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Luxury Condo Building Planned For Jackson Avenue



June 25, 2015 By Jackie Strawbridge

A luxury condo building is planned to rise in the heart of Hunters Point.

Plans were filed with the Department of Buildings Wednesday for a seven-story, 21-unit building at 10-64 Jackson Avenue.

All of the units are slated to be luxury condos, according to George Konnaris of GKA Design Group, which is designing the building.

The condos will sit on floors three through seven, per building plans; the first floor will hold retail, and offices will occupy the second floor.

Plans also show eight underground parking spots.

No demolition permits have yet been filed for this address, which sits just next to an entrance to the 7 train, and is currently occupied by an unusual squat structure that curves to meet 50th Avenue.

Konnaris said shovels are expected to be in the ground next spring.

The owner of this site is listed on City documents as Queens Progress Associates LLC., which could not be reached for comment.

Existing site

Existing site

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it’s going to be a hideous pile of crap much like what is being built throughout Astoria by the cheap and tacky developers.

It will add nothing to the community in terms of architectural appeal and design.

fire the architect, fire the builder.


If that building and developer has the free market, it should be allowed irregardless!!! Growth is important.


Really! Schools are important especially in a growing neighborhood! And let’s not forget decent supermarkets, Doctor’s offices,etc!


Wow – looks like my pet Internet stalker has appropriated my handle for these forums. Sorry he is being a douche to you, Mel…you are quite right about the need for further commercial options in the area.


@David It’s amazing how so many of you so called “market idealists” have developed the very same standards as your old communist counter parts. One of the things we freedom believing Americans used to use to counter communist propaganda was the fact that the communist built ugly, dreary and bland buildings and cities. Now you’re condoning the building of ugly, bland buildings in the name of free enterprise.You new breed of “market idealist” have no standards or style just like the old communist. The new structures going up throughout Brooklyn and Queens look exactly like buildings in the communist block take a walk down McGuiniss Blvd, Jackson ave and Driggs avenue. So your standard of luxury is the old communist block. Congratulations you are officially an idiot. Thank you Fox News you just created one more embicile who believes substandard is good enough for luxury.


Mac – first, the original poster is trying (and failing) to parody me as I noted in my post to Mel. Some people just have too much time on their hands.

Second, your comment is a bit difficult to follow. I think you are saying that architecture was a major force in the Cold War. Huh…guess I missed that one. I have, however, traveled quite a bit in the former communist countries, both before and after the fall of the Iron Curtain, and can quite confidently say you have no idea what you are talking about if you think the buildings going up are spitting images of those built by the Soviets et al. How Fox News factors into this is also a mystery, but I guess, like the communists, you can think only in caricature when it comes to anyone who doesn’t think Just Like You.

Now please put away the keyboard before you embarrass yourself a third time.


@david (2) you’re just as stupid as The first David who my post was directed at. I bet that is why he targets you.I’ve traveled all over the eastern block after the wall came down too, All the buildings built during the Soviet era are crap plain and simple. I bet you love the style of the Moscow University buildings which were repeated in Poland, Hungary, Romania, etc..Their ugliness and cheap construction are why they’re being demolished now. You’ll be thrilled when they build a replica of the Bulgarian communist party building in Buzludzha or the forum hotel in Poland or the Makedonium here in Queens. Strange some phony self righteous intellectual like you would have trouble following my post. Dude you’re a bigger embicile than the first David.


Wow…Mac, you are clearly challenged. To equate prefabricated concrete Stalinist structures with this building belies so many levels of ignorance (architecture, engineering, taste, history, economic, logic) that I just don’t know where to start. Clearly, you have learned how to bleat out “Fox News Viewer” to anyone with a different view, just like your pseudo intellectual “Mother Jones Reader” (see, I can do it too!) clones, but not much else. Best of luck to you in life – you’re going to need it.


Mac, you have no idea what you’re talking about when you compare Soviet buildings with buildings being built in LIC and Greenpoint. Those buildings were so horrible that residents who lived in those buildings made fun of them and they had nowhere to move.


Mac, your logic is murky and inconsistent, but let’s see what we can do. So it looks like now you are not objecting to buildings being ugly, but being poorly built. The latter is a more reasonable position to take that I would not disagree with. Apparently your need to win an argument trumps continuity of thought.

Anyway, the article you cite does raise some important concerns, but also has flaws as it applies to this building (which I guess is now asthetically inert in your estimation). First, the article profiles buildings completed right after the crash in 2008. This doesn’t excuse cutting corners, but it does provide a likely cause of corners being cut.

Second, are the developers of this building the same as those profiled in the NYT article, or are you making wildly broad assumptions from a single data cluster about developers in general and across time? Indeed, it seems like the NYT article focuses on a few developers across their portfolio of projects, not the whole industry. I would also add that the NYT has seriously degraded their commitment to thorough investigation to pursue political point scoring, so I would be cautious about over interpreting anything from that paper.

Now, limits to the article aside, yes, there have been issues with new construction in LIC. Some have been in de novo projects, eg, the need to retrofit balconies at the View on Center Blvd, while others have been in projects rebuilding existing structures, eg, the ongoing plumbing issues at Arris Lofts. Construction is a complicated process, and, especially when trying to innovate techniques or preserve existing but old construction, things don’t always go perfectly. From what I understand, TF Cornerstone picked up much of the tab for addressing the former problem without the need for litigation, while the latter is still in litigation (underscoring the diversity among developers).

You seem to feel the need to feel the need to wildly generalize about an entire industry based on a few cherry-picked points (and obsess about communists). There are definitely players in the industry who get in over their head financially or plain don’t give a crap about their product and should be called to task for it, but most are serious about their work and do a good job. Perhaps it is you who should be a commentator on Fox News, since that kind of generalization is what they traffic in. The fact that you need to angrily call others idiots because they disagree with you or note flaws in your logic only further enhances your suitability for that Network and diminishes pretty much anything you have to say here.


@David Hypergraphia is a behavioral condition characterized by the intense desire to write. Forms of hypergraphia can vary in writing style and content. It is a symptom associated with temporal lobe changes in epilepsy, which is the cause of the Geschwind syndrome, a mental disorder. Structures that may have an effect on hypergraphia when damaged due to temporal lobe epilepsy are the hippocampus and Wernicke’s area. Aside from temporal lobe epilepsy, chemical causes may be responsible for inducing hypergraphia….This diagnosis diminishes anything you have to say here.


And, yet again, Mac fails to make an argument, changes the subject, and attempts to insult. Here is my diagnosis of you: extreme immaturity with aggressive, possibly obsessive, behavioral tendencies. Likely to be socially frustrated with a deep rooted sense of inadequacy. Seriously, all that was missing from your post was “I know you are but what am I?”. I am now going to stop feeding the troll known as Mac.


You are all nuts if you think that ugly building that is there now is better than the rendering shown. I building looks much better than what is there


Horrifyingly ugly. Why do Queens developers continue to do this crap? And call it luxury at the same time? Would never happen in prime Brooklyn.


That is actually worse than the two story bland building currently on the site. This is truly monstrous design. There is high demand for luxury condos in LIC, but buyers are smarter than the architect here. This thing will sit vacant for years until it is either converted to crappy rentals or they lower the prices significantly.


Please tell me that the real thing is going to look better than the rendering. I highly doubt it.

LIC Watcher

8 parking spots right on top of a subway station that is one stop from Grand Central. If there is demand for more spots than this building supplies, they can always rent one of the empty spots in the numerous garages by the waterfront.


Why should there be? This is a prime area one stop from midtown Manhattan. The developer paid their own money for it and should be able to do whatever they want with it. Unless they had tax perks.


This area sucks now! And they the builders are getting tax breaks left right and center! Duh Lic dude


If by “sucks”, you mean cleaner, safer, with more to do, eat, and buy without being overrun with chains, then yes, it sucks.


I love old NY and I am tired of developers and expensive condos, but LI City was a dump. It has some serious growing pains and issues but it really has nowhere to go but up. This is really going to put Queens on the map for better or worse.


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