Feb. 26, 2017 Staff Report
With the recent restrictions imposed on migrants who attempted to travel into Queens airports from seven specific countries this winter, representatives from the Law Office of Usman B. Ahmad (UBA) in Long Island City convened with more than 300 attorneys to address related legal matters at the 2017 Asylum and Immigration Conference at the New York Law School earlier this month.
The purpose of the conference was to inform and educate guest practitioners on how to best litigate on behalf of potential clients who may come under scrutiny from previous and possible future travel restrictions that President Trump may impose.
The event was directed in part by the Federal Bar Association, with Mayor DeBlasio’s Commissioner of the Office of Immigrant Affairs, Nisha Agarwat, delivering the keynote address.
Xiaotao Wang Esq. and Allen Shin Esq. from the Law Office of UBA spoke on panels that focused on specific types of detention, child refugee migration into the United States, and deferred action.
“Mr. Wang walked the audience on best practices and strategies for defending against allegations of the applicability of the Persecutor bar and protecting a client’s eligibility for asylum,” shared Usman B. Ahmad, founder of the law firm by the same name.
“He delivered a sample direct and cross examination to highlight crucial questions and answers an attorney must know before even entering the courtroom.”
Meanwhile, Allen Shin spoke on what attorneys must prepare for if their client is accused of providing support to terrorist organizations.
“Mr. Shiu’s presentation focused on litigating cases where the Department of Homeland Security has alleged that an asylum applicant is barred from relief under the Immigration and Nationality Act for engaging in terrorist activity, namely by providing material support to a Tier III terrorist organization,” said Ahmad.
“Creating a strong evidentiary record, critical review of and filing objections to DHS’s submissions are among the key points Mr. Shiu shared to illustrate the intense and detailed attention such cases require to obtain a successful outcome,” he continued.
The Law Office of UBA is located at 47-40 21st St, Long Island City. Those that are interested in learning more about their practice, as well as the other areas of legal services that they provide, can visit their website or call (718) 482-7777.
These incidents seems to be happening often. Need to be very careful
Asroria resident and all the other commenters here are correct. A reasi=on and not a small obe at that is why the Dumb-O-Crats lost. I used to be a Democrat until they aligned themselves with Illegal Immigrants and “OPEN BORDERS”. Dems flout the Constitution and our laws, the Party and any Party should be banned from Elections for breaking our Constitutional and Immigration laws. We still don’t know who is in this country me friend always says. He is right as many overstay their welcome with visa violations and forgery to get a “FAKE” Social Security number as the woman in Arizona did. She was here 20 or so years nd could not file for legal residency, why? I know the st=ystemm needs to be faster but law is law and should not be broken. She should be deported and was. If you did that in their country or others you would be thrown in jail and deported. Why is the US any different. Protesting is fine, repressing FREE SPEECH is not. Distorting views and violent protests are not. Dems are SORE LOSERS . Thank heaven for our country Hillary did not win.
Kind of makes you wonder why Usman B. Ahmad wants to be able to import more “refugees” in from countries know to be tied to terrorism. Maybe the fact they are countries known to be tied to terrorism is exactly why he wants to import more “refugees”.
“Migrant workers”? I didn’t know Iranians and Syrians et al. were picking strawberries. Everyone is aware that Democrats stand for open borders, which effectively means no border = no country and that’s one reason why they lost.
Trump wants to keep terrorists out. Apparently, that’s not acceptable to some people.