LIC Landing by Coffeed
April 12, 2016 By Christian Murray
Sen. Bernie Sanders is hosting a campaign rally at Hunter’s Point South Park next Monday, on the eve of the New York primary.
The event will take place on Monday, April 18, at 7 pm.
Attendance will be free and open to the public. Attendees will be able to arrive at the park for the event starting at 5:00 pm.
The Sanders campaign will be using a significant portion of the park and will be renting space form LIC Landing by Coffeed.
Frank Raffaele, the owner of LIC Landing by Coffeed, heard just 24 hours ago from the Sanders campaign that they were looking to rent the space.
Raffaele, who said his company has no political leanings, is still in the midst of negotiating a deal with the Sanders campaign. He said his goal was to get the campaign to make a donation to the Hunters Point Parks Conservancy as well as provide him with a fee.
“I can see why [Sanders] would want to be at the park,” Raffaele said. “It has one of the best views in the world and offers a very spectacular view of Manhattan.”
This will be Sanders’ second rally in Long Island City, having held an event on Saturday at La Guardia Community College.
Hillary Clinton has also been spending time in Queens. Yesterday she was at the Jackson Diner, located at 37-47 74th Street, in Jackson Heights.

Tickets to Sanders’ Hunters Point South Park event are not required, but RSVPs are strongly encouraged.
Admission is first come, first served. General admission entrance located at Center Blvd off of 54th Ave.
Don’t you worry and never fear Robin Hood will soon be here.
Little John
I can’t wait for this…perfect weather too and on the night before the Democratic primary! LIC will get major props.
I wonder if the crowds will be bigger than for July 4th?
Home video of Uncle Bernie.
There was no reason to post that horrific image
I was at the at the Sanders rally at Washington Square Park. It was insane. It was like a people river. Now hopefully the voter turnout is as impressive.
If BS doesn’t get elected, will you storm White House? Great November Revolution.
Thats Trump talking about his supporters..re-watch FoxNews
I asked what BS supporters are going to do. Focus please
You do realize that there is a whole state voting, not just your personal microcosm, right?
So funny to keep reading how Sanders “badly lags Hillary”. That’s only the case if the super delegates are counted. And super delegates don’t vote until the end. Many changed their votes for Obama, going with their constituency. And the same will happen this time around. Sanders is quite close to Hillary’s number of delegates, and will catch up. She had an advantage because most the early states were the deep south (states that go republican in the national election anyway.)
I am sure Sanders will be the only white man above 30 at the rally.
What a BS! Is this American version of Lenin?
So let me get this right, a person that works hard for a living can’t live in a high rise on the waterfront, is it reserved for Wall Street only? I live in those buildings and I work , and I have a great view, and the rent is not far off from the other buildings on the waterfront
No, they should be reserved for people who can afford them without a handout.
Actually most people that live in those buildings are civil servants, so I doubt they are getting a handout. I do agree most people probably lied on the application. If you can afford a nanny then you can afford market rate rent
With no attempt to insult anyone in this comment feed, but has anyone here actually researched each of these candidates? I urge you, for the sake of America’s future, your future, your children’s futures, not to simply go by what you hear and see from friends, family, and media. Educate yourself. Look at the facts. You can start here: http://presidential-candidates.insidegov.com/
It amazes me the number of people there are who do not do any research for themselves and take things at face value. My family is notorious for sharing completely false, misguided memes or articles that are honestly laughable at times. My aunt recently posted a picture of Trump in his military garb and then Bernie getting arrested. The caption was “Make the right choice America”. My brother then informed her that Bernie was arrested because of his involvement in civil rights. She was astounded. She then went on to say “You can’t believe anything on Facebook anymore, can you?” If people just took the amount of time it takes to post this stupid crap and do some research, we’d have more informed voters.
As of April 10, 2016, Bernie Sanders is polling nationally at 45.8% amongst all Democratic candidates. Sanders is in second place in the polls and 1 percentage points behind the front runner, Hillary Clinton.
I have a question for BS supporters. What will you do if Ted Cruz wins? Start a revolution?
The “Banana Boat Song” will be the new national anthem, no matter whose appointed POTUS by wall street. We’ll still have a s–t for brains senate and congress
Seems like the best Democratic candidate to me (which isn’t saying much). Some socialistic tendencies, but at least he opposed the bailouts and he’s the least likely Dem. to have me arrested for thought-crime.
This presidential race is a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure book, and Bernie is the only good end.
Never has reading a sentence made me so enthusiastic as yours.
I dont think waterfront sites need to be used for affordable housing. Plenty of parcels available in less desirable locations that can be utilized for subsidized housing. I support the building on 44th drive for affordable housing but think its crazy to offer manhattan views in one of the most desirable areas at an affordable rate. I’d love to live on Central Park West or Park Avenue, but nobody is rolling out affordable housing for upper to middle class earners because I’m just as entitled as a multi-millionaire. It’s crazy. I’ll work harder and hopefully one day earn the right to live on CPW. That said, I’d love to live on the LIC waterfront, but I dont because I cant quite afford it. I’m not close to the threshold to apply for affordable housing (nor would I if I was) and I just deal with my current lot in life that I dont get to stare out over the East River and Manhattan. Why should someone else get that because they earn even less.
Hillary Clinton wasn’t able to close the deal with voters in 2008, what makes anyone think she’ll do better this time around. She will say or do anything to be president, and has a political organization that defines dirty campaigning. People inherently don’t trust her, and rightfully so. With Bernie Sanders, what you see is what you get. He stands with working people, and his message will be the same today and tomorrow. I’ll take my chances with that. Sanders 2016.
If Bernie doesn’t win New York handily, his campaign is over. Period. And he most likely will not win New York. I’m a big Sanders supporter, but people need to be a little realistic here.
Maybe all it needs is an indictment….
There are a lot of wall street democrats in NYC but there are also a lot of Jewish people. Bernie is the first Jew to have ever won a primary. And the best opportunity there will be for decades for a Jew to be president. Hype it.
why do you want a Jew to be president? is it important to you?
I am from Poland. He has my vote!
Never lose sight of the road ahead and the importance of Sander’s message. The fact that Sanders has gotten this far has already sent shock waves through America and we will likely see many “Sanders-like” politicians in the future who were inspired from him. There are other big states ahead after New York that we must not lose sight of. New York is worth fighting for. That’s why we all have to band together as Americans and reach out to our fellow New Yorkers in anyway that we can.
Is there live streaming?
Most Bernie rallies start to overflow if you’re less than 2 hours early. If you want a spot close to Bernie you need to get there at least 3h before. Can we please rally together on Twitter and press the media to cover this rally?
It’s going to be an amazing night. The wife and I will be there along with a few friends.
Hillary….is that you again???
Statement Paid for by Hillary
Hillary Clinton pushing the 1994 Clinton Crime Bill that did more harm to Blacks, Hispanics and Middle Class and poor Whites than Richard Nixon’s War on Marijuana. The Clinton Crime Bill is the reason for mass incarcerations of small crime offenders doing long sentences, and helping profits for private prisons. Hillary Clinton doesn’t deserve to win New York!!!!!!!
Clinton is a Republican of the old school. If we can get Sanders in there, we’ll have real Democrats again.
Our Queen has been chosen. All the peasants must submit.
Cant wait to see the pigsty left behind on the side streets after this one.
Only if the Wall Street bankers decide to come. We always have to clean up the messes they leave behind.
Liberal people are generally the cleanest people. When I go to “hippy” concerts, people stay around after the show to clean. There is a “leave it the way we found it mentality”. When I go to mainstream show, absolute mess after the show. It is the “Wall Street” types or “suits” you have to worry about. The jerks.
Let them whine.
“Don’t you worry, never fear Robin Hood will soon be here”
Little John
This is great! I have lived here for over 20 years and am a life long New Yorker. I can tell you one thing. No matter what our politicians think, there is going to be an upset on election day. All over Queens, working class people are supporting Sanders.
Vote for me! I’ll give you free stuff!
Yeah, who needs a well educated population and decent health care like the rest of the industrialized world? Let’s vote for Trump or Cruz and get more free wars, free money for corporate criminals and free misery,
I wonder why this well educated population is leaving their countries and moving to the US. May be health care is not decent.
Hopefully 🙂
You’ve polled everyone in Queens have you? So strange when people think that what they, and all their friends think, must be how everyone thinks. I work, live in Queens and will absolutely not be voting for Sanders. Last I checked, wealthy people work too. The commie-speak is unhelpful and not in the least bit reality based.
Go worry about your hookah lounges
^ Looks like LIC has a few people trying to make America great again, maybe you should attend this and hear what a real candidate sounds like?
And the establishment bowed and prayed to the neon gods they’d made
A bunch of freeloaders will attend the rally.
No, I doubt you’ll see many Wall Street bankers attending a Sanders rally.
They’re too busy making that money to go rally for a socialist. No handout necessary.
But you will see plenty of welfare parasites and assorted collectivists there.
There will probably be a lot of college kids and some more liberal minded people but my guess is welfare recipients are mostly sitting on their butts and don’t even know Bernie is coming.
All of those countries besides New Zealand have an issue with people showing up for a handout.
Ireland has not been in good shape financially. I have friends and colleagues in Scandinavia who say they are having major immigration issues.
No, I doubt you’ll see many oil industry and big pharma lobbyists attending a Sanders rally.
Low I.Q. individuals have short attention spans and get bored easily, thanks for outing yourself!
They also tend to make sweeping assumptions based on few data. Thanks for outing yourself!
You just seem to hate everyone. You are a closet Trump supporter…
Hillary….is that you again?
Hillary ARAMCO Clinton can take her Oil money and shove it.
Do you consider the struggling and shrinking middle class to be freeloaders? Are college kids freeloaders? Freeloaders are not going to rallies. They are busy doing nothing important.
So, going to a rally to see an unelectable, delusional wacko rant about revolution is a good use of time?
I am attending for all the hot single girls. I met so many at Washington Square the other night..
Great….the circus is coming to town. Ironic that he has chosen a spot in front of the affordable housing buildings for his socialist preening.
You need to get a life as well as a grip Mister! A circus really? Oh my good lord, why don’t you go back on your meds and be quiet!
Why are you upset about affordable housing?
Affordable housing is a handout that distorts the rental market. If you cannot afford to live here, too bad.
The “market-rate” towers in LIC would never have been built without plentiful taxpayer subsidies to developers.Are those the handouts you are referring to?
I have no problem with affordable housing as long as it goes to people who need it. These two buildings are full of people who own condos in the city or elsewhere. We know people that sold multimillion dollar homes to rent there. Many people lied on the application and apparently it is easy to do. Many people own cash only businesses and lie about their income. I know this for a fact. Then there were the AirBNB people. I think this should be punishable by jail time or at least a very hefty fine. Tax payers are footing the bill. If you lie, you are stealing, as well as lying, as well as taking an apartment that could go to someone who needs it. Society seems to be heading down a path with no morals, where lying and stealing is winning, and honesty is for losers.
Get a grip! Or at least take a Xanax, it’s not that serious lol
Anonymous. It actually is a big deal.
The guy who owns the condo we rent is living in the “affordable housing” of Hunters Point South… which BTW we weren’t qualified to live in because we didn’t think to lie about our income.
You can’t lump a small percentage into the whole group. I’m sure that some people had strings pulled because of they know certain people.
Moreover, I’m not sure you understand the word “ironic”.
People hear socialism and without really knowing what that means, they think of Russia in the 70’s, and think, “better dead than red”. Bernie is not saying we should become the next China or Cuba. Many happy, successful countries have forms of socialism like…
New Zealand
About how many people illegally enter those countries with their hands out, like so many do in America? Millions? Highly doubtful. Countries with highly productive citizens can afford to be generous.
They have massive immigration issues that are larger in some instances percentage population-wise than we do.
You can’t compare countries such as Denmark and Finland with USA. Those are tiny countries where everyone knows each other. Millions of people don’t move there to start businesses. What BS is proposing is far more radical than what Canada has. If BS succeeds, smart people will leave USA
Here are quotes from an article I read today: “America is the only country where you can come naked with no language and make it in 25 years.”
“The Russians didn’t buy it. There’s no need for America to become more like Finland or France, they said. “They think Finland is just America with free medical care. Finland is good for people who are on welfare for a long time, not if you want to rise up.”
Affordable? I rented a studio apt at HPS for $1997. What qualified me? My YUGE $80,000 a year NYC salary. I moved from a large 1 bedroom @ $1650 in eastern Queens. My reasoning beside the amazing views and amenities – rent stabilization for the life of my lease renewals. Oh wait, guess that makes me a socialist like all the other throngs of rent stabies throughout NYC’s glorious past…
“I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.” – Thomas Jefferson
Sanders got his first real job at 40 years old . Plus he is a socialist communist. Europe is imploding because of socialism. I want jobs so I will go with Trump and be able to stand on my own two feet.
I don’t think the lamestream media will ever prop-up someone who is truly for the individual. They all prop-up an representative of the Military Industrial Complex.
“Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals so that security and liberty may prosper together.” – Dwight D. Eisenhower farewell address, January 17, 1961
Sanders v Trump would be the election the people want. But the oligarchy is doing their damnedest to give us Kasich and Clinton.
Wow. You are truly delusional.