Police outside 45-40 Center Blvd Tuesday following shooting (Citizen)
Jan 27, 2021 By Michael Dorgan
A 26-year-old man was shot twice in Long Island City Tuesday and the suspect remains at large.
The victim was shot by a suspect in a black jeep who fired off four gunshots following a heated argument outside 45-40 Center Boulevard at around 9:10 p.m., according to police. The man was shot in the left leg and stomach, police said.
The 26-year-old’s condition is not known, although cops said he is still alive.
The victim was shot while he was on the street arguing with an individual in the black jeep that was parked up. Shortly after the argument began, a suspect in the jeep fired off the shots and the victim slumped to the ground.
The jeep then sped off southbound on Center Boulevard, police said.
It is unclear what sparked the argument, although police said the victim had got out of a white sedan and approached the driver just prior to the shooting.
Shortly after the shooting, a passenger in the white sedan pulled the wounded man into the car and they drove off.
The victim, who is from the Ravenswood Houses NYCHA Complex in Astoria, was then driven to Cornell Hospital with his gunshot wounds.
No arrests have been made and the investigation is ongoing.
– This appears to have been an escalated fight between two people. Not some random attack on a passerby. Not sure why you’d feel less safe walking around this very safe neighborhood.
– The plea of “where were the cops?” is ridiculous. Do you expect there to be a cop on every block? Do you want to live in a police state? This kind of thing happens in all big cities. Police can’t predict where every crime is going to take place and position themselves there.
– Quit blaming Blend. They attract a crowd from all over — unlike many of the other Center Blvd establishments — and have put a lot of effort into being good neighbors and mitigating situations where a customer is being loud/obnoxious. It’s not fair to paint with such a wide brush.
Why’d we feel less safe? Maybe because someone was firing a gun on a busy street that’s surrounded by residential apartments and public space. This isn’t one incident but rather a new event in a series of behaviors that have many concerned. It’s not even the first shooting in the area. I agree the police can’t be everywhere but proactively policing has kept a lid on crime for decades. Now we have an impotent police force because of the anti police movements. I agree blaming blend isn’t right as they do a decent job of respecting their neighbors and can’t be held responsible for the actions of a few (hmmm too bad people didn’t take that same approach with police and white people instead of painting THEM with the same broad brush like systematic racism and white privilege). I’ve lived here for a long time and the change is obvious, I can see why people feel unsafe, there are quite a few problems in the neighborhood of which some are chronic. I wouldn’t recommend anyone making a rash decision but more and more people I know are moving or considering moving and I don’t blame them. When you add it all up it’s tough to stay.
The problems stemming from The Blend have been escalating all year and anyone who lives in close proximity to it can testify to that. People drinking, doing drugs in the street, the drag racing up and down Center Boulevard – it all started with The Blend. I can’t tell you how many times I have filed noise complaints related to that situation, and when do the police show up? Usually at sunrise to enjoy the view. More police now before someone gets killed. And if it doesn’t change – The Blend will have successfully chased this 8 year TF Cornerstone resident out of the neighborhood.
No doubt from the usual collection of garbage at The Blend.
Residents those buildings need to put pressure on TFC to not renew Blend on the Water’s lease. This is another in a long history of violence related to that establishment. This should be a safe environment.
I’m new to the area and surprised at all the comments about Blend. The few times I’ve eaten here, the staff seemed nice. What am I missing?
This incident is really crazy! I walk on the block of the shooting all the time and never felt unsafe. But I’m going to be way more careful now.
This is crazy!!! We need more police presence!! Why should we be afraid to walk at 9pm in our neighborhood. The Pct is a few blocks away!! What are they doing ?? Sleeping on the job. Holy crap. They need to step it up !
If you supported blm and the democratic narrative all summer that demonized the police and made martyrs out of criminals then I feel little sympathy for you. The police had their heads kicked in literally and figuratively and now you expect them to be proactive? Wait until the summer comes, it will get worse, and it will take a long time before the cops take the blinders off. If you didn’t support the mob then either accept the consequences of their actions or move.
Hmmm, little strange that a black Jeep was stolen earlier that evening, maybe 2 hours prior, in Manhattan around 63rd and 2nd or 3rd. Wouldn’t be too much of a stretch for the guy to steal it just over the bridge and then come to LIC and do the shooting. Hmmmm
Right by Blend. Gee, what a coincidence.
Is that Blend on the Water in the background? That place has become a real magnet for trouble.
They left out the part that they are frequent visitors of Blend on the Water. Maybe they should rename the restaurant Gun shots on the Water with a new slogan of “Hey Give Us a Shot!”
What’s your source?
Blend employee has entered the chat