and fixing up the fences and redoing the playground,” said Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer. Once that is done, Van Bramer said, the entire park will reopen and new trees will be planted.

Van Bramer said that he is still working on the configuration of those trees with Parks Department. He said that he aims to bring tall trees to the park to help restore its character. However, he said, the Parks Dept. has a limited budget and tall trees cost more.

The councilman has been able to find additional funds elsewhere. “We have secured $10,000 in private funding from Jet Blue and Warner Brothers” to go toward the project,” he said.

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