April 2, 2015 By Christian Murray
Assemblywoman Cathy Nolan is calling on the MTA to “rethink” the deal it struck with a development company that paves the way for it to construct a 70 story building in the heart of Queens Plaza.
The proposed tower, which would be the tallest building in Queens, would consist of 925 units and be located at 29-37 41st Ave.
The property was originally zoned for 38 floors. However, the MTA sold development rights for $56 million that allows the developer, Queens Plaza Park Development, to build the 70-plus story tower.
Nolan opposes the deal, which has yet to close.
“The extreme height of this building would be out of character with the neighborhood and not supported by the present infrastructure,” she said in a statement.
However, with the MTA deal, the 70 story building conforms with New York City zoning regulations and the developer is able to build it as-of-right. The MTA claims that the matter Nolan is concerned about deals with zoning.
“I am concerned that as the Long Island City community continues to grow, the demand for basic transportation needs, health facilities and classroom seats are not keeping up with demand. This proposed development will add another 925 units and possibly, by conservative estimates another 1500-2000 people.
Our community cannot take another big development without dramatic improvements to the current infrastructure in transportation, health facilities and schools. I am calling on the MTA to rethink this deal because the quality of life for our community and Queens Transit riders will be seriously diminished.”
The MTA responded with a statement:
“The MTA Board voted on March 26 to approve the transfer of development rights based on the clear benefits for our Capital Program and thus for our growing ridership that depends on our ability to renew, enhance and expand transit infrastructure.”
Stop destroying or quality of life. Stop over building. Greed.
Profitable urban transit, like in Hong Kong, will be possible in the US when the MTA is permitted to re-capture part of the wealth it generates. Also, libertarians are so cute! I love hearing their adorable ideas about how the world works!
But I have to agree here. Regardless of if she’s late to the game to complain, she is right. Trains are already over capacity as it is and with all the planned development in court sq and back towards the river, somethings gotta give.
Socialize the costs, privatize the profits. Go ‘merika!
But it’s the invisible hand of the market! Its never wrong! You can’t argue with something that’s invisible, you simpletons!! Economics!
What’s fishy to me is a sale by a “public” authority to a private developer with little or no prior notice to the public.
Does anyone else feel like this is fishy timing? Why wait until the deal has been completed to make a public statement like this? Surely she knew that negotiations between the MTA and the developer were occurring prior to it being consummated, right? All these politicians are all show, no go.
what an idiot….how many subway stations are nearby? and isn’t it her job to secure those things for the community?
Please tell me one thing that Cathy Nolan has done for the local economy, I can’t recall anything !!!
Hell in donuts alone she keeping like 4 local stores open.
Sorry Steve, the liberal politician has done more to help spur the economy of this neighborhood than any of her predecessors or colleagues. Do you really have an issue with fixing our dilapidated infrastructure before adding to its burden? Oh and by the way, it’s not free market when a quasi governmental body games the system.
How about opening up the repairs to the antiquated infrastructure to non-union work? What ever happened to bidding work out to 3 companies and picking the bid that falls in middle of the price range? Tunnels and highways don’t need to cost tens of billions of dollars! So let’s let the developers keep building but let’s also tackle the outdated infrstructure…
What a typical liberal polictician who will do anything to impede free market growth.
Steve are you embarrassed to be so ignorant?
looks like a big dick. emirite?? I’m only saying what people are thinking!
If your dick starts to look like that you need to see a urologist. When it turns blue and get ridges in it something is amiss.
This rendering is hillarious!
I’m not against development in general but jeez Louise, that thing is monstrous.