Yoga at Hunters Point South Park (HPPC)
March 1, 2018 By Nathaly Pesantez
The people have spoken—music, movies and yoga are the top three events most wanted at Hunters Point South Park this summer.
Close to 500 responses were received for the Hunters Point Parks Conservancy’s survey, first released late January, in a bid to get people talking on what they want to see at the Long Island City waterfront.

Results from the HPPC survey. Music received 70.8 percent of responses, movies received 69.4 percent, and 61.4 percent went to yoga and exercise.
The survey went beyond asking for the general events park-goers wanted to participate in, breaking off into specific kinds of activities for each category.
While music was the most popular type of event, with 70.8 percent of responses, jazz was the most desired form of music, receiving 68 percent of votes in the category. Orchestra was the second most popular music type, with just under 55 percent of votes.

Jazz and Orchestra among the top music picks. (HPPC)
As for movies, 302 responses, or 75 percent, called for comedy films to be screened at the park, followed by “award winners”, which got 63 percent of the vote. Family and kids movies came in third with roughly 45 percent of votes.
Yoga and exercise fans want to see general yoga at the park, with 75.4 percent of the vote. And just over half of voters opted for relaxation yoga.
A whopping 81 percent of responses asked for meditation and wellness events to be held at the park, with 205 responses.
Other popular choices include music events for children, salsa and modern dance performances, literary readings, and gardening events over the weekend. Rock and roll also remains a well-liked choice, with 195 responses for it.
The survey also received 86 write-ins for movies, with three responses for classics, and another three for “Anything with Tom Hanks”.
In the conservancy’s “Anything we missed?” catch-all category, 86 responses were also recorded, including “other fitness activities”, which received three write-ins, and “leave space in between events for people to appreciate the quiet and view”, with two.
In terms of how people currently use the park, 396 responses said for “the views” and 370 said for relaxation. Park-goers also overwhelmingly said they visit Hunters Point South several times a week, with close to 239 responses.
Meghan DiBello, an HPPC board member who came up with the survey, said the music results were most unexpected.
“I think some of the most surprising results were the type of music that the community wanted to hear,” DiBello said. “They wanted more jazz and orchestra, when we’ve mostly had some DJ’s and acoustic groups.”
Rob Basch, HPPC president, said the number of responses is encouraging.
“We want to have an engaged community,” Basch said. “And the survey shows they’re engaged in the park.”
Basch said the survey results will be put into action this summer, with programming beginning in June. Free yoga will be available three times a week, with a Lululemon and Yoga Room session on Saturday mornings.
A movie schedule and summer kids programming are also being worked on, but in the meantime, the first Silent Disco event has been set for June 10, in a free event sponsored by Councilmember Jimmy Van Bramer (D-Long Island City).
For details on upcoming events and programming, visit the HPPC’s website.

(Source: HPPC)
The FAKE MRLIC wrote the March 1, 2018 comment on Bowling Alleys & Trump as usual.
I stuffed this ballot with 4000 ballots voting for more bowling alleys, how did this not show up in the results?! These HPPC rigged these polls even more than the Russians rigged the the election for Trump!
give Mr. JVB alot of money and he will make it happen – lol
The polls are rigged because the “Coffeed” beer hall wants loads of music–days and nights, with a party atmosphere perfect for the tow beer dispensers on the elevated park built viewing and rest areas–no more, as loud music is blared day and night and Sangria stands dispense without ID checks. It’s a front–including this ersatz “poll.”
Noise complaints follow the beer hall HPPC–the conserving is our peace and quiet rights in exchange for their cash payoffs.