Sept. 12, 2019 By Shane O’Brien
Council Member Jimmy Van Bramer has endorsed Elizabeth Warren for the Democratic nomination for the 2020 U.S. Presidential election.
Van Bramer made the announcement on Twitter Thursday and called Warren a “true progressive champion.”
The councilman said that he endorsed Warren because she has a real plan to tackle problems facing America. He said that she had an unshakable commitment to the people of America and not to big corporations.
Warren has said that tackling corruption in Washington will be her main priority if she gets elected. She also pledged to expand social security benefits, introduce gun control legislation and guarantee vital resources for the Native American community.
Van Bramer said that Warren will put American families first and said that the country needs her to be president. He said that Warren will fight for workers, combat climate change and make America a more fair and just country.
“The next president of the United States needs to fight for families like mine, and lead us toward an economic future that puts people first,” Van Bramer wrote. “That’s my life’s work and Elizabeth Warren’s as well, and that’s why I’m unbelievably proud to support her for president.”
Warren most recently polled third behind Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders among Democratic candidates in a poll taken by market research company Morning Consult. The company has been conducting weekly polls since February based on the response of more than 5,000 people.
Support for Warren has gradually increased over the summer, according to the polls. She received 16 percent of votes in the latest poll taken on Sept. 8, up from 9 percent when the polls began on Feb. 3.
Proud to endorse Senator Elizabeth Warren for President! She’s got plans to break up big tech, fight for workers, save our planet and make our Country a more fair and just place.
Now if I could just get @ewarren to make a plan to get my husband Dan to take out the trash! pic.twitter.com/KwwzIQNIXm
— Jimmy Van Bramer (@JimmyVanBramer) September 12, 2019
Pocahontis from the tribe of compulsive liars ? ? ⛰
If you’re going to use racial slurs you learned from the president, at least learn how to spell them lmao
JVB and Warren 2 LOSERS !
Are you a child? What adult just calls people “losers” and thinks it’s an argument, other than the president you voted for?
Comments here bring out the trolls and Russian surrogates, Gee, must be frightened by a smart, determined, Liberal woman. Mud won’t stick.
Laughing at the “stupendous” likes for hate speech.
I guess you never lived under communism to know what it’s like. If you knew what it’s like and where it begins, you’d not have posted your racist comment about Russians. Being smart and determined has nothing to do with being a good leader. Lenin, Stalin and Hitler were all smart and determined. How many people suffered because of them – all in the name of totalitarianism, where current progressives are heading. They can’t tolerate opposing views. That’s where it all begins.
Very scary combination. Two comrades in arms. I see food shortages and lines to buy bread just by looking at these two communists.
Little Jimmy is being voted out in the next election. Too selfish over the Amazon issue.
Ah yes a talented speaker that gets a fortune from speaking engagements on how to become a freeloader. I pay 3200 a month in mortgage payments co pays to doctors . Soon to come a college tuition . Forgive my mortgage payments. Stop my copayments to doctors. Eliminate my tax liability . Hey Tacumwah Queen Aquippa or whatever your tribe name is . you’ll get my vote instead of trump.
Jimmy Van JobKiller endorses Pocahontas! HaHaHa
I’m shocked!
JVB tied himself to Warren w the pro-union and anti-big company Amazon movement. Warren stumped in LIC after JVB was able to push Amazon away from LIC. By forcefully attacking Amazon, JVB successfully stopped the deal and tossed aside major opportunities for thousands of Americans in Queens. He used us so he can grab power in his next position. He has to go.
Little Jimmy doesn’t have much of a record with his endorsements. He endorsed Cynthia Nixon for governor and Caban for district attorney. Elizabeth Warren should be wary, his endorsement could be the kiss of death.
What type of sicko clicks the defective thumbs up and down button this many times? My old IPhone allowed me to click the thumbs up and down as many times as I wished. Is this idiot really gullible enough to believe people would fall for this? Get a life.
Elizabeth Warren and No jobs Jimmy… this combination will fail!
JVB stop with the photo ops until you’ve regained the 25K jobs you blocked for western Queens.
Fire Jimmy… JVB must Go!
I stopped liking Warren after she joined the Gillibrand stampede to oust Al Franken.
“Warren has said that tackling corruption in Washington will be her main priority if she
gets elected.”
Corruption, like using a fake ethnic identity to get a high paying job at Harvard?
“She also pledged to expand social security benefits,”
More ponzi scheme!
“introduce gun control legislation”
We already have that.
“and guarantee vital resources for the Native American community.”
You mean her relatives? Lol!!
“He said that Warren will fight for workers,”
No she won’t.
“combat climate change”
A 100% fake issue.
“and make America a more fair and just country.”
Translated, that means taking more money from white people to hand to not-white people. Why can’t politicians ever speak honestly?
Wow, 3906 upvotes (at the time of comment). Nothing at all suspicious about that.
you’re actually making me want to vote for her.
Same psycho posting and thumbs upping himself. A true Trump fan. Trump the Swede.
no where in the article does it mention Trump…please get some help for that…is the Russian collusion in the room with you right now? what kind of things does the Russian collusion say to you when you are alone? Do you feel President Trump is speaking to you directly when he is on the television?
Jimmy van job killer keeps looking or his next job. Maybe Elizabeth will make him Secretary of Bike Lanes or in charge of breaking up Amazon.
No surprise. Writing was on wall when JVB used his opportunity to transform LIC as a political talking point for Elizabeth Warren and her anti-Amazon, pro-union policies. It was more important to demand union stances are considered in Amazon jobs, fully knowing you can’t force a company to do something, than to actually help a community. This powerful stance mirrors Elizabeth Warren and allowed Warren to use LIC as a battleground in political talking point against Amazon’s growth. Pure politics here > opportunity for citizens. Everyone was played.
Independent voter here FYI!!
Union Yes!
“Pro-union policies” I worked in civil service, CSEA, for 11 years with the Town of North Hempstead (TNH) in Manhasset. Before that, 3 years in the IBEW for Long Island Lighting Company (LILCO). I worked with many fine, dedicated colleagues and reaped the rewards (at TNH) of being underpaid (in IT) while reaping excellent career training & good benefits for my family. As with any freedom or forward thinking plan for humanity, there are those who will abuse every opportunity at every turn. This is human nature. There is nothing inherently wrong with being pro-union and much that is good. Unless you want to return to the dark ages of injury & safety concerns, sweatshops, employees treated like cattle…cue up Norma Rae’s Sally Field holding the “UNION” sign.
Nobody is saying union jobs are wrong. But it’s wrong to force a company that won’t unionize to unionize and to the degree JVB did and now nobody has jobs. That’s what was wrong, not the union workers. JVB shoved Amazon out to prove how strong he was on his issues. Now he’s JVB the guy who helped shove Amazon aside.
Great idea, we need someone that will keep these luxury condo developers in check. I forgot Trump was a luxury condo developer when I voted for him.
Jimmy, I know we have issues, but….