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Straphangers ranks the 7 train the best line in NYC


Sept. 17, 2015 By Christian Murray

The NYPIRG Straphangers Campaign today issued its 17th annual “State of the Subways” Report Card, and rated the 7 as the best of 19 subway lines.

The 7 was ranked number one for the eighth time that Straphangers has been putting out the reports.

Straphangers, a transit interest group, evaluates subway lines on six measures of service: the number of breakdowns, car cleanliness, the number of seats available, the amount of scheduled service, the actual regularity of service and the quality of announcements in subway cars.

“The 7 ranked highest because it was the best in the system on frequency of service and subway car cleanliness,” according to the Straphangers report. It also performed above average on two other measures: “delays caused by mechanical breakdowns and seat availability at the most crowded point during rush hour.”

The line, however, performed below average on regularity of service and subway car announcements.

The report card was based on an extensive review of 2014 transit data.

“Passengers on the top lines – such as the 1, 6, 7, E, J/Z, and L – hands down get a much better ride for their MetroCard than those on its worst, such as the 5, B, C, M or R,” said Gene Russianoff, Campaign attorney. “Disparities abound. Some lines stink; others just need work.”

Russianoff said, “The 5 and the B have been ‘bottom feeders’ for most of their modern careers.” The 5 has been rated worst a total of three times in seventeen years – 2000, 2003 and 2015. The B rated worst in 1997, 1999 and 2015.

In a separate study, the CBC ranked the No. 7 train has having the worst stations–structurally–in the system.

Its study, released Tuesday, noted that 37 percent of the 618 structural components — such as stairs, platform edges and ventilators — in its 21 stations failed to meet the MTA’s safety and performance standards in August.

In contrast, the 6 is in the best condition, according to the report; its 38 stations have only 15 percent of their 1,288 components are not in good repair.



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Anonymous visitor

Exactly. It’s kinda like saying getting executed by firing squad is so much nicer than being drawn and quartered. Can we all just be honest and say how much the subway sucks and demand that the people in charge make it worthy of the city?


I thought the G was supposed to be the worst? It never even shows up!
@Licfan, what time do you go to VJ to get the train? I take it every morning (between 8:30 and 9, depending on the day) and never really have an issue – its when I connect to the 6 that all h*ll breaks loose! 🙂

Shiniest Turd in the Pile

What a laughingstock this city must be to all the rest of the modern world. The arrogance of to bestow the “best” of anything related to our decrepit shithole of a subway system. Is this the best we can do? Pat ourselves on the back in the neighborhood for giving top honors to a more than 100-year-old inefficient subway line? How embarrassing.

good to know

licfan – this survey is for the whole line, not just VJ stop. I am sorry if you think 7 train only runs from VJ to TS.

I have to say, 7 trains improved a lot since the 90’s when the redbirds were still in use. hopefully they finish upgrading the signal system soon so they can fit few more trains in during rush hour


Something seriously wrong with the methodology and therefore the results of this study. Everyday this week I’ve had to wait in an overcrowded VJ platform, 2 or 3 trains go by before I can jam myself into a car. Now with 34 street expansion, Times Square is the same, trains come and they’re already full, no seats, and delays. Used to be at TSQ trains were waiting empty and departing every couple minutes.


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