View of the front of 5 Pointz in Queens NY (2013). Photo by Ezmosis/Creative Commons)
July 18, 2013 By Christian Murray
The 5 Pointz graffiti icon moved one step closer to meeting the wrecking ball yesterday.
The developer’s application to demolish the site and erect 1,000 apartment units–370 more than what is permitted under current zoning rules—was approved by Queens Borough President Helen Marshall yesterday.
Marshall’s decision to approve the plan was influenced by an agreement struck on June 26 by the leaders of Community Board 2 and developer Jerry Wolkoff. The agreement followed the 40-member board’s rejection of the plan on June 6.
The 40-member board argued that the development was too large and out of character, made no provision for affordable housing and provided little in the way of art studio space. It claimed that the community should receive more benefits—especially since it would permit Wolkoff to build 370 extra units.
The board’s rejection led to a follow up meeting between Community Board 2 Chair Joe Conley and Wolkoff. They reached an agreement where Wolkoff agreed to provide 75 affordable apartment units with preference for neighboring residents; 20 artist studios (up from the five that were initially proposed); and below market-rate parking.
Marshall approved the plan based on this agreement. “I hereby recommend approval…on the condition that the agreements memorialized in the letter dated June 26 and jointly signed by the developer and CB2 Chair are adhered to.”
The 1,000-unit plan still has to be approved by the City Planning Commission and the City Council. The Planning Commission has until Sept. 14 to make a decision. Upon approval, the City Council has 50 days to vote.
Wolkoff has always had the right to demolish the 5 Pointz building. The issue at hand continues to be whether he can get the special permit to build the 370 extra units.
Ulurp 130191 Zsq 5pointz Cd2 Copy
The unpredictable primary free for all offers many chances for settling old vendettas.
American Catholics rose up from the underglass thanks to New Deal Public Works! Graziano and Avella majored in urban PLANNING! That’ PLANNING as in Putin Soviet! Real Catholics are like Joe McCarthy (whose attorney Roy Cohn was hired by Bowne Park’s Bolan) and Paul Ryan. We won’t vote for Rockafeiler wussbags like Shaftran and Padavan!
Donkey Poodle was a clown, known as Phoney Tony, full of crap from his baloney. Developmentally challenged always major in urban planning and are as boring as Al Gore. Flushing Meadow is soaked full of arsenic, lead, dioxin and asbestos from all the ashes. At least the Vallone brothers have a sence of humor compared to these phoney neurotics. Instead of harassing little old ladies septic tanks in Westchester, why not have all those new engineering schools design a water filtration system and produce green jobs. Free lethal injections for ras-Putin Agents obstructing fracking.
I wonder how much they greased her palm? There has definitely got to be something in it for her. As long as those people of those 375 units stay away from Woodside and Woodside schooling, I could care less.
A Long and Loud Bronx Cheer to Helen Marshall, Betrayer of the People!
Hang your head in shame!
370 units above zoning for 76 affordable units. Bad deal.
Parkland please!
Good compromise. I’m all for more families in the area. Schools are an issue, it’s time for parents to be vocal and advocate instead of whining.
And where are the children who live in any of these 1,000 new apartments supposed to go to school considering that all of western Queens’ schools are already overcrowded?