April 19, 2015 Staff Report
El Ay Si, the popular restaurant located at 47-38 Vernon Blvd., is on the market yet again.
The restaurant, which had been bought last year by Alexandru Menglide and his business partner, is for sale following a disagreement between the two partners.
Menglide said they are selling the restaurant because they are not getting along—and that it is unrelated to the profitability of the business.
He did not discuss how much he wants for the restaurant or any details.
El Ay Si (phonetically LIC) was established by Xerxes Novoa at the end of 2009 and the restaurant is known for its chicken fried chicken, nachos and pulled pork tacos.
Novoa sold it last year claiming that it was very time consuming.
“You get very attached to them [restaurants]…and have to be around them all the time,” Novoa said.
Current Grade
[Grade Pending]
Inspected on
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How We Score and Grade
Graded Inspections
Ungraded Inspections
Unscored Inspection
Violations recorded in the following area (s) and a Notice of Violation issued at the reinspection conducted on 04/29/2015.
“Critical” violations are displayed in red.
Violation points: 18
Sanitary Violations
1) Cold food item held above 41º F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 ºF) except during necessary preparation.
2) Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking, cooling, reheating and holding.
I heard the the new owners of the Laughing Devil wanted to buy El Ay Si and expand the comedy club since both spaces were so tiny. I guess we’ll see if that actually happens…
wow they just bought the joint
surprised it’s hard work? lol
place is way too narrow in my opinion
I don’t know how that business could pay its bills. There’s never anyone in there and the food is so bad that it fools no one. I don’t think there is a worst food choice in all of Lic, and there’s plenty of bad food around the hood. . This place is on par with gas station/convenient store sushi. The only thing more pathetic than that restaurant is the moron That thought it was a good idea to Buy it. Maybe someone else will buy it and turn it into a real restaurant with food that’s worth eating and drinks that are worth consuming. Good luck selling that turd
I thought someone named Lincoln owned and managed the restaurant. Strange. At any rate, this place has been dead for months. I went there once under the new ownership and nothing changed: same food, same drinks, and same space. I don’t see how they can actually sell a failing business. Hopefully something new will be there that the neighborhood can enjoy.
Is this Lincoln the guy with the smokers breath that won’t leave the patrons alone? One of them wants everyone to know “he’s the owner” If I recall correctly he says ” I’m the sole proprietor of this establishment” Like anyone cares. I used to drink at that place before the last guys bought it. One of the new guys wouldn’t leave me alone to enjoy time with my girl. Smoke breath thought we wanted to talk to him but, we wanted to spend time together and he wouldn’t let us have our date.
I love the last part… Typical NYC restaurant owner mentality… Imagine that? Owning a restaurant is hard work lmfao!!!
I don’t understand.
Interested. How can I reach you?
No shit REALLY???
Hey Danny, how about you open up another shake shack here on Vernon LOL