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Queens Officials Denounce Pro-Trump Rioters Who Stormed Nation’s Capitol

Pro-Trump Rioters mobbed the Capitol Building today seeking to overturn the lection

Jan. 6, 2021 By Allie Griffin

Several Queens lawmakers took to Twitter this afternoon to denounce the pro-Trump rioters who stormed the nation’s Capitol in what many are calling an attempted coup.

The president’s supporters pushed past law enforcement on the steps of the Capitol building, broke into the building and took over the Senate chamber and member offices.

The mob smashed windows and stole artwork and podiums from the Capitol building. One person was shot dead, according to news reports and footage posted to Twitter.

The extremists stormed the Capitol in support of President Donald Trump’s unsubstantiated claims that the election was fraudulent. The break-in forced lawmakers to halt the certification process of the Electoral College votes that will confirm Joe Biden’s victory. Members of Congress were evacuated or told to shelter in place.

Many Queens electeds put the blame for the mayhem at the feet of Trump, who held a rally prior to the riot.

Congresswoman Grace Meng, who was in hiding during the siege, said Trump is fully responsible for rioters.

“He told them to come to the Capitol,” she wrote on Twitter. “He invited violence and put our colleagues, staff, Capitol police in harm’s way. There is no greater interrupter of peace and democracy than him.”

Meng also said that she “was terrified for her life” and even said goodbyes to family members.

Rep. Gregory Meeks, who was sheltering in D.C., said he is safe, but “utterly devastated” by today’s riot.

“The world is watching as the greatest democracy braces against an attempted coup, stirred by its leader who’d rather watch the country burn than transition power,” he tweeted. “Our ability to advocate for democracy around the world will be significantly hurt after this tragic day in America.”

Rep. Carolyn Maloney — whose district spans Astoria and Long Island City, as well as the east side of Manhattan and Greenpoint, Brooklyn — posted a video to Twitter in which she called the riot “extremely disturbing.”

She said she and her staff are safe and sheltering in place in D.C.

Meanwhile, Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez tweeted “I’m okay” and “Impeach.”

Back in Queens, State Sen. Jessica Ramos said the president must be arrested.

“Donald Trump must be arrested and impeached,” Ramos tweeted. She called the attack on the Capitol “a coup attempt.”

Queens’ sole Republican council member also denounced the violence at the Capitol.

“The chaos that is currently underway at our nation’s Capitol is an embarrassment,” Council Member Eric Ulrich, a Republican, tweeted. “People have a right to protest but this is pure anarchy. No American, Democrat or Republican, should ever condone violence.”

Queens Borough President Donovan Richards simply wrote “domestic terrorism” in a tweet.

Council Member Jimmy Van Bramer, who may be eyeing a run for Queens borough president position, also took to Twitter.

“All of the Republicans who shamelessly went along with this coup which drove this violence must be held accountable,” he wrote. “They are a disgrace to this country.”

Police arrested at least 13 people and seized five guns during the violent protest, the New York Times reported. Law enforcement were able to secure the Capitol building by 6 p.m., according to the Times.

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Olga Castro

Democrats are very hipocrites. When the Black matter and the Antifa were burning, looting, killing and destroying business in Manhattan who did you blame? There was anybody accountable for such unimaginable destruction? where was Diblasio?
difunding the police?
Why wasn’t he
arrested and thrown in jail?.
Schumer said “there’s no protest without violence”. Why wasn’t he arrested and impeached?
Why wasn’t the Queen Beauty Maxine Water when she was publicly encouraging her followers to follow and attack all the republican congressman and senators. ” follow them, to the malls, to the restaurants, attack them everywhere, let them know they are not wellcome in America.
If that is not encouragement to subversion and violence, I dont know what it is.


The only person harmed was shot in cold blood by a law enforcement official. The “rioting” was, for the most part, people wandering around taking selfies. A few pieces of furniture were broken up. Compare this to the looting and arson of the BLM riots where thousands of business were destroyed, and which the Democrats fully supported.

It was instructive to see what a bunch of worthless cowards our elected representatives are, cowering in fear from a bunch of people wandering around with little more than cell phones. Our political class is abjectly useless, corrupt and stupid.

Note to Self

Very interesting these peoples sentiments were different when cities were protesting, rioting, and looting during the summer of 2020. Hmmmm


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