Mayor Bill de Blasio at City Hall today (Ed Reed/Mayoral Photography Office)
April 23, 2020 By Allie Griffin
Hospital admissions for coronavirus patients in New York City are continuing to go down, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced today.
On Wednesday, the number of people admitted to New York City hospitals with coronavirus symptoms was 227, a marked decline from figures of two or three weeks ago. For instance, on March 31 there were 850 admissions for the virus.
Other indicators the city is using to track the spread have also decreased.
The daily number of COVID-19 patients in ICUs at the city’s 11 public hospitals continues to drop. Yesterday, there were 796 patients being treated for the virus in the intensive care units at public hospitals. On April 14, there were 887 people in ICUs for coronavirus.

The percentage of people tested for COVID-19 that have positive results has also gone down citywide to 33 percent. One week ago it was 47 percent.
Meanwhile, the percentage of people testing positive in public health labs was 57 percent, a decline from previous weeks.
De Blasio said the numbers indicate that social distancing measures are helping New York City fight the deadly virus.
He said New Yorkers must continue to stay at home and social distance — despite the progress.
“We can’t let the natural desire to go back to normal life interfere with our efforts to defeat the virus,” he said. “This is not a battle we can fight alone; the choices ordinary New Yorkers are making at every hour of each day hold the key to fighting COVID-19.”

Agreed, total fraud, liberal hoax as Trump said. Be proud, don’t bend the knee: go outside without a mask, in very large groups, and inject yourself with Lysol! Otherwise, you don’t believe in the very stable genius leading the pandemic response.
Sure, he waited a few months after he found out in January. And SURE, he’s encouraging millions of American’s to “protest” quarantine and gather in large maskless groups.
But Democrats are to blame because you called them “miserable roaches” and because…wait I’m sorry did you have an actual reason?
What a bunch of frauds. Constant goal-post moving and continued denial that the real evidence is now clearly showing this is just another flu season. But hey, Orange Man Bad, so let’s make sure millions suffer as a part of our political vendetta. The media and politicians, Democrats especially, have truly revealed themselves to be miserable roaches.