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MTA failed to get message about LIC ‘Post-It-tivity wall’


Nov. 22, 2016 By Hannah Wulkan

Community members working to promote LIC’s positive vibe through the placement of post-it messages on the wall at the Vernon-Jackson subway station were disappointed last night when they discovered an overly zealous MTA cleaning crew removed their notes from the wall.

Inspired by the Post-It wall at Union Square, several Long Island City residents began a similar “Post-It-tivity wall” in Hunters Point yesterday. However an MTA cleaning crew took down the Post-Its last night, despite the group having permission to decorate the wall.

“One of the reasons I thought it would be nice is to have it as people exit the subway station to come in to LIC and see that our community is inclusive and accepting and tolerant,” said organizer Kate Revill yesterday, before the Post-Its were taken down.

Before beginning the process of putting up the friendly notes, local resident Kadie Black spoke to the 108th precinct, the transit authority, and Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer’s office to ensure she would be allowed to put up the notes and they would not be removed.



A group of local girl scouts put up the first batch of notes yesterday afternoon on a wall on the Queens-bound side of the station, and a group gathered to begin filling out the wall around 8 p.m. last night.

“You hear of some people in the neighborhood and city and really throughout the country being targeted with hate crimes, and we’re all just trying to do a little bit to counteract that and make sure that there’s more good vibes than there are bad vibes,” Revill said.

Around 11 p.m. last night, a community member posted in the Facebook event that she saw a cleaning crew getting rid of all the notes from the wall, and when she asked them about it and said that there were permits in place for the wall, the crew said that it didn’t know about any permits and the notes constituted defacing of property.

Though the post-it wall was taken down, several community members said they are determined to rebuild it.

Black said that organizers are contacting the MTA, and working to secure permission to put up more Post-Its without them being removed.

To keep tabs on the project, visit



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Pedro Valdez Rivera Jr.

I wish that every single subway station will be just like the one under 14th street in Manhattan. Now, it will be part of the New York City Folklore for the rest of our own lives.


Wow, I’m really saddened to see that that someone trying to bring some positivity into a commuters day is getting trashed by all these people on the internet. I think it’s a great way for people to share their hope which would have clearly been needed no matter which candidate became president.


Many MTA workers prob went for Trump, based on demographics. Unsurprising it was ‘mistakenly’ removed.


*yawn* when these hillary lovers gonna move on and get a life? 306 electoral votes to 236, done deal.


The Fake MRLIC is at it again. The November 23, post about he post-it’s was done by him. I thought he was done posting as me. I guess not.


I am outraged that the MTA would remove this beautiful display!

Post It Notes are a huge part of my life. Just a few examples:

The note on the wall facing my toilet that says “WIPE”
The soggy note in my shower that says “STOP! You’re gonna chafe.”
The note by the door that says “Say goodbye to Mommy.”


This seems like a waste of space, future litter, and an invitation to some fairly nasty uncurated notes. Dumb idea…the sanitation crew had the right idea.

Adios Hillary

It’s a subway station, not a kindergarden classroom.

There’s enough litter in the subway already.


Dave Chappelle had it right. We just elected an internet troll as President of the United States. Sounds like your kinda guy. Congratulations on your victory. Now bask in the glory by breaking the hearts of girl scouts and spewing your venom via internet comments.

Adios Hillary

Girl Scouts are heartbroken when they’re told not to litter now? Guess I’ll have to buy an extra box of their cookies next time to cheer them up. How many have you bought?


yes weeper I was going to work, unlike you probably some basement dwelling Liberal still crying at home over Hillary’s loss. get a life, they only fall off the walls and create more trash on the floor.


Yes, taking the train to my job and your probably a basement dwelling liberal who’s still crying over your Hillary loss.


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