Future development
Oct. 4, 2016 By Christian Murray
Residents of the Court Square district were calling for more park space, better transportation, schools as well as other infrastructure improvements at the first ever Court Square Civic Association meeting held last Thursday at MoMA PS1.
The backdrop of the meeting was the blistering pace of development in the area.
About 20,000 new residential units are expected to be built in Long Island City in the next five years that will bring 75,000 people to the wider neighborhood, according to a report by the Long Island City Partnership. Furthermore, Mayor Bill de Blasio backed by City Planning is about to unveil a comprehensive plan to up zone many portions of the Court Square and Queens Plaza areas as part of his pledge for more affordable housing.
“We want to give a voice to the people who live here,” said Amadeo Plaza, the founder of the new civic group, who wants area residents to have a say in the shaping of the neighborhood.
His new organization has formed five committees that aim to improve the quality of life for area residents and advocate for essential services. They deal with advocating for green space, lobbying for schools, seeking improved transportation services, helping small businesses and promoting the arts.
Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer, who was a panelist at the discussion, said that the city had encouraged a lot of development in Long Island City over

Amadeo Plaza (Source Viewing NYC)
the years but failed to show the same commitment to schools and infrastructure.
“For the longest time, I had heard and people believed that Long Island City would be where a lot of new folks came to rent for a couple of years and then they would leave…and there was this theory we did not need these things [like schools or libraries]. It was unfair to those who moved here and wanted to stay.”
The lack of greenspace in the Court Square area was a big concern for residents. They were looking for creative ways to add park space to the area.
“It is a particular challenge to create green space when you have a built environment,” Van Bramer said. “We have to think outside the box,” he said, referring to concepts such as building a highline or building on top of existing structures. He did not elaborate on these concepts.

The lot
Paul Januszewski, vice president of planning for Rockrose and a panelist, said that Rockrose has been making “the lot” available, the green space across the street from LIC LINC, for community events.
The lot has been used by companies to screen movies, put up sculptures and to host a food market. Januszewski said that the space will also be used by the LIC Flea for its holiday market this fall.
However, the lot is a development site and it will be built on at some stage in the future, Januszewski said. He said there were no plans in the works right now.
The lack of schools in Court Square was a big issue, and residents wanted to know where their neighborhood stood in getting a school. They pointed out that two new schools were recently announced and both are going to be elementary schools in Hunters Point.
Van Bramer said he is committed to bringing a school to Court Square but there is still debate as to whether it should be an elementary school or middle school.
Plaza, the group’s founder, said he was concerned about transportation and said that when the 7 train is down the E train that goes through the Court Square station becomes very difficult.
Furthermore, with the L train in Brooklyn shutting down for 18 months–beginning January 2019–many Brooklynites will catch the G train to Court Square to jump on the 7 train to get to Manhattan.
Van Bramer said that building a new subway system was out of the question and noted that greater ferry service and the advent of Citi Bike has helped. He acknowledged that these modes of transportation moved far fewer people than the subway. He said that there needs to be a select bus system.
“You can’t fill all these apartments and not have a way for them to get to work,” he said.

Councilman Van Bramer
Penny Lee, from City Planning was expected to be one of the panelists, but did not attend.
Asked who in the community is asking for the impending upzoning of Court Square/Queens Plaza, Van Bramer said “the proposal for the rezoning is coming from the mayor, and the Department of city planning.”
Van Bramer said that it is important for everyone to listen to the administrations findings.
However, earlier in the evening, Van Bramer said: “Too often planning is done without the very people it affects,” and added that it has to be a community driven process from the ground up.
Nevertheless, he said, “no rezoning in Long Island City can happen without me approving it first.”
He said that he gave the thumbs down to Phipps Houses in Sunnyside last month, where the developer need a zoning change in order to build a 209 affordable affordable apartment complex. Van Bramer was opposed to it despite strong pressure from the mayor to approve it.
“I have fought the mayor before and have the bruises,” he said.
I applaud Mr. Plaza, but a conciliatory effort doesn’t work in some situations, particularly when the opposition already has plans and permits to do what you are opposing. It would be like Jane Jacobs inviting Robert Moses for tea, while his workers plowed up Washington Sq park. At least the outer portions of Queens have time to prepare.
Continued…. If the MTA was smart (we know they are not) they would have let G service continue into Queens (71st & Continental Ave.) as it used to and shelve the M train, this way there would be no need to transfer from the G through a tunnel to the E. Passengers could get he E at Queens Plaza which is 1 stop past Court Square. The MTA said it can’t run the G and M locals together, so shelve the M. Maybe Jimmy VB should listen to ideas such as these.
Continued…When they build the new Hotel on Jackson Ave. where there used to be small businesses will be a waste of space. Why not small businesses again? When the L train shuts down many more people will use the Court Square train stations. They will find the moving walkways to the E-M and the escalators and even some of the elevators “OUT OF SERVICE” quite often. the 7 train escalators & elevators are only about 2 & 1/2 yrs. old. The MTA did another bad job there.
Continued……For instance, where will people shop? There is a new Hotel to be built on Jackson Ave in a lot that was empty for 5 or more years. There used to be small businesses there, why not again? Who will want to live in a shopping desert and at Capacity transit area Mr. Van Bramer? As was mentioned when the L train shuts down how many more people will come through the Court Square train stations. The moving walkways to the E-M and the escalators to the 7 are out of service quite often.
Jimmy Van Bramer better say no to the Mayor again. Rezoning an already at CAPACITY transit system in LIC is S-T-U-P-I-D. Jimmy V B admits Citibike & Ferry service won’t be enough. People in other area of Queens aare fighting Select Bus Service. It would not put a dent in what we really need, neither would he BQX trolley they speak of. Adding 75,000 people and 34 more hotels to LIC is JUST DUMB>!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lic is nowhere near tiems square density. moderate density is a good thing. we need some density and more pple to come in to court square for there to be some semblance of a functional neighbourhood, or it will end up like pockets of scattered built up area.
low density = suburbia
It’s nowhere near Times Square density currently but it is well on its way with all of this current and planned development.
At the meeting I heard Van B admit transit in the area was at capacity.
Obviously there’s nothing anyone can do about the MTA and adding new train lines, but knowing we are at capacity you would think they would halt much of the planned development. Obviously can’t stop what has already broken ground but isn’t that what city planning is for? Shouldn’t they say NO to things?
I do not understand how people think density is a good thing. Anyone who enjoys density should just move into the middle of Times Square and see how that feels.
also don’t what is the obsession with the Elks Lodge , knock it down already. I don’t know why that building is so special.
someone please tell me why this building is special … don’t just give me a thumbs down … educate me
no real discussion about schools … lot of talk about art which is what we dont need more of in LIC
Jimmy Van Bramer only cares about long island city — bottom line –
The community is small and not that vocal like Sunnyside and Woodside.
Its true and we love it!!