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Carolyn Maloney to join Hunters Point Civic Association next week for a town hall-style meeting

Brent O’Leary, president of the Hunters Point Civic Association (left), at food drive

March 3, 2017 By Hannah Wulkan

A community meeting will give LIC residents the chance to share concerns with their political representative.

The monthly Hunters Point Civic Association meeting on March 10 at 6:30 p.m. at the New York Irish Center at 10-24 Jackson Avenue will function in part as a town hall meeting with Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney. It will also take time to address a gun that was found in Hunters Point South Park earlier this week.

“The town hall will give her a chance to speak on her legislative priorities and what the situation in D.C. is like under the new administration, and will be a chance for people to express their concerns and needs to their representative,” said HPCA president Brent O’Leary.

One of the leaders of the local activist group LIC Opposition Melissa Lirtsman said that she and other members are very excited for the chance to speak with Maloney, and ask her to be more vocal in her opposition to President Donald Trump and his agenda, and expects about 10 or 15 members to attend.

“She has years of service and a great voting record, but we think she could be more vocal in her opposition to Trump and more accessible to her constituents,” Lirtsman said, claiming that following the election Maloney was fairly quiet on issues regarding the new administration.

The LIC Opposition group focuses specifically on concrete actions to local politicians whose districts include Long Island City accountable and push them towards a more progressive agenda. Last month, the group hung “Missing” signs, asking to locate Maloney and Senators Kirsten Gillibrand and Chuck Schumer, who had not yet held town halls in the area to speak with constituents.

In addition to functioning as a town hall with Maloney, the HPCA meeting will also address the discovery of a gun in Hunters Point South Park on Tuesday Morning.

According to O’Leary, a community member found the gun while walking their dog in the park around 9 a.m. on Tuesday morning, and immediately reported it to the police.

An officer from the 108 precinct confirmed the discovery of the gun and said it was not linked to any criminal activity, but said that he was not allowed to speak further on the matter given that it was still under investigation.

For more information on the meeting see the flyer at

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James Edstrom, I agree with you 100%. I had no idea things were getting that bad over there. Wwo, that is a sad picture you painted. to OAR, my friend went to one of these meetings and said it was not all that good and the Community Board & Mr. Van Bramer will do what they want anyway. If more people are made aware through the LIC Post and other social media change might be affected. The PEN is mmightier than the SWORD. Our Politicians including Ms. Maloney and JVB don’t care what we think. All of these Pols need to be voted out. Trump is not the problem as the mone would be pocketed and or wasted on some Pepto Bismol looking statue or some BS Jackson Ave “Beautification Barriers” where you can’t ,make left turns coming out of certain blocks.


MRLIC and Frank, will you be there this evening to voice your concerns? Now is your chance!! Or will you be like a lot of people who love to complain but don’t do anything about it? I plan on going and listening to what she has to say. I’m more concerned right now with the tremendous amount of money that is being spent on guarding Trump Tower and not being reimbursed by the federal government. Those are my NYC tax dollars that could be put to better use.


Unfortunately I was still at work at 6:30. Plus, I try to avoid contaminating myself with bought and paid for shills like Baloney.

james edstrom

Mr OAR, you are so right. Not one of them there to say what they said here….. lol

james edstrom


I do agree with you. But I wonder if this is coming from the Congressional side or the city council. I watch a huge amount of City Council meetings and one project after another they approve. It is going to be a nightmare listening to those pile drivers when they start construction on the new buildings in Hunters Point South. We have no good supermarkets and the ones we do have go for every dime they can get from us. I do not drive, but I watch my friends looking for hours for parking. The city for one reason or another refuses to even put garbage cans around Hunters Point South Buildings. Litter is getting out of control, Graffiti is being plastered all over the park. Since I am up most of the night and live in a no smoking building, I see crime. I call and either no cops show or they show too late. One night I called, they caught people loading their cars with food and beer and everything else from the restaurant they stole and they made them put everything back and let them go. Cars are being broken into needles I keep seeing in the park when I walk my dog and I get yessed to death when I complain. I spoke to James a while back, I guess he is now the former Deputy Inspector of the 108th, and it seems it just is getting worse. I can not imagine when we get another 5000 apartments down here. The city has never understood that with all these new buildings there is a cost to quality of life. And since it’s a public park, everyone from everywhere is coming here to drink, do drugs etc. Mornings are a horror with all the broken bottles and litter and we are lucky we have a great park staff. Why on earth would we need 61 hotels, NYC has always been the same. We have some great real estate years then it crashes. The crash is coming soon. How about going back to the old days and have the cops walk the beat and know the residents? I always feel like it’s us against them. Sad.


I think the issue is that the 108th’s territory was defined before at grown or western Queens. Perhaps the precinct should be split, with new ones founded in Woodside and Sunnyside. That would allow the 108th to focus on Hunters Point. Of course, I would not underestimate DaBlowhard’s rollback of broken windows policing so he can pander to the far Left. Crime is what happens when you elect politicians who think the police are Tools of State Oppression.


Mr. Edstrom,I don’t know if you really know how important the over development of LIC is to it’s residents. We don’t want overcrowded streets and trains. There aren’t many places to shop, just places to eat. The nearest movie theater is the Kaufman, near the museum of the moving Image near Steinway. At LIC’s current pace with 61 hotels planned and countless Luxury condos towering above us blotting out he sun, we can’t let this happen. ms. Maloney should not let his happen either. We should be a TOP priority. Definitely worth more than Pandas.


James Edstrom, Frank is right, what has she done except fighting for the Pandas and watch greedy real estate moguls over develop the LIC area without proper infrastructure planning.

James Edstrom

I have been with her while she fights for gay rights, women’s rights and other things. She works hard. There are other things to do to make New York a great place besides fighting with Trump. Trump is a losing cause, he’s a train wreck ready to happen. I do not base my opinion on news reports, I have known the guy for 25-30 years. I even did photo shoots in his apartment and attended parties there. No matter who’s in the White House, Carolyn Maloney still has to try to make New York better everyday. Tell her what you think at meeting, she always listens.


James, it is nice that Baloney stands up for gay rights, but her primary responsibility is local issues. On this count, she fails miserably. Plus, don’t you live in Brooklyn, or do you just sue housing not for profits there?


First of all Frank, I am suing a landlord that abuses tenants, is run by convicted felons, look it up. They ignored my pleas to stop drug dealing. When I moved, their property manager was arrested for money laundering for a Heroin cartel. Yet they keep getting one city contract after another. St Nicks Alliance gets away with living off the dime of taxpayers. They hired the biggest law firm in the country to fight me, innocent landlords do not do this. We already have proven our case of abuse, but they keep getting delays, they ignore subpoenas, and my lawyers bill is up to 120 thousand dollars fighting a landlord run by felons. The politicians in Brooklyn refuse to listen, I went before the city council and they ignored my pleas. So we will be filing in Federal Court to force the city to take away their contracts. I live In LIC now for two years. I am not happy with the new buildings that will be built in Hunters Point South either, I think the rest of the land should have become a park. And Frank, how about using a real name, at least I can know who is attacking me. At least I have the guts to show you who I am….. Coward!


Your real name is Anonymous? Oddly paranoid parents, or do you just post under lots of screen names?

Oh, and according to the news, you sued because other tenants were “bullies”, not drug dealers. Please keep your delusions straight here. You sound like a narcissistic snowflake either way.

And, yes, my name is Frank.

James Edstrom

At least have the guts to post your real full real Frank.. My old landlord in Brooklyn St Nicks Alliance is run by convicted felons. Joseph Robles Sr And Joseph Robles Jr are both convicted felons. They also live off the taxpayer in their private business. Read the NY Post story here. All St Nicks Alliance’s buildings are supported by the taxpayer, one way or another. You say not for profit, look up there salaries on Guide Star, in the hundreds of thousands of dollars each. Seems that’s a profit for sure. I lived with mice and rats, daily abuse from their racist tenants, daily abuses from St Nicks Alliance employees and the more I asked them to stop the abuses, the more I asked them to fix the apartment, the more they abused us. Yet after going in front of the City Counsel and Steven Levin with my complaints, they ignored me. And the contracts keep flowing into St Nicks Alliance. One after another. They forged my leases and a city employee testified I did not agree to several things and I also had the originals. Yet the city refused to take action on the forgeries. The city refused to take action on the conditions in the apartment and it’s business as always for St Nicks Alliance. I complained about the drug dealing, they told me I had to be very careful or I could be sued for slander. Well look at the news a while back, their property manager Haydee Cordero was arrested for money laundering for a Heroin Cartel. How they kept the fact that she worked for them, shows their power in Brooklyn with the media. They are refusing to give us videos from their security cameras, they refuse the security books, they ignore subpoenas and they refuse to give us the e mails between Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz and Michael Rochford Ex Director of St Nicks Alliance. My lawyers bills are now around 120 thousand dollars. They hired the biggest law firm in the country Gorden Rees, and their tactic is delay delay delay.
I plan on filing in Federal Court Writs of Mandamus and Prohibition to force the city to take away their contracts. So Frank, you do not know me. How dare you attack me for suing a not for profit. They are clearly a for profit, look at their salaries, they are clearly a slum landlord, which is iconic as they are always fighting other landlords claiming they are slum lords. My day in court is coming close, the jury will see these convicted felons for who they are.

james edstrom

Hey Frank, why don’t you get a life. Here is the link to St Nicks Alliance Property managers arrest for money laundering for a heroin cartel. All my e mails have been turned over as evidence in the trail for my case and many talk about the drugs, Some weekend NY Daily News Editor cut down the story to fit more ads. Here is a link to Haydee Cordero, my property manager. Seems like you like your tax dollars going to a crooked operation like them. But I am sure you are one of those Paul Ryan types, knows everything but really knows nothing. Did not see you at the town hall meeting, your all talk behind the computer screen, complain and complain, but when given the chance to tell the politicians what you think, you don’t have the guts to show up.


Hmm…which article does your name actually appear in? Yep, the one about you taking a not for profit (see the first line of the article) to court for not protecting you from bullies. In the other, you must have been operating from the shadows (or are just plain full of crap). Seriously, James, you are out to lunch.

I have attended plenty of town halls in my years in the neighborhood as schedule permits. Generally, they are pointless affairs as our “esteemed” public representatives slither around avoiding answers so they can tick the box and get back on their knees in front of their donors.

james edstrom

Carolyn Maloney is one of the best we have in Congress. Have known her for years and she fights for everything that is right. If you think shes missing, call me and I will get her…lol


Maybe Malone should focus on issues that matter to the day to day life in the communities that elected her, like the sorry state of the 7 train or the inability of the 108th to respond to anything short of a life or death crisis, instead of preening about Trump to suck up to her campaign contributors. Like it or not, Trump is President. Get over it.


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