(Photo: Rafael Gonzalez)
May 26, 2016 By Jackie Strawbridge
Long Island City residents will once again enjoy their front-row seats to Manhattanhenge, a biannual event where the sun aligns perfectly with the Manhattan street grid, with a viewing party organized by the Hunters Point Parks Conservancy.
Manhattanhenge was popularized by the renowned astrophysicist and Hayden Planetarium director Neil deGrasse Tyson. Writing for the American Museum of Natural History, he called it “a rare and beautiful sight” that creates “a radiant glow of light across Manhattan’s brick and steel canyons.”
The first Manhattanhenge event this year will take place this weekend. Residents can join the two-day “LIC Henge” viewing party at LIC Landing on Saturday starting at 6 p.m. or Sunday starting at 4 p.m.
“It’s the most spectacular thing,” HPPC vice president Mark Christie said. “Parts of LIC actually light up.”
The event is free and open to the public. There will be DJ music on Sunday, Christie said.
A photo contest will run throughout LIC Henge. Participants who tag their shots of Manhattanhenge with #LICHenge will be entered to win a surprise gift.
“People come from all over to take pictures,” Christie said. “The bridge between the Gantries aligns perfectly with 42nd Street so that’s the most popular spot.”
Manhattanhenge will peak on Monday evening, according to the AMNH. The next event will take place in July.
A “Newgrange Festival” is also planned for this weekend, as DNA Info noted.
Presented by the New York Irish Center and Film Fleadh Foundation, this event will include a talk by astrophysicist Jackie Faherty, a research scientist at the AMNH. An evening of Irish music will follow to accompany the Manhattanhenge sunset.
The Newgrange Festival takes place on Saturday at Gantry Plaza State Park at 7 p.m.
Balls, you seem to like that someone stole my MRLIC handle. It is just STUPID. Anyone’s handle can be hijacked, even yours. Password protection is needed on this site. The fake MRLIC usually mentions Bowling because I had brought it up a few times.
The fake MRLIC is also a lot more entertaining…perhaps an improvement?
It took more than 4.5 billion years, but sunsets are now a thing. What’s next? Marveling at air?
Been watching this from LIC since 1994… No hipsters involved!
This is just one more example of politicians greed influencing the sun to set down 42nd street. Shame on you Trump. Bowling anyone?
I love that you stole MRLIC. IMPOSTER!!!
Leroy, I have been to Chichén Itzá for the equinox and even that was overrated. NYC is awesome, LIC is wonderful, Manhattanhenge, I cringe even writing that, is an attempt to commercialize something that is nothing. If you want to market something, market the beautiful sunsets that happen in LIC everyday. Turn Coffeed into a well-run establishment with lofty goals. That place should be hopping with live music and people from all over the city. Ferries should be pulling into a lively party. Manhattan could be jealous. It could be one of the best bars in the world, but instead, it is super boring with very average food.
They should call it Hipster douchebag fest.A gathering of hipsturds from The middle of the Country where they can marvel at the sunset.Get out from behind your computers and lift your face from.your I phones you zombies.Its nothing more than a ploy by LIC businesses to get you to go down there and spend money.
I think you mean semi-annual.
@brooklynmc: You just don’t get it. All good though.
Leroy, I have been to Chichén Itzá for the equinox and even that was overrated. NYC is awesome, LIC is wonderful, Manhattanhenge, I cringe even writing that, is an attempt to commercialize something that is nothing. If you want to market something, market the beautiful sunsets that happen in LIC everyday. Turn Coffeed into a well-run establishment with lofty goals. That place should be hopping with live music and people from all over the city. Ferries should be pulling into a lively party. Manhattan could be jealous. It could be one of the best bars in the world, but instead, it is super boring with very average food.
Leroy, I have been to Chichén Itzá for the equinox and even that was overrated. NYC is awesome, LIC is wonderful, Manhattanhenge, I cringe even writing that, is an attempt to commercialize something that is nothing. If you want to market something, market the beautiful sunsets that happen in LIC everyday. Turn Coffeed into a well-run establishment with lofty goals. That place should be hopping with live music and people from all over the city. Ferries should be pulling into a lively party. Manhattan could be jealous. It could be one of the best bars in the world, but instead, it is super boring with very average food.
Any excuse for a party is a good excuse, in my book.
This whole Manhattanhenge is ridiculous. “It’s the most spectacular thing”… you need to get out more. “A radiant glow”… blah, blah, blah. Sorry, don’t need to be a party pooper but this party is lame.
You need to spend some time outside.
Maybe some people enjoy it? You don’t have to like everything other people may enjoy.