Oct. 5, 2014 By Christian Murray
The owner of an Astoria ramen restaurant is opening a location on Vernon Boulevard.
The restaurant, which is expected to be called Tamashii Blue, will be located 47-36 Vernon Boulevard.
The ramen restaurant will be owned by Jhon Cho, who owns and operates Tamashii Ramen at 29-05 Broadway.
The announcement comes weeks before Mu Ramen, a highly-touted ramen shop that had operated out of the Bricktown Bagels, opens at 12-09 Jackson Avenue.
Cho said he plans to open his Vernon Boulevard restaurant in March. The restaurant will seat about 25 to 30 people—a little larger than the 22 seats that Mu Ramen will have.
Cho said that he decided to open a Vernon Blvd location since there has been a lot of demand from Long Island City customers. He said many Long Island City residents call his Astoria restaurant hoping to place an order that -due to distance–he is unable to meet.-
Cho, a Korean national, has been in the US for 16 years and has worked or owned restaurants since. His father is Japanese while his mother is Korean. His mother operated a restaurant in Korea for more than 30 years, he said.
For more information on Tamashi Ramen, click here.
Katy, you’re not supposed to “Like” your own comment.
Actually I want to know who are the f..ers that don’t allowed outdoor spaces. WE WANT OUTDOOR SPACE IN VERNON BLVD!!!!!!!!! HOW HARD IS TO DO IT????
I’ve had both. No contest, Mu blows it out of the water. Not to say Tamashi is bad. This will be the Fornino to Paulie Gees. Inferior? Perhaps. Bad? Not at all… the waits at Mu will drive hungry diners to this place. I think there’s room for both.
Mu is much better, but with a 45 minute wait for 2 people at 6:02pm on a Monday night (that just happened), I will hit Tamashi up
Let the Ramen Wars of LIC commence! With Mu and Tamashii opening this fall there will be plenty of bowls for everyone!
yay welcome to the hood!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh and.. I’m excited for the new addition… Welcome Tamashi!
Oh come on, does EVERYTHING have to be about that damn outdoor space? I as much as any customer would love to have outdoor space as an option, but it doesn’t make or break a restaurant. I’m getting so sick about hearing about the damn outdoor space as though it is the main problem with why some restaurants aren’t doing well on Vernon Blvd…. I’ll tell you why some restaurants aren’t doing very well… it’s because the chef’s need to work on their food and the quality they are serving.. it doesn’t matter where you are or how your restaurant looks, if you have good food people will come point blank.
Tamashi has only been open in Astoria for 1.5-2 years
I hope there’s no backyard or they will hound him to the ends of the earth because God forbid some one on vernon blvd should sit outside and eat food or enjoy an alcoholic beverage. It’s so disappointing that so many places don’t get the opportunity to use their open air spaces because a few people seem to wield so much political power which seems to scare the crap out of the community board. If the community board made decisions based on the communities wishes as opposed to a couple of people then I think it would be a much more dynamic neighborhood particularly Vernon which constantly struggles to attract customers from the Centre Blvd buildings. But of course the “community” board has our best interests at heart. Just scared shit**** to actually make a decision that would upset the usual politically connected few who constantly stand in the way of progress. . I think we all know who they are!!!
I was there last weekend and we really liked it. Funny I was thinking of telling the waiter that they should open one in LIC.