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After much debate, Community Board 2 gives Vernon Blvd gastropub the OK to open until 4 am

Gantry LIC location

Gantry LIC location

April 10, 2015 By Christian Murray

The granting of a liquor license for a Hunters Point gastropub was never in doubt but the hours it could operate were far from certain.

Brian Porter, the owner of a new establishment called ‘Gantry LIC’, put forward his case at a Community Board 2 hearing Wednesday that his 47-02 Vernon Blvd gastropub should be granted a license to operate until 4 am.

The board, after hearing about 30 minutes of public comment and much debate, unanimously decided to grant Porter—who also owns LIC Bar– the license to remain open until 4 am.

The battle over the hours was just another example of the pitched battle being waged by Vernon Blvd residents who want to preserve their quality of life by crimping bar hours and blocking the use of backyards—with those who call for fewer restrictions, who argue that Hunters Point is no longer the sleepy town of yester-year.

The hearing, held at the Irish Center, was attended by about 75 people, with most in support of the 4 am closing—although there were still several against it.

Those who wanted the hours restricted cited noise concerns and the likely increase of rowdy late-night revelers. They wanted the bar/restaurant to prove itself as a “good neighbor” before granting it a 4 am license.

However, several attendees supported the 4 am closing on the grounds that Hunters Point is becoming a more vibrant area and that it was unfair to stunt the growth of small businesses. Other attendees spoke in favor of the application based on the strength of Porter’s character.

Porter said that Gantry LIC would be a small bar/restaurant, with room for about 12-14 seats at the bar and dining capacity for about 40 people. He said that the establishment would place a heavy emphasis on food and that he had no intention of using the existing backyard space. He said there would be no live music or DJs.

Porter also said that he was also spending $30,000 on sound proofing the establishment.

Initially, Porter said the kitchen would remain open until midnight, which sparked some debate.

One resident who opposed the 4 am closing hour said the establishment could not call itself a restaurant if it wanted a license for those hours. “Why are you closing the kitchen at 12am and keeping the bar open until 4 am?” she asked.

Meanwhile, Beth Garrett, who lives two doors down from Gantry LIC, wanted the closing time clipped back. “I am in support of curtailing the hours of operation,” she said, as a means to reach a compromise with residents.

Garrett was asked by the board what her relationship was like with Woodbines, the Vernon Blvd. bar/restaurant located next door to her home that has a 4 am license. “They have been very respectful and if we have any complaints we can go directly to them and they respond,” she said.

Some speakers, however, said that with more residents moving in to the neighborhood it was important for small businesses to thrive. “We don’t want to drive people into the city or Brooklyn or Sunnyside—we want to grow as a community.”

Others suggested with population growth, there would be a need for greater services.

The board, after hearing all the arguments, decided to allow Porter to have a 4 am license, although some members wanted him to keep the kitchen open until 2 am. They voted unanimously in his favor.

The board noted that they could call Porter in if there were any problems with his establishment and that he would have to go before the board again in two years when he gets his license renewed.

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Also Anonymous

“Tony” and “Glad”, I’m hoping for the day when proponents of your cause call out your sickening attitude.


The jerks here are the Garretts, who think they should be allowed to control what happens on the main commercial thoroughfare for the neighborhood. Enough of their obstructionism – they should sell, pocket the profit, and leave or STFU.

Also Anonymous

You maintain that continued vicious words personally directed at a family is somehow good. Depressing that there are people that think like you and that I might even pass you on the street or sit next to you at a bar not knowing what a crud you are.


Well, maybe said family should stop being such a cluster of jerks to the community at large. Chucking water out of their window at Lounge 47 patrons is textbook assholery. Reflexively opposing anything to change the neighborhood just because they don’t like change is somewhere between selfish and inconsiderate. Harassing local businesses is not being a good neighbor.

The Garretts, through their actions, represent the worst of the neighborhood. I am sure they see this very difficult differently, as is their right, but, at some point, they will need to realize that they are the dinosaurs and the development of Hunters Point is the asteroid. As a resident, I want to see Vernon transform into something that gives us things to to in the evenings and weekends vs going elsewhere – even, gasp, becoming a destination for residents of other areas to come to to have fun.


So they can remain open until 4, but not sell drinks after 2? Or they can sell drinks until 4am?


They can stay open and serve alcohol until 4 am. They plan to serve food until midnight or as late as 2 am if the neighborhood demands it. One person suggested they earn the right to stay open until 4 am by serving food until 2 am which is absurd.

The owner said he would like the option to stay open until 4 am and would consider keeping the kitchen open until 2 am depending on how busy it is. He said he would close at 1 am if there are no customers. Which makes sense


hmm, I remember CB2 saying “whatever the restrictions are they need to be the same for everyone”. So much for that…… I guess having the late night/early morning drunks at only one end of Vernon was not good enough for these greedy bar owners. And as previously stated in an earlier post, if pedestrian Irish bar food is your definition of “Gastropub” then you will now have 2 “Gastropubs” on the same block.

Tony Atlas

This pain in the ass Beth Garrett can move the hell out of the city. If she’ doesn’t like it. She’s obviously got way too much time to bitch about noise. If you don’t like it, move to forest hills stop bugging small business get a new hobby.

glad to see

Thank you Tony. Some people are so narcissistic. They think Vernon Businesses need their permission. Eff em


I’m a new LIC resident and attended the meeting with an open mind, to listen and observe, primarily. I was impressed with the generally respectful tone of the meeting, and this article accurately sums up points discussed in regards to Gantry LIC. There were far less chairs available than people in attendance, at least in the beginning, but I don’t know if that’s normal or an exception. I’m excited to be here and have only good things to say about all the local businesses I’ve patronized.

Anonymous visitor

Yay. Thanks for all those who turned out and showed support to LIC small businesses!

Free the Yards

If anyone wants a recording of the hearing for Gantry LIC, direct message me on the facebook group Free the Yards and give me your e-mail. I will send it to you via Google drive.


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