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May 9, 2016 By Jackie Strawbridge
A seven-story luxury condominium is slated to rise on 11th Street after the existing commercial building is demolished this summer.
Construction plans for the 42-unit condo, slated for 46-20 11th St., were filed a year ago and approved by the Department of Buildings in January, according to City records. Last week, demolition plans for the existing building were filed as well.
John McInerney of developer 11th Street Condominiums, and a senior vice president at Chatham Development, said that the planned condo will be luxury with mostly one- and two-bedroom residences, and possibly three-bedrooms on the top floors. However, he added that plans are still in flux.
Amenities will also include exercise space, McInerney said. There will also be approximately 20 parking spaces.
“It’s a corner location on 11th Street, which has a lot of [development] activity currently,” McInerney said. “We view it as a core location in Long Island City… You’re an easy walk to the water, easy walk to Vernon Boulevard, easy walk to trains.”
He said that he hopes for demolition to begin in June or July, with construction to finish about 18 months after that.
To TrollPatrol, I am not rich believe you me. I spend very little time on the internet on most days. I am no troll for sure. I comment on what I feel is wrong and unjust.
You all know MRLIC is an internet troll right? He’s so rich he’s retired and spends all day on the internet pretending to be poor.
The real MRLIC since someone has hijacked my name says: Frank the end is near in LIC for the 99% unless things change.
Laugh all you want Frank. LIC is like a house of cards Oercrowded and about to get more overcrowded.
I think you start standing on a street corner in LIC with a cardboard sign that says “The End Is Near!”.
Maybe your idea of a neighborhood is not what the majority wants.Do you want Tall buildings blotting out the sun. More Trash, More over crowded Subways, More traffic etc..etc..etc…Doesn’t sound pretty does it Frank? We need more affordable low rise housing. The infrastructure in LIC can;t handle these extra people.
Oh no! It sound like….like….a city! Those buildings are going to boot out the sun and anger the gods! The earth will crumble under their great weight! Who would have ever thought that a location 5 minutes from Grand Central would ever get crowded or developed? Never saw that one coming!
Maybe what Frank wants in a neighborhood is not what the majority wants in a neighborhood. Large Tall buildings,, overcrowded subways, more traffic. Is this what you want Frank? Many people don’t. You should live in a gaited community.
I agree with you miKE. Too many non New Yorkers living in LIC. I have said there is not enough of anything here for some time on this site.Yes, they are clueless. You did the right thing choosing to leave. The people who come here have no clue what a neighborhood should be.
Oh, please MRLIC, tell us what a neighborhood Should Be. As far as I can tell, Hunters Point has pretty much anything I would want in a neighborhood with the possible exception of restaurants not being able to use their backyards because of a handful of NIMBY dinosaurs.
i have money lived in lic for serveral years but chose to leave
no services and too many out of towner non new york clueless people
Continued… To me people who look down on the middle class & poor and have money are rich snobs. These people are real not imagined.
Sure landlords will cater to people with more money as they are GREEDY. If you read the posts on many subjects on the LIC Post site you can see many people with money look down on the middle & Lower income people. Maybe not Mr_LIC_My_Crack which I wondered about. He may beliee some of what he says, you never know.
Try reading his name out loud, pronouncing LIC as “lick” instead of “el ay see”. It is pretty obvious he is satirizing your rants.
It is not GREEDY to look for higher paying renters; it is good business. Not to do so would be called STUPIDITY.
Continued… If these people came in and worked with the existing residents instead of throwing them out with their money, things may have been different. The rich started some sort of class warfare as they are not well liked. The rich make up the 1%, the 99% are in the majority. As for the person who needs a doorman and a gym for him & his Pomeranian,he is excess and elitism personified.
They are not throwing anyone out with money.
Dude, you need to chill. The people in the towers are fucking middle class, they’re not the 1%. They are just people with jobs trying to get by.
There are people in there who make a ton of money. $400-500K annually. Not 1% ers, but up there.
I don’t have a chip on my shoulder, I am defending the middle class and poor from rich elitist snobby people, who think because they have money they are better than anyone else. These people think they can invade a neighborhood and push everyone out (gentrification). Maybe it isn’t so easy after all. I know many people who resent the one’s moving in like gangbusters.
Resent all you want, but that won’t pay the rent. The people moving in don’t think they are better; they have the ability to pay a higher rent. Landlords, of course, will prefer the higher rent. Not caring that the current residents don’t like that is also not being an elitist snob.
But, please, go ahead and create this imagined horde of elitist snobs if it helps you get to sleep at night. Clearly you are not the sharpest knife in the drawer, since you cannot see the satire of MR_LIC_MY_CRACK’s posts.
We should have a LIC Post comments section meet and greet, at a bar, with name tags. It would be hilarious!
I think I know that MRLIC looks like: http://tinyurl.com/z4wr5hs
The same thing is happening all over Astoria. It’s becoming such a transient neighborhood. It sucks to be honest.
Continued.. Oh and Frank you forgot to mention Trust Fund Babies in that group of Yuppies etc.. If the person who said they need a Luxury Condo for their DOG can afford that, why aren’t you in Manhattan? You seem to like excess and must look down on the Poor & Middle Class.
Angry, hurt, or resentful because of one’s bad experiences or a sense of unjust treatment.
synonyms: resentful, embittered, aggrieved, begrudging, rancorous, spiteful, jaundiced, ill-disposed, sullen, sour, churlish, morose, petulant, peevish, with a chip on one’s shoulder
I bet you to morons see each other every day at a coffee shop and are pleasant to each other. Just meet up already and find out!
Do you really expect my Pomeranian to live in a building without a doorman or a gym? Get real!
To all the Luxury Condo lovers and Large ones at that, I say when you are smothered in by all these Ivory Towers and feel squeezed in side by side .See how well you will like it then, To Frank a movie theater to walk to would be nice for the amount of people to be put in the LIC area.
There will be one someday soon. You know why? The movie theater industry is salivating at the mouth waiting for new places to make more money and I guarantee that when that time comes, you will get your movie theater. Just don’t hold your breath for a bowling alley.
Forget about putting up “Luxury” condos start putting up schools. The ones we have are overcrowded as it is.
We need more Italian restaurants…I will not be satisfied until there is on in every block!
You forgot to rant about brunch and pork this time.
Bella Via has both now.
This is right next to Empire City Iron Works, fyi.
Which means the people who move in will complain about the noise from there, and demand that they not make noise!! From what I read somewhere Empire City isn’t going any where. Isn’t this in a commercial zone?
Yep, right next door. And they are NOT quiet at all!
They’re really nice though. When I walk by they always say hi and wave. What a badass place too
Sadly another Raymond Chan design… LIC needs some design oversight given the number of basic, bland building springing up…
The cheaper the architect the more money in their pockets. Again, this will most likely be a modern spaces exclusive and they suggest these horrible architects. Raymond Chan designs are cookie cutter and average at best.
Isn’t this the air conditioning repair guys?
7 stories??! where are we, Boise?! is this the parking garage for the skyscraper next door?? or is this some architect interns’ first project?
I never go less that 80 stories, makes you look weak.
As I always say,just what we need more Luxury Condos. How about stores and AFFORDABLE HOUSING. How about a recreation area or a movie theater etc…something useful.
By all means, build all that you request.
Put your money where your mouth is and start up a movie theater. You would quickly find that there is inadequate demand for one in the area unless it were similar to the Nitehawk in Williamsburg, i.e. (In your mind) for the RichHipsterYuppieElitistRudeSNOBS.
Like the two giant towers on Center Blvd? With like 5 not to come, all of which could have been prime LUXARY BUILDINGS FOR YUPPIES ?
And the constant flow of new stores and restaurants that have opened up this year, in and around Vernon?
Like that?
I already have a luxury condo, but I need another one for my dog, so I say bring on more luxury condos.
What’s the definition of “luxury”? It seems to be used to alienate locals and oversell average apartments. Let’s stop bandying it about.
What’s the definition of “luxury”? It seems to be used to alienate locals and oversell average apartments. Let’s stop banding it about.