June 4, 2020 By Allie Griffin
The New York City Comptroller is calling on Mayor Bill de Blasio to slash more than $1 billion from the NYPD budget over four years — as the city faces a looming fiscal crisis and many are calling for police reform.
Comptroller Scott Stringer penned a letter to de Blasio today requesting he cut $1.1 billion from the NYPD budget over the next four years.
Stringer said the city must act to fight systemic racism within law enforcement, beginning with the budget.
“Breaking down structural racism in New York City will require long-term, lasting change — and that must include reducing the NYPD’s budget,” he said in a statement.
He made the request as New York City is facing a whopping $9 billion deficit due to the economic fallout of the coronavirus. De Blasio has proposed cutting the NYPD’s current $5.9 billion budget by just 0.31 percent, Stringer said.
He said some of the money taken from the department should be redistributed to underserved communities most impacted by police brutality and ravaged by COVID-19. It would also help the city to stave off cuts to other essential services amid the deficit.
Stringer said his plan involves cutting the NYPD budget by 5 percent each year, or about $265 million, beginning July 1. The savings could be achieved through modest cuts to the number of cops and cutting overtime and other expenses such as equipment and technology.
Stringer has been calling for all city agencies to cut their budgets by 4 percent as a means to help the city manage the deficit.
The comptroller said the city should suspend hiring new police classes in the next fiscal year and cut uniformed overtime by five percent.
The move would reduce the number of officers through attrition by 3 percent — bringing the expected headcount down to 35,000 officers by the end of next fiscal year. The number of officers on the street averaged about 35,000 between 2011 and 2016 when crime declined to historic levels, Stringer said.
A group of more than 200 current and former mayoral staffers have also called on the mayor to slash the NYPD budget. They wrote an open letter calling for de Blasio to cut the budget by $1 billion in fiscal year 2021 alone.
Never shy around a camera or microphone, NYC Comptroller and 2021 Mayoral wanna be Scott Stringer can stop wasting taxpayers dollars issuing a series of useless audits and reports including those critical of the MTA and various municipal agencies. What he will not tell you is that he travels around town by car with driver and police security detail rather than a bus or subway. Give up your police security detail and municipal vehicle. Unlike the millions of New Yorkers, he doesn’t own a Metro Card and use public transportation on a daily basis. Do as I say, not as I do is his motto. With term limits, Stringer is just another term limited career politician using the NYC Comptroller’s office perks current position while seeking yet another public office. As a former State Assembly member, Manhattan Borough President and currently NYC Comptroller — he has never worked an honest day in his life.
Larry Penner
I fully agree contemporary police forces in the United States need to be reformed and re-trained. That said, the dialogue of significantly minimizing or eliminating police forces is uneducated, juvenile, and just plain stupid. Just think for one second of all of the lawlessness and evil that goes on around NYC and the country at any given moment. Do we really think better funded community programs will curb child predators, drug trafficking, domestic violence and gang violence just to name a few? Come on people. We have tested this liberal experiment for too long and time and again it proves to be regressive not progressive.
Yeah, cutting the police budget in an era of relentless political and media agitation that promotes anti-white racism, hatred and violence, all under the heading of “fighting system racism” which is itself a colossal fraud. What could go wrong? Dinkins-era crime rates, here we come.
Dinkins-era crime rates is being optimistic. I’m foreseeing it being Beame-era crime rates. I know nobody probably knows that name because most of the city are transplants who have only lived here for a hot second and haven’t been down this road several times before. “Fear City” here we go again.
Actually, NYC’s crime rate was highest in 1990 during Dinkin’s mayorship, not Beame’s. Following national trends in other major US cities, the crime rate in NYC has steadily declined. Despite spikes here and there, crime in New York remains definitively lower that it’s been in decades.
sorry how is that anti-white racism again? another very stable genius ?