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NYS Parks to Revisit No Pets Policy at Gantry Plaza State Park in Upcoming Meeting

Gantry Plaza State Park just north of Pier 1, where a posted sign says dogs are not permitted. (Photo: Nathaly Pesantez)

June 22, 2018 By Nathaly Pesantez

The New York State Department of Parks will discuss updates to the dog policy at Gantry Plaza State Park at a community meeting next week.

The state-run park, which spans 12 acres from about Center Boulevard and 50th Avenue to Anable Basin, is largely off-limits to dogs. Some areas, however— including the plaza area in front of the gantries, and one of the piers— do allow leashed dogs.

NYS Parks says it is tapping into the community now to figure out a coherent dog policy at the park.

“The park was constructed in phases with community input regarding the dog rules for each phase,” said Leslie Wright, NYC Regional Director. “Now that the park has been fully constructed—including two dedicated dog runs within the park—NYS Parks is checking in with the community to find the best balance for permitting dogs in this 12 acre riverfront park, and synchronizing the pet policy within the park.”

The Hunters Point area, while swarming with dogs, has seen conflicts over the years between dog owners and other park-goers.

Rob Basch, President of the Hunters Point Parks Conservancy, said there will be people that are in favor of an updated policy allowing dogs in more areas within the park, as well as those who may reject the idea outright.

“The idea is to find a happy medium that makes it better for everyone,” Basch said.

A “dog-free zone” sign at Gantry Plaza State Park. (Photo: Nathaly Pesantez)

He said this issue has been discussed with NYS Parks for several years. Community members have expressed concerns over dog owners not following the rules, owners not cleaning up after dogs or leaving residue behind, and little to no enforcement from the state. Still, there are plenty of dog owners who would like more space for their dogs, Basch said.

Some Gantry State Plaza Park-goers would not like to see dogs at the state park—period.

“I hate it,” said Diana B., a Center Boulevard resident for six years, while at the park with her children. “I think it’s already bad enough. I see dog poo smeared all the time, so the policy should stay.”

Others, however, think it’s about time that the park allowed dogs in more places. Hunters Point Park, for example, allows leashed dogs in most areas. Dogs are not permitted in some spaces, including the children’s playground, the oval and LIC Landing.

“It’s unfair,” said Alexandria Zapata, a 20-year-old Astoria resident who was about to enter the park with her dog. “This is for everyone— it’s such a central point where everybody goes.”

Michael M., a dog owner and a Long Island City resident for the last 10 years, said its ridiculous that dogs are restricted to certain areas within Gantry Plaza State Park. He also dismissed the notion of dogs leaving residue on grass and other portions of the park as a potential problem for some.

“That’s what nature is for,” he said, noting that soil has natural bacteria to “take care of that”. “Are they going to ban pigeons because of their pigeon poop, too?”

NYS Parks said there are no new rules at the park for public release yet, as the new pet policy will not be finalized until the agency receives community input.

The community meeting, organized by NYS Parks and the Hunters Point Parks Conservancy, will take place on June 27 from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Plaxall Gallery, located at 5-25 46th Ave.

Along Hunters Point South Park on Center Boulevard about a block away from Gantry Plaza State Park. (Photo: Nathaly Pesantez)

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Here’s a thought. Register the dogs and take a test to show you can respect the rules. I’m not allowed on the tennis courts until I register and pay a fee (and I’m pretty sure I don’t take dumps in the middle of the courts.) Let dog owners register their pets and pay a fee (for the pet, not them!), then give them access. If they violate the rules, fine them and take their registration away. Just like with drivers, you don’t say ‘Ok, go drive, then prove to me you know what you’re doing’. You have to get the license first.

This way all respectful dog owners will be allowed in, and those that aren’t will be fined and/or kicked out. The cost of the license can pay for the enforcement (since there’s not enough as-is.)


As mentioned in the below comment, fines should be imposed on dog owners who don’t curb their dogs, it’s a simple solution- Zero tolerance! Now a $1000 fine is pushing the buttons, people urinating in public don’t get charged a fine that much so let’s be realistic and logical. Compromise is key we should allow dog owners and their dogs to walk the pathways because as mentioned in the community meeting even the ferry allows dogs on it (in order to access the ferry I need to walk on the pathway) and have some areas where dogs are allowed on the grass.


Well, if dog owners all claim to be perfectly responsible, then there is no problem, right? So then, since they’re all responsible dog owners, they wouldn’t have a problem if fines for canine related infractions go up, say, to $1000. That first off leash and uncleaned poop offense be fined at $1000, and subsequent offenses be an additional one grand each, with no cap. IMHO, that would get people to obey the law and responsible dog owners can get their way.

John Brand

Do your research dogs are aloud in all city parks and can be off leash at 9pm at night by law.


I don’t pay the steep price of rent for myself and my fur baby to not enjoy the outdoor park; that’s right there, two steps away from my building entrance. I’ve lived my entire life by Astoria park and we’ve never had these kind of restrictions (if you feel I should move guess what the park was created in order to attract people to move to the waterfront and that had allowed dogs bc they knew that was key to having people move there). One of the main reasons I agreed to move out here was to be able to continue to sit out on the grass with a book and hang out with my fur baby on a hot summer day. I understand applying rules such as having a leash on all dogs but to limit the walking area that’s absurd! Dog owners should be courteous and clean after their pet. What the NYC Park staff should enforce is to ticket dog owners that don’t curb their dogs!

John Brand

For the people complaining and saying dogs are not aloud in the park you are wrong hps accepts them if you learn to read thebig green park sign says dogs must be licensed and vaccinated so just stop already don’t like it move like i have said.

Hunters point south park is dog friendly:Rules and Regulations By
New York State law requires that dogs be vaccinated against rabies, and the New York City Health Code requires every dog owner/attendant carry with them proof of current dog license and rabies vaccination while in public. Dog owners may be fined for violation of these laws. To obtain an application for a dog license, please visit the New York City Department of Health website

Longtime LIC Resident

I’m a parent of a child and a dog. I understand the park’s rules and mostly agree that we need some dog-free zones because sadly, some dog owners are not respectful of others. I don’t want my child crawling in the grass where a dog went to the bathroom. For my dog, I like the idea of being able to walk him on the paths along the waterfront, but I do not think he should be allowed on the grass in certain areas. I’ve seen repeated destruction of vegetation in areas of the neighborhood from dog overuse and it’s pretty gross. Our neighborhood has become very crowded, very quickly and will continue to do so in the coming years. We need to respect one another and not make the issue, people are better than dogs or dogs are better than people. I hope in a place like LIC, people can be civilized enough to come up with a plan that makes the majority of residents happy.

John Brand

Um there is pesticides and bird shit goose shit bugs and lots more and you are worried about the dogs lmao move than simple as that dogs are allowed in the hps park thats a fact.


I don’t pay the steep price of rent for myself and my fur baby to not enjoy the outdoor park; that’s right there, two steps away from my building entrance. I’ve lived my entire life by Astoria park and we’ve never had these kind of restrictions. One of the main reasons I agreed to move out here was to be able to continue to sit out on the grass with a book and hang out with my fur baby on a hot summer day. I understand applying rules such as having a leash on all dogs but to limit the walking area that’s absurd! Dog owners should be courteous and clean after their pet. What the NYC Park staff should enforce is to ticket dog owners that don’t curb their dogs!

John Brand

Why should my dog walk near the street i will walk my dog stitch in hps all i want cuase i am aloud to don’t like it move it’s that simple.

John Brand

Oh yeah dogs are aloud in hps and most parks just ao you know so live with it or move.

canine style

I usually take my twin pitbulls for a quick stop on the kids playground to take a dump, then to the dog run so they can smoke blunts while they hump other dogs. SORRY NIMBYS

Cassandra S.

You may be joking but there are people who do things like that which is why this is an issue. So, not funny.


Just rename the whole park the gantry dog run, then dog owners won’t use it and will demand to walk their dogs somewhere else. Problem solved

betty Gonzalez

Nothing worse than the smell of dog urine on a hot summer’s day. There is a dog run, that should be sufficient, there are very few places in this concrete jungle to relax and enjoy. I don’t want to smell, see or step on dog poop and great that some owners are responsible and not all…blame the irresponsible dog owners for so many being against dogs having access to the whole park. I think the dog run should suffice and the rest of the park goers ought to be able to enjoy the park without barking and concern over laying on dog waste that can spread parasites.

John Brand

Hey idiot people’s dogs have gotten sick from the dog run like mine i don’t let my dog in there ever again you act like you know everything.


My kid got sick at school once. I will never let my kid go to school again. Idiots.

takes one to know one?

“And stop calling people idiot. That is what children do.” – brooklynmc, a little further down the page

Non of ya biz

takes one to know one? Freedom of speech is a thing don’t like it leave america liberal.

John Brand

Oh also what you think they use to make grass grow idiot they use animal shit.


Actually, fertilizer is made with the waste of animals who eat grains and/0r vegetables. We do not use the waste of meat-eating animals to fertilize our lawns. Any gardener knows this.


The astroturf circle at night is a private “I will do whatever I want because I am arrogant” dog owners club. Astroturf does grow. And stop calling people idiot. That is what children do.

Non of ya biz

Dude you arr a idiot thats a fact trying to dictate what others can and can’t do you are a true liberal.

John Brand

All the people disliking my comment are bad people who clearly don’t know anything about dogs like i said my dog lives here to the park is for him to why should we have to walk our dogs near the street and sidewalks also animals fertilize the land maybe people today should get a education.

Mr. Crabapple

Clearly you did not pay attention in class. The lack of punctuation, misuse of words (my dog lives here “too” John). D-. See me after class.

John Brand

Grow up fool i will rigjt as i please you aint no teacher more like a jerk picking on someone with dyslexia.


This is why you are so angry and so alone, with only your little dog to keep you company. We’re just trying to help you, John. It’s never too late; illiteracy is not an unsolvable problem.

John Brand

I don’t need your help you don’t even know me the only illiterate ones is you and all the butt hurt liberals who keep attcking me and others over are dogs you know how many times people like you come up to me and bug me this last week while walking my dog like 5 mind y’alls own buisness leave us and are dogs the hell alone we dont bother y’all so don’t bother us.

Jill Smith

That was very rude ans ignorant to say to john you sont know him you ignorant person.


Well the problem is, we over here at the City end of the park have to take everyone’s dogs because they can not walk in The State Park. We get all the mess. As for the dog run comment, with dog flu and other things, I just do not use them. I know people work very hard to keep the dog runs very clean, just I am very careful with my puppy. Most dog owners do follow the rules, but there are exceptions. They let their dogs run free, it’s not a matter if the dogs are friendly or not, it is how do I know my dog will get along with a UN-leashed dog? A leashed dog can be controlled. Allow dogs in Gantry Park, why should the city side have to get it all. We are a dog community weather or not anyone knows, most of us have dogs. So open up Gantry for the puppies and lets all be responsible dog owners and clean up after our pets.

James E

I believe that it is up to us to tell everyone that dogs are equal to humans. Without equal rights dogs will struggle to find their identity and live up to their full potential. When we limit where dogs can create piles of poo then we are telling them that aren’t as human as we are. Stop the prejudice. I wish Jimmy would put together a march for this!!


“Most of us have dogs” is not even subjective. It’s just factually incorrect. Most people do *not* have dogs in this area. Most people don’t even have pets! Sure, lots do, but not ‘most’ by any definition of the word.


It’s really pathetic that some people have the time to clear their cookies over and over again to provide multiple up or down votes on comments.

John Brand

To the people complaining you don’t own the park and if you dont live in hps by the park you have no say also the park belongs to everyone all life that includes dogs and all animal’s.


The park belongs to the people of the state who paid for it, not all of the rich people who just moved in and think their dogs can crap where ever they want. Just have your dog walking service take them somewhere else


With the amount of trash they leave behind, it seems logical to ban humans from the park.


The residents of LIC as a group have not proven that they are mature, responsible pet owners. Yes, some are, but many are not. I have lived on Center Blvd for 5 years and l;etting your dog pee on a building and letting it run across the sidewalk or even letting your dog pee in the middle of the sidewalk is unacceptable. Every single day there is poop on the sidewalks when I walk my kids to school in the morning. I don’t care it is only 5-10 percent of the dog owners that are dumb and selfish. That is enough to ruin it for everyone. NYC should force a maximum pet policy for buildings. Our elevators smell like wet dog and there are always mysterious wet spots. I love dogs but NYC is a terrible place for large numbers of dogs.

bad management

sounds like this is more of an issue for your building management. My building has a ton of dogs, and our facilities (elevator, etc) do not smell.


I like dogs but it would be nice to have one section free of k9 waste/Oder and a nice grassy area to lay that’s not contaminated. The problem is some dog owners don’t respect that and use the ‘service dog’ loop hole to do what they want. Others simply ignor the restrictions knowing that there is zero enforcement. At night those dog free grassy areas become huge dog runs for those who don’t feel the rules apply to them. Honestly no matter what concessions the parks department makes there will always be dog owners that do what they want and very little can be done. To be fair most dog owners I see do respect the rules.


At night, the kids playroom your kids use also becomes a teen hangout with syringes, alcohol, sex, and urination upon equipment. But I guess you didnt know that


Not sure what your point is, maybe your trying to justify bad behavior by pointing out worse behavior, maybe your one of the offenders, idk. Regardless the park at night needs more attention to address all rule violators.

The Instigator

The no dog policy seems to be the only rule they enforce throughout the entire park… The disgusting mariquana and cigarette smoke cause much more of a nuisance then any dog would. Not to mention people having sex in public and teenagers drinking and doing drugs in the kids play area at night which i have spotted at both parks. Either enforce all park rules or dont have any rules, dont pick and choose!


I’m amazed at the flagrant use of marijuana in the park, like it’s legal or something. Not just the HS kids either, adults. Guess it’s the same old story, whether dogs, pot, littering, or whatever, people only think about themselves and nothing else.


Actually it’s not legal yet for recreational use, just decriminalized for medicinal purposes. Regardless public consumption in either case is still illegal and at minimal a quality of life issue. The times are changing, it will be legal for recreational use but as of yet it’s still illegal.

John Brand

Wrong you can smoke recreational guy but if you have over a once you get a ticket i smoke pot for medical reasons sounds to me you never smoked pot so shut up.

puff puff.

you can’t smoke in public legally – not even in Denver or Cali. It is decriminalized. Either way, I agree that it’s not a big deal – and hardly a “quality of life issue” and is likely to surpass most other pharma in terms of actually helping people while helping to fund the government if they ever made it federally legal. Canada has it right – the US gov is sitting on wads of cash from CO that they can’t spend until they legalize federally!


Don’t let facts get in the way of your clouded opinion.. lol. It’s not legal for recreational use or public consumption. Look it up.


Some people who “smoke for medical reasons” are really smoking pot to escape reality because they can’t handle life. For them, it’s an escape. (John?)

John Brand

SuperWittySmitty i am for pot or can you not read.Ok smoke as i have epilepsy and weak bone syndrome i never aais anything bad about pot or are you blind.And no i smoke to keep me from having seizures not to escape reality or cause i cant hansle life you need to learn how to read.

John Brand

And yall are wrong pot in nyc is decriminalized which means it is legal.


Our mayor picks and chooses which Federal laws New York should enforce, so yeah im not surprised…

puff puff.

To be clear, decriminalization of marijuana is not the same as legalization of marijuana. Decriminalization means that a state repealed or amended its laws to make certain acts criminal, but no longer subject to prosecution.

John Brand

To be clear you do not know what you are saying and clearly dont smoke or touch weed you can carry weed in nyc and so weed as long as it is not around these amounts guy.
Up to 25 grams – civil violation that incurs fines but no jail time

25 grams to 2 ounces – up to three months in jail and/or $500 fine

2 to 8 ounces – up to one year in jail and/or $1,000 fine

8 to 16 ounces – 1-4 years in prison and/or up to $5,000 fine (mandatory prison time for second offenses)

16 ounces to 10 pounds – 1-7 years in prison and/or up to $5,000 fine (mandatory prison time for second offenses)

10 pounds or more – 1-15 years in prison and/or up to $5,000 fine (mandatory prison time for second offenses)

Up to two ounces without payment – up to three months in jail and/or up to $500 fine

Cultivating or selling up to 24 grams – up to 1 year in jail and/or up to $1,000 fine

25 grams to four ounces – 1-4 years in prison and/or up to $5,000 fine

4 to 16 ounces – 1-7 years in prison and/or up to $5,000 fine

16 ounces or more – 1-15 years in prison and/or up $5,000 fine

(Selling any amount to a minor – 1-7 years in jail and/or up to $5,000 fine.)


I have a dog in LIC. Would It kill me to NOT have my dog allowed in the park, NO! In addition, I don’t want dogs in the state park. Dogs are already allowed everywhere else.


I don’t own a dog but feel the park should allow dogs in it. Dogs are allowed in HPS Park, and it works fine.

John brand

Well they sre not really the park people just do not care cause they love dogs in hps park


The real problem is not dogs in the parks, but rather LIC’s ridiculous rules that allow for such a huge density of dogs combined with an obvious lack of respect for ones neighbors.

John Brand

brooklynmc so you even live in long island city if not mind your buisness this aint about Brooklyn.


Leave some areas untarnished by pets….. there are a large number of people who do find it repulsive to sit on the same grass a dog has pooped on

John Brand

So dont come in my neighborhood and stay oit our park cause my dog has a right to be in the park.


It’s not YOUR park! The park belongs to the entire community. I’ve had it with the sense of entitlement that dog owners have with the open space in the neighborhood. There should be at least one place in this neighborhood that we can be free of dogs. My response to those of you who feel your dog needs more than the dog run, MOVE to where you can have a yard. I have watched as dog owners walk through Hunters Point Park and Murray Playground with their dog off leash, as it wanders far away from them. It’s the same as the owners who blatantly allow their dogs to pee and poop in the garden areas throughout the neighborhood that are clearly marked with signs stating that dog urine and waste kills plants. Your dog is not a person and does not have then same rights as a human regardless of your feelings. There are leash laws and the NYS Parks system has a right to not allow dogs. There are many parks in the state system that do not allow dogs. This is a state park not a private park for only those who live on the waterfront.


Lack of punctuation and grammar makes you look like the idiot. Let me correct your sentence: Hey idiot (comma)dogs are the entire community too (correct spelling)(period) You(capitalized) sound ignorant.

John Brand

One i grew up on a farm animal waste helps nature grow dimwit go get a education on plants i alao was a landscaper was you i think not you have no clue what you are even saying.


As the daughter of a landscape architect and gardener I actually do know quite a lot about what I am saying. Dog urine kills plants as it is uric ACID which burns the plants. There is a difference between you dog poop and cow manure. Just because you were a landscaper doesn’t mean you know everything. And since you grew up on a farm, why not go back, your dog will have plenty of space to run around. You are a prime example of the entitled dog owners that have taken over this neighborhood. It’s your way only, no room for those who do not want to deal with dogs while enjoying the park.

OAR's son

As the son of OAR I actually do know quite a lot about what I am saying. Dog urine is a natural fertilizer and OAR’s father works at the TGI Friday’s in Times Square, he was never a landscape architect.

John Brand

Oar stop lying you dont live hear 23 years thats a lie cause thats the number idiots like you always use also no it don’t kill plant life you aint a duaghter of no landscaper you just saying that cause i told you i use to landscape i had a license for it fool.also dogs are allowed so just shut up or move.
Hunters point south park is dog friendly go read the green sign guy in the park.Here are the rules for dogs.
Rules and Regulations
New York State law requires that dogs be vaccinated against rabies, and the New York City Health Code requires every dog owner/attendant carry with them proof of current dog license and rabies vaccination while in public. Dog owners may be fined for violation of these laws. To obtain an application for a dog license, please visit the New York City Department of Health website

John Brand

Oars son we know thats just you dude you just a troll with no life for real making a fake name under a name you already have lmao


Dog owners don’t follow the rules now, what makes people think that they will miraculously begin following the rules if the dog areas are expanded?


The real problem is that police don’t enforce the laws. Smug, irresponsible dog owners are just as bad as smug irresponsible parents.

Non of ya biz

The only troll is you this post sont include Brooklyn ghetto traah like you.

John Brand

My dog has rights to just like you if you dont like it get out of my neighborhood or if you live here move you don’t own the park all life has a right to the park


Please show me where it is written that your dog has rights and what those supposed rights are. There are laws that apply to dogs such as leash laws and curbing your dog, but I know of no other rights. You keep telling people to get out of YOUR neighborhood, but why don’t you move instead? And since you live on the waterfront I’m willing to bet that you haven’t been in the neighborhood that long. The sense of entitlement that I have noticed with newer residents is really disheartening.

Non of ya biz

Shut the hell up my dog lives here just like me dont like it get out of the neighborhood and move away yes my dog and others dogs has the right to be in the park oh and you dont know john loser john has lived here like 5 years dimwit and he actually walks and cleans up after his dog.BY way you sound of like you dont live here so see your way out this convo loser.


Actually I have lived here for 23 years, have no intention of leaving and have watched my neighborhood become filled with a bunch of self entitled people who think because they pay a lot of rent they have a right to determine what happens in this neighborhood. As I said before, you don’t like it move. Your dog has plenty of space and if you feel that the dog runs don’t suffice go somewhere else. Why should those of us who live in this neighborhood and don’t own dogs have to have everything go to the dogs so to speak. As I said before, show me where it’s written that your dog has the right to be in the park just because you live here.

John Brand

I am not rich scumbag and i clean up after my dog and i lives here a long time now like 5 years and yes my dog has rights and if you don’t like it move away where there is no dogs guy.

John Brand

Oar who cares you aint the only one who lives here clearly you dont like change so maybe you should move again i will bring my dog where ever i please and where ever he wants to go lets see you stop me fool.


First, I’m a gal and why should I move? Am I supposed to give you a medal because you do pick up after your dog as the law says? You’re the one who feels the need for more room for your dog so why don’t you move where you can have the space you need for your dog? Did you not take that into consideration when looking for a place for a place to live? There is a reason I do not own a dog, I live in an apartment. And as I said earlier your lack of grammar, punctuation and name calling does not reflect well on you. As for living here a long time, I think 23 years beats your 5.

Non of ya biz

Also i nor john said anything about needing more space you clearly dont live near my park if you lived here 23 years so shut up for one and we all knoe this aint just about the state park assholes like you just want to push out the people with dogs well screw you go move away where you will not have dogs like lets say Manhattan or the country.


I agree that the dog owners have a sense of entitlement. There is one young woman in particular who allows her dog to defecate in front of people’s homes. She does not clean it up and is probably too new to NYC/entitled to even realize the homeowners have to clean it up themselves or get a ticket from the Department of Sanitation.


Non of ya biz, the fact that you don’t understand that wanting to be able to let your dog be in Gantry State park is saying you want more space for your dog says it all. In addition, I do in fact live near the park and remember when it was built, which at first was a really nice secret, know by only the residents of the neighborhood, long before the over development of this neighborhood. As for moving, I’m not sure why you think Manhattan would have less dogs, let alone the country. There is limited park space in this neighborhood for the numbers of people who live here and plenty of space has been set aside for dogs. If I chose to own a dog in this neighborhood or any neighborhood I would train my dog to pee and poop at the curb and would be respectful to those who live in the neighborhood who are not dog owners. I would also not expect to be able to take my dog every where I went.

John Brand

Oar nor me or john or anyone said anything about being in gantry i dont even like that park cuase stuck ups like you be in that park and we all know this is not just about gantry y’all people are after hps park to well i live here lets see you stop me from being in my park at hps my dog is licensed and vaccinated so you can mind your own buisness.

John Brand

Also oar thats why my comments being moderated cuase this site is ran by a stuck up biased people like you who don’t like the truth tossed at you.

John Brand

No we are not the same guy can you prove this no and i use my real name i sont hide who i am cuase i can give two cents what you think of me get some brain’s

Dog lover. Dog owner hater

No Dogs in the park! There are 4 dog runs in an 8 block radius. Look around the streets for evidence of poor dog owners. Plus the safety factor for children. There have been 2 children bitten by pit bulls in the last three years.

Non of ya biz

i live in hps no pitbulls have attacked anyone you lying the only thing that has happend is dogs getting in fights with eachother so stop lying.

John Brand

Look at that my comment saying there was no dogs attacking people in this area it gets deleted so clearly lic post likes ro hide the truth.


Good aware pitbull owners already know dogs are banned from Gantry, so clearly the ones currently bringing their dog their dont care about breaking park rules as much as they dont care about watching after their dog. Not every pitbull is aggressive and there are good pitbull owners in my building and LIC that watch after their dog.


My elderly 82 year old mother was scarred by a dog in our elevator that jumped up onto her. I also have small children and some dog owners think it is OK to walk there dogs right up to my kids. It is not OK. I don’t know your dog. My relative is a plastic surgeon. He gets a ton of children with dog bites to their faces.

Non of ya biz

Stop lying you clearly from Brooklyn
brooklynmc your namw says it all thia is aint about Brooklyn ita about long island city parks


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