via Amazon
Feb. 14, 2019 By Nathaly Pesantez
Amazon has pulled out of its plans to build a campus in Long Island City, the company said today in a bombshell announcement.
The e-commerce giant released a lengthy statement on its blog earlier this morning that said the reasoning was tied to the opposition the project faced since the official HQ2 announcement in November.
“For Amazon, the commitment to build a new headquarters requires positive, collaborative relationships with state and local elected officials who will be supportive over the long-term,” the statement reads.
Amazon referred to polls that showed strong support for the Anable Basin campus and the deal that brought it to the table, but said the staunch opposition, especially by state and local politicians, made it clear that the project was doomed.
“We are disappointed to have reached this conclusion—we love New York, its incomparable dynamism, people, and culture—and particularly the community of Long Island City, where we have gotten to know so many optimistic, forward-leaning community leaders, small business owners, and residents,” the company said.
Amazon thanked Governor Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Bill de Blasio, who supported the project from the start and consistently spoke to the benefits the campus would bring to New York’s economic livelihood and vitality.
“Governor Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio have worked tirelessly on behalf of New Yorkers to encourage local investment and job creation, and we can’t speak positively enough about all their efforts.” Amazon said. “The steadfast commitment and dedication that these leaders have demonstrated to the communities they represent inspired us from the very beginning and is one of the big reasons our decision was so difficult.”
The company said it does not intend to reopen the HQ2 search at this time, and will proceed with new offices as planned in Virginia and Nashville.
The stunning reversal comes after a Washington Post story was published late last week that said the company, per two sources, was reconsidering its decision to locate to Long Island City because of steadfast opposition.
The project has been rejected by several activist groups, many based in Queens, that organized heavily around scrapping the planned campus entirely since the city and state jointly announced the Long Island City campus selection on Nov. 13.
Reasons for opposing the project ranged from the billions in tax incentives the company would receive as part of its move to Queens, to its potential impact on fueling gentrification and displacement, its labor record, and the closed-door negotiations with the city and state leading to the official HQ2 announcement.
While Amazon did not name the state and city officials that “made it clear that they oppose our presence,” two electeds representing the area where the company planned on setting up shop, State Sen. Mike Gianaris and Council Member Jimmy Van Bramer, have been central voices in the fight against the project. Both initially signed letters in 2017 urging the company to select Long Island City in its HQ2 search.
But the two reversed course in the days leading up to the November announcement, when reports of Amazon’s Long Island City expansion first trickled out. While Gianaris appeared to call for the deal to be scrapped, but did not reject the company outright, Van Bramer all but noted that negotiations for a better deal were off the table.
Tensions appeared to pick up when Gianaris was selected to serve on the Public Authorities Control Board, a state body where members, with veto power, have enough sway to shut the project down.
Gianaris, in a statement, said the trillion-dollar proved itself to be a “bad neighbor” in its choice to pull out.
“Today’s behavior by Amazon shows why they would have been a bad partner for New York in any event. Rather than seriously engage with the community they proposed to profoundly change, Amazon continued its effort to shakedown governments to get its way. It is time for a national dialogue about the perils of these types of corporate subsidies.”
Van Bramer, in a statement, celebrated the trillion-dollar corporation’s decision.
“When our community fights together, anything is possible, even when we’re up against the biggest corporation in the world,” he said. “I am proud that we fought for our values, which is a fight for working families, immigrants, and organized labor.”
He added: “Defeating an anti-union corporation that mistreats workers and assists ICE in terrorizing immigrant communities is a victory. Defeating an unprecedented act of corporate welfare is a triumph that should change the way we do economic development deals in our city and state forever.”
In a rally today, however, Van Bramer said Amazon chose to leave rather than fight “and adopt our New York values.”
The decision to pull out of New York City was sudden. The 45-member community advisory council, convened to help inform the 4-million square foot campus’ buildout and other project parameters, met this morning for about an hour with state and city officials in a meeting described as “business as usual” by one member. Nothing seemed amiss.
And last week, at a Community Board 2 meeting, it was announced that Amazon, the Empire State Development, and the city Economic Development Corporation would hold a public forum in Long Island City to discuss HQ2. The forum was scheduled for the end of February, but was postponed for the first two weeks of March. The change of dates was confirmed today–moments before Amazon’s blog post on its updated campus plans was published.
The ESD and EDC were also expected to attend a Dutch Kills Civic Association meeting tonight on HQ2.
De Blasio, in reaction to the Amazon announcement that came in just before midday, said, “you have to be tough to make it in New York City,” and appeared to be critical of the company more than the opposition that it said led to its choice to depart.
“We gave Amazon the opportunity to be a good neighbor and do business in the greatest city in the world. Instead of working with the community, Amazon threw away that opportunity,” he said. “We have the best talent in the world and every day we are growing a stronger and fairer economy for everyone. If Amazon can’t recognize what that’s worth, its competitors will.”
Cuomo, meanwhile, said in a statement released hours after the HQ2 decision that the blame rests in the “small group of politicians [that] put their own narrow political interests above their community.” He also targeted the New York State Senate, where many members vowed to fight the deal.
“The New York State Senate has done tremendous damage,” Cuomo said. “They should be held accountable for this lost economic opportunity.”
He added: “The fundamentals of New York’s business climate and community that attracted amazon to be here – our talent pool, world-class education system, commitment to diversity and progressivism – remain and we won’t be deterred as we continue to attract world class business to communities across New York State.”
Amazon planned on building a sprawling campus at Anable Basin on several publicly and privately owned lots from 46th Avenue to 44th Road west of Vernon Boulevard. The campus would have been home to 25,000 jobs, half of which were tech related.
The plan, which required the sites to be rezoned to allow for the dense buildout, was moving through a state-run process that was anticipated to wrap up in 2020. Amazon was expected to begin construction immediately after, and had plans to begin locating employees at One Court Square in the interim.
The “Amazonians” would have been temporarily working out of the 50-story building in Court Square beginning in 2019, the company said shortly after the HQ2 announcement.
The campus plan, per the memorandum of understanding Amazon signed with the city and state, was also expected to have open space, workforce development plans, manufacturing space, and either an elementary or middle school. The company also included provisions for a helipad on site.
The company had also agreed to partly fund infrastructure improvements outside of the headquarter space, but still within Long Island City, in the form of payments in lieu of taxes. The city would have received the $650 million in funds over the course of 40 years, and decide how to use them for infrastructure needs in the neighborhood.
The Long Island City lots where Amazon planned on building its offices were all slated for massive developments prior to HQ2. Plaxall, the plastics company based in the neighborhood, was steadily moving toward a project that would have seen up to 5,000 units on site in the next 15 years. The city, meanwhile, had plans to build the “Long Island City Innovation Center” in the publicly owned lots.
It is unclear what will become of the spaces.
This is a developing story, check back for more information.
To Bezobozos: So you are saying the minorities, immigrants, blacks, hispanics graduates from La Guardia CC are not good enough? You are so wrong with your comments who says the best come from the IVY Leagues schools? The are looking for the best workers period. Your comment is insulting.
Amazon pulls out – what a sticky, transparent situation Bezos left on its head.
okay since AMAZON is a no go take that 3 billion dollars and use it to build the MUCH NEEDED WALL!!!!!!!!!!!
Get lost, troll! #eyeroll
I suggest Mexico pay for it, the way the president proposed6 they would, right before he shut down the government for the longest time ever so he could beg Democrats for money.
you are just one of those got misled by those politicians. people should sue the politicians for misleading people just to gather support for their own political agenda. there is no 3-billion dollar benefit. it was a tax break, like a lowering of their tax, from the tax amazon has to pay after they move here and generate revenue. the tax break does not exist when there is not tax revenue from amazon. there is no 3-billion sitting around. this is now a net loss for nyc, a loss of what nyc could have got in new tax revenue source.
Bigoted DumbAss.!!
Gail Mellows President of La Guardia Community College is extremely upset and disappointed. Amazon coming to LIC was a huge boost for the college and hiring pool coming from CUNY schools. Now nothing thanks to Gianaris and Jimmy Van Bramer. She and others at the college are fed up with Jimmy Van Bramer, this just solidifies everything that is privately said about Jimmy Van Bramer.
Amazon wouldn’t hire from LaGuardia. They hire the best from the Ivy Leagues and MIT. Nice Try real estate boy.
As a young New Yorker, I’m glad to see them go. Investment in people and communities—through education, infrastructure and quality of life—will produce economic growth organically. We don’t need to supplicate ourselves before rapacious corporations who look at us as just another resource to exploit.
Patty, as a young New Yorker I feel bad for you. You are the ones that need this kind of investment. Don’t think this is a victory for you. This is exactly how NYC has become the center of the world investing in people and communities. A new school was going to be built, other private schools were looking to invest in LIC, parks were going to be built, roads were going to be improved. Investment follows large companies. And as I’ve read many posts here it seems like any large, successful company that employs thousands of workers and at the same time satisfies millions of consumers is automatically a greedy corporation. I’m sorry for the young people particularly those that have this worldview. The good news is LIC is still primed and other companies are interested in locating there. Although it won’t be a shot in the arm like Amazon would have been.
We absolutely need to produce economic growth organically. No more supplicating ourselves to greedy people and corporations. We can no longer be exploited. We need to invest in cannabis, lots of cannabis to expand our minds. Tax everything that doesnt move and charge a fee if it moves or breathes. The more we do this the less likely corporations will move here and I will be able to continue to live in my rent controlled apartment. I know all New Yorkers will continue to vote in progressives to get more free stuff.
Patty, i am sorry but you need to go back to school to get some more education in economics. and nyc is not a closed world and not the center of the world. amazon could have attracted lots of working people and fresh grads to move to nyc from all over the country. these new ppl would have to pay ny state and city tax, they will need to pay for subway rides, call for more supermarkets, restaurants, retail stores, schools for their children, … etc. these would have propelled the nyc economy more. nyc salary for certain fields would get bumped up to due to a sudden higher demand for labor. dont simply believe what the politicians say. they lie and bend logic to trick ppl into supporting them for their own political agenda.
That’s your problem your young and have a lot to learn Patty. You idiots have taken away an additional 20 thousand jobs on top of the 25 thousand Amazon was bringing in to LIC. People whine about rents well sweetie the rents are going to go up no matter what happens in LIC. That’s a fact of life. What about the home owners you just hurt? Their homes value would have given them a better life but noooo you folks can’t see beyond your noses. You don’t see what the future would have brought to tens of thousands of people living in LIC. Now your just back to the same old dreary community going nowhere fast.
The rents also go up because of rent control. Leftist also support that though. They seem to love destructive policies.
It would end up being a waste..look at the 750million dollar taxpayer paid Tessa building in buffalo that Cuomo so wanted.. Well it was suppose to be up and running with I believe up to 15000 jobs including local suppliers and I think the building only has like 500 people and on top of that to me is they are struggling and I don’t see them open long……it will end up another wasted building of taxpayer money..
who was supposed to build the amazon campus? amazon, right? that’s amazon’s money, hiring local contractors to do the job. that’s amazon’s money moving the local economy. if it gets wasted in the end, that’s amazon’s loss. now, nyc just lost what it could have gotten, like a sudden source of money floating in, but no more. disappeared.
Amazon was going to get about 505 million dollars from the State to build the campus. This aspect of the proposed deal was not a tax break.
1) $505 million is a tiny down payment for 25,000 jobs and $27 billion in tax revenue.
2) These tax incentives, grants, breaks existed long before Amazon in order to attract companies/jobs to the outer boroughs.
3) Instead of Amazon, we are now going to get more residential development (approx 5k units) which is worse.
Amazon tried reaching out to Gianaris multiple times but he didn’t take their call.
This deal should have been re-negotiated not killed.
Gary – registered democrat and no I am NOT a landlord but I do live in a reasonably priced rent stabilized apartment.
Here are some facts that will help you understand life and where you fit in.
Generally Speaking:
Masses = average intelligence/average income
Few = higher intelligence/higher income
Now I am speaking to the Masses:
Taxes are generated on income. If you get a break, it’s because you generated something.
If you don’t generate, that money doesn’t exist to go elsewhere.
Bridge and Tunnel = is what people from the outer boroughs are called by people who live in Manhattan. People who live/work in Manhattan are wealthier and have higher paying jobs.
This was an opportunity for an outer borough to start having the type of income appeal that Manhattan does.
No one is going to build a multi billion dollar facility in queens without an incentive. The entire waterfront in LIC was built on incentives and was a shit hole for 100 years prior. There are residents in LIC who miss the “good old days” of prostitution and drug dealers. Should we give one shit about their opinions?
Debunking everything you have been told:
Infrastructure: daytime jobs in LIC were to be accessed by people reverse commuting, or living locally. Not a big deal.
Rent hikes: LIC is 90% luxury rentals. These landlords only residents with 40x earnings to rent ratio. This means the MINIMUM salary for a person in a 1 bedroom is $140,000 as compared to the AVERAGE amazon employee of $150,000.
They can’t afford more rent than the people who live here currently.
Job creation = leads to income tax being paid. That tax revenue was huge. 25,000 Direct and jobs and aproximately 10,000 INDIRECT jobs.
Jimmy Van Bramer = Very tiny man. About 4’9” with a huge Napoleon complex. If you offer his voters a great life, but at the same time call him short, he will kill the deal. Also he is currently spearheading a $50 million waterfront library that has been planned since 2008 and taken 11 years to half way build. Do you think waterfront property is a smart use for a library? In 2008 the iPhone/iPad were invented and the future of libraries is dismal. Instead of coming up with a better use, he continues to push what he knows….same old shit.
Unions = Amazon was paying double what union workers around here make. So are they anti union or do they just know it’s not applicable to them. They aren’t opening a sweat shop here.
Losers = people who have no marketable skills so they kill job opportunities for others. They complain they have been priced out of their old neighborhoods.
Darwin = owns a moving company That helps the losers pack up and move to the Poconos.
Funeral = we should all go to the swamp land on Vernon BLVD where Amazon was going to build and host a funeral for the 25,000 jobs that died.
Ask yourself = am I above average intelligence? Should I really shout my opinion at a Tuesday afternoon rally? Maybe other smarter people should show me the path….
Dear Mr. Voice:
The voice of fascism–an uber race of the uber rich–because naturally, the masses have average intelligence–what century are you basing this garbage on?
There is a bell curve, across races, and income streams. A good solid public education, plus sound housing, not full of lead paint and foul air, plus a few lucky breaks and most New Yorkers whether at the high end of bell curve–born with massive tested I.Q.–or the least testing well, will be entitled to a solidly secure life, when not oppressed and vilified by fascistic systems designed to condemn by I.Q. scores, or any other form of oppression. Telling the masses what’s good for them? Really?
A true fascist reflects the weird, distorted reasoning, and need for compensation of a weak self, to have some group or other “beneath” him/her. Jews, for instance. Gypsies. People of color. Anything not to give respect to all–the foundation of democracy.
This is the weirdness of billionaire worship, or plain personal something….you poor guy, Mr. Voice of Reason.
Dear average D,
By definition the average is the bulk. The masses are the bulk. If the masses are smart, that becomes the average.
I am speaking more to the masses who show up to protest on a Tuesday afternoon. No job, no worries types. I’m not a fascist and I am Jewish. My grandparents escaped communism and they understand the importance of IQ and metrics better than you. They know that when you pay the milk man the same salary as the astrophysicist, you end up with genius milk men and dummy astrophysicists.
Bottom line is that if you believe in a loss of 25,000 high paying jobs, you are the fool.
If you think a business deal where we reap a 10x return is not good because Bezos wins too much, then you are the fool. Your kids will pay the price unfortunately. As for my kids, I have jobs waiting for them. I know how to create jobs and I employ a lot of people. Have you ever created opportunities for people? Or did you just get a decent education and get pay check job that affords you the right to disconnect from how your employer created your job?
Thank you, thank you, thank you for explaining what so many of our young people don’t understand…. They weren’t around when major corporations were headquartered in Nyc. They don’t remember the Fiscal Crisis of the 70s. Apparently, they don’t even understand what a tax base is and how critical it is for a municipality. How sad that a few misguided people can dictate policy – in addition to the clusterfuck we have ruining our nation….
Correct me if I’m wrong, but when Citi moved in long ago, weren’t they supposed to revitalize the area? And what happened? They didn’t fulfill their end of the promise and didn’t develop the parcel they owned (which is now becoming one of the tallest and most hideous luxury buildings in all of Queens) and because their business environment has changed, they’ve jumped ship in LIC altogether. Point being, this same thing could have happened with Amazon. Nothing was guaranteed, especially if they weren’t willing to come to the table and work with the community
I believe the politicians should use the $3 billion to clean up all the graffiti that is in in the wrong long island city left by I was so call very educated citizens
There is no $3 billion without Amazon you idiot.
you are spending the same mysterious $3 bln that Alexandria OC’s talking about without realizing that THERE’S NO DOLLARS WITHOUT AMAZON BEING IN LIC ))
it is amazing how these populist slogans about “community” and “equal everything for everybody” work for people …
A O-C is a rock star now, but she needs a course in remedial arithmetic.
There never was a 3bn dollars! Your igormwce is astounding.
You and the 34 people liked this comment should stop being brain washed and start LEARNING AND READING. There is no $3B sitting around!!!
Amazon was going to earn money and it was going to pay $30 Billion in taxes in 15 years. Instead of $30 Billion, they agreed to pay $27 Billion. We gave them a tax break of $3 Billion. If there is no Amazon, there is no $3B tax break or $27B tax revenue. You fools made sure that all that revenue and job opportunities disappeared.
I am unsure who is going to be hurt here more.
The people who who stood most to gain or the ignorant who blindly followed politicians who clearly didn’t understand basic economics or math.
In the future, I think only companies who can generate 100k in tax revenues should come. I think these politicians and residents against this deal cannot understand large numbers.
The only winners are the pigeons.
They get to keep their homes.
I feel horrible for all the home owners and businesses that invested in the hopes for a better future in LIC.
Vote our these politicians. They do not care about you. Never trust people cannot do basic math.
So When is that 50 million dollar Library opening. Paid for by taxpayers. Could have built some affortable housing in the River. Hmmmmmm
Enough with affordable housing. If you believe in affordable housing then go live in the projects.
Do you have a room available. Just lost a job opportunity in LIC.
These extreme left leaning politicians – Giannaris, Van Bramer and Ocasio-Cortez – they all disgust me. And I am a lifelong Democrat. They cater only to their own personal interests without regard to the benefit or consequences to the community overall. The loss of Amazon in LIC is devastating. Those who protested Amazon for the most part had absolutely no clue how the tax incentives worked, what the economic benefits would be and now they still don’t understand the extremely negative consequences of this reversal of Amazon’s decision (people and businesses started to pour money into the community as soon as the Amazon announcement was made – what is going to happen there?). AOC in particular is quite possibly one of the stupidest people to ever have the privilege of being an elected official. She often says things that make no sense, but because of her “personality” she is somehow able to get media time and people who no even less to follow and support her. Shame on you AOC. It would be beneficial, before your one and only term is finished, for you to get an education on how your words and positions actually impact the community as a whole. You have done nothing but hurt the people of Queens in the long run. Tweedle dee and tweedle dumb MG and JVB are extremely selfish (they already have lived their lives and made their money, so why do they care except that they want to continue to have “power”) and have done more damage to Long Island City, Queens and NYC than can possibly be quantified at this point. If you were a big company, after seeing the complete nonsense that Amazon had to deal with (and ultimately decided not to deal with), do you think you would come to LIC? Especially now that the overall federal tax scheme creates a negative impact on many New Yorkers, residents of this state are fleeing to more tax friendly states like Florida and Texas. Who in their right mind would think that it is now a good idea, with these problematic politicians and high tax rate, to locate a major business in LIC? There are pipelines of smart people in a lot of places where the taxes are more favorable and the politicians aren’t as stupid. These three idiots and all other extreme left politicians must not be re-elected. They have damaged the community, our economic opportunities, and the educational opportunities of our children. Let’s all hope and pray that the new hotels and other buildings going up don’t turn into homeless shelters and that prostitution, drug use and crime (which was around not that long ago) don’t quickly return to our streets. Shame on these disgusting politicians.
“Gianaris and Van Bramer celebrated the deal’s collapse.” I thank both politicians for ensuring my children will never have to live in fear of working for Amazon with a six figure salary. If anyone has the link to their jobs program please post the link so we can all read it. I cant seem to locate it. I simply cant make up my mind as to what these politicians will do with the money the were giving to Amazon in subsidies. More bike lanes I hope!!
Well done Bramer and Giannis for ruining the future of LIC. You misinformed ordinary people and made Amazon look like pure evil. The tax subsidies that you are talking about is only a fraction of the tax revenues that will be generated by Amazon. Now how are you planning to replace the tax revenues, lost opportunity to become a tech hub, thousands of solid middle working class jobs, all the economic benefits that comes along with it and the rejuvenation of the neighborhood?? Thanks to you, we will get nothing.
Bye, Felicia.
Way to go, big loss of jobs to a area that needed it, Loss of a new public school that the area needed.
Its much better if we squeeze all the kids into the same building to increase diversity and lower the carbon footprint
Two public schools were already planned for the area prior to the proposed deal with Amazon. I’m sure they’ll still be built and a third one is likely for the Court Square area.
so instead of 25k jobs and 90% of potentially $30B of tax revenue…
…we have 0 jobs, and 100% of $0 tax revenue.
Great job JVB, Gianaris, AOC, Maloney!
With politicians like this on our side, maybe we deserve another four years of Trump.
Gianaris needs a primary challenge. Sign up if you’re interested – https://www.defeatgianaris.com/ Hopefully someone can help get the ducks in a row so fundraising can begin. Presumably a GoFundMe page won’t cut it for campaign financing.
Thanks for posting…I will pass it along
lets Just built some bike lanes !
Rep. Maloney, 3 months after the announcement, seemed to remember that she represented part of Queens. Will she show up for more than a photo op in the future?
for providing this unique forum.
Gail Mellows President of La Guardia Community College is extremely upset and disappointed. Amazon coming to LIC was a huge boost for the college and hiring pool coming from CUNY schools. Now nothing thanks to Gianaris and Jimmy Van Bramer. She and others at the college are fed up with Jimmy Van Bramer, this just solidifies everything that is privately said about Jimmy Van Bramer.
This is truly sad. These are the people who get hurt by the Venezuelan style socialists on our City Councils and the Unions.
>Venezuelan style socialists
Lol good job blindly parroting Fox News
Terrible.. All those dreamers have lost the opportunity of good paying jobs! Must be thankful for the $15 minimum wage at Mcdonalds, busboys or foodcarts
Dreamers sure as hell weren’t gonna get Amazon jobs. Those jobs were going to go to South Asian and Chinese software engineers here on student and h1b visas
South Asian and Chinese students who are undocumented cant be dreamers too??
Riiiiiiiiight….. because South Asians and the Chinese are the only ones who can code. They’d pick them off the boat and shuffle them right into programming sweatshops. Surrrre……
And besides, it’s not like anybody with a computer could essentially become a developer for free. Not even someone living in Queensbridge right now, with a 10 year headstart — the amount of time it would have taken for the Amazon project to fully come to fruition.
When are we going to stop whining about the price of progress…? The Canarsie Tunnel is severely damaged, the MTA proposes a plan to Totally repair the tube, the whiners whine, and in comes the governor with a patchwork plan.- that merely kicks the can two decades down the tracks. Amazon agrees to build their second headquarters in NYC, the politicians and misguided public whine – and away goes an expansion of the city’s tax base and job market. The money to fund the tax breaks that Amazon would have gotten has already been earmarked – and this investment would have yielded taxes tenfold of that amount. What are New Yorkers going to do when portions of the subway system have to be shut down for signal overhauls…? Whiners are going to be the downfall of NYC…. Glad I won’t be here to experience it.
Good. Leave.
I bet when things go south you’d be the first to leave.
3rd generation native New Yorker here. I’ll leave when I’m dead, bish.
Nope more fun to watch the idiot socialist progressive crowd figure out to pay for all their dependents without a pot to piss in, no jobs, no tax revenue and growing expenses. Things are going to get messy and it’s going to be fun cursing the idiot leaders who’ll have no answers, yayyyy!
Bicycles ….We all can use bicycles. That’s why we need more bike lanes!
Canarsie Tunnel? All of Canarsie is a tunnel. A tunnel of shit. It all started in the late 70s, very early 80s. White flight.
Unscrupulous and ego-freaking politicians use misinformation and fear-mongering to incite a vocal minority and thwart the will of the majority.
Sound familiar?
Thanks for nothing, JV Trump and Mitch McGianaris!
As a L. I. C. resident, I’m really glad about this. Only the landlords are upset, because it means the rents won’t be doubling in the next year or two. This kind of corporate welfare never pays off for communities. As soon as the tax breaks expire, the corporations go hunting for another town that’s stupid enough to bribe them to relocate. Most of those 25,000 jobs would never have materialized, and most that did would have gone to people Amazon brought in, not locals. Boosters lie about that kind of stuff all the time. The Nauticus in Norfolk, Va., was going to draw more people than Colonial Williamsburg. Yeah, right.
You know the movie industry that takes over our streets every other day gets hundreds of millions of dollars in refundable tax credits from NYS and NYC every year right? Gianaris and Van Bramer have no problem with those.
What’s a few kickbacks among friends? btw…Just remembered I gotta put a call in for those tickets.. thanks
J.D. Crutchfield you are ill informed. The incentives are programs that are as of right to any company that qualifies, large and small, in an effort to drive them to the boroughs. Otherwise they are happy to locate in Manhattan. The REAP, the most important, runs 12 years. The ICAP can be 25 years. Rents are going up anyway but certainly not in such a short period. Amazon’s interest would lure other companies there. Business like to follow the leader and while Macy’s, Bloomingdales, Estee Lauder, Fidelis and others are LIC occupiers (all of whom got the benefits except Fidelis which is a 501(c)3), Amazon would have been an exceptional boost to the community. Please do your homework.
Capitalist doesn’t respond to Crutchfield’s post and hasn’t figured out how to post yet.
Go take economics 101 and come back. Amazon in lic would have added so much more. We are talking unimaginatible prosperity because of all the acitivty it brings.
La la lander,
Long Island city is 90% rentals. The landlords who occupy Long Island city require 40 times earnings compared to rent. The average price of a one bedroom in Long Island city is $3500. This means that the minimum amount of money someone needs to make to live in this community is $140,000. Amazonian‘s we’re going to make an average of $150,000. They cannot afford to pay more rent than you can. They were going to use our transportation system and a reverse commute. This would’ve been the best use of what we currently have. Now they will build 5000 apartments and all those people will take the seven train on their way to Manhattan with you. Enjoy your ride. I can’t believe that you actually live in Long Island city because there’s no way you make over 50,000 a year.
JVB wants unions but their average worker makes half of what amazon pays. Never elect a leader who is 4’9”, they have the wrong thing to prove. JVB is a sawed off Napoleon.
“Most of those 25,000 jobs would never have materialized, and most that did would have gone to people Amazon brought in, not locals….”
Riiiiiiiiiiiight. Because it’s so much easier to hire people from out of state or even out of the country, than someone who lives locally…
I’m glad Amazon is gone but little Jimmy could teach a PhD level course on reversing course.
I’m glad that Long Island City will be restored to its former self. The hookers and drug dealers will earn much more than the Amazon employees ever could and they will pay more in taxes to support city services!
I must disagree, the pimps and drug dealers will not pay taxes. On the bright side they will hire locally from Queensbridge and Ravenswood. JVB and Co. were just thinking of local residents, not themselves as accused by the less forward thinking amongst us.
I was, of course, kidding about the hookers and drug dealers. JVB, AOC, and Gianaris have no concept of basic economics and taxation. The revenue we are losing in taxes could have paid for essential city services.
Greetings from Chicago’s vibrant north side.
Thank You Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for the many, many jobs you dumped in our lap today! Our growing tech sector appreciates your contribution!
Good riddance. The last thing this city needs is another mammoth anti-union, money-grubbing corporation. Well done, City Council!?✊✊✊
Justine, the business of NYC is business. The unions that are here ensure workers are paid a fare wage. Amazon was paying double what the average union worker makes. Do you understand that? Would you rather make 75k at a union of 150k on your own? Don’t answer that because no one who thinks like you has ever earned over 40k/year. How much do the pay for SSI?
Amazon has egg on their face. Google has already silently built a billion dollar facility on the West Side. Amazon tried to be cute but it didn’t work and now most other tech giants are in NYC.
Check you facts. Google got tons of tax breaks to build on the west side in 2014. . The level of ignorance in this debate is astounding.
Yes. Truth perhaps Amazon will now go to the West Side or Hudson Yards too. The whole reason the City and State offer tax breaks to firms is so they come to the boroughs. Angry from Queens you are so right. So much misinformation and lies. We just lost out big.
Kudos to Amazon! This was never about access to the best and brightest here in New York. It was about access to cheap labor; mainly armies of South Asian and Chinese software engineers here on h1b and student visas. We can now all relish how the Venezuelan style socialists on the City Council failed in their attempt to set up Amazon as an ongoing cash cow and shakedown victim upon which they had planned to make a name for themselves.
Socialists want social ownership and workers’ self-management of the means of production. That’s the opposite of a major privately-owned conglomerate like Amazon. They are capitalists.
Do you have any idea what a socialist is, or you’re just afraid of them because Fox News told you they were bad.
Socialist want government management. It’s roots are from Communism. But i bet you didn’t read that far either. Parroting things that only sound good to you.
Venezuelan-style socialists! What a troll!
And thankfully, it will give opportunity to all the non union undocumented immigrants to work off the books building luxury towers which will be bought by rich foreigners. Diversity at its best!
Notta Victim: your comment is so stupid, you can only be a worthless troll. “armies of South Asian and Chinese software engineers…” oh gawd!
and who do you think would be filling the positions if not South Asian and Chinese software engineers? Tattooed illiterate thugs from the nearby projects? Chronically unemployed losers like yourself who show up whenever the community organizers announce a rally and hand you a placard? Failed artists entering through the “poor door” to their 80:20 housing?
HAHA How do you come up with this rubbish?
Ok,so no jobs for anyone in the area. Including restaurants,local retail stores.(which most likely not surrive anyway).Engine 261 will not reopen, and in Amazon’s place. BRAND NEW CONDO’S that you cannot afford. They wont created any jobs for the long term and most of the builders do not use Union workers. That’s a fact.
So good job little Jimmy and Mikey. you just killed the future security of family’s living in you district’s for years to come. When you leave office you will have you pension’s they will still have nothing.
Another city will gain a future for it’s people.
Great job.
Idiots Giannaris and van bramer are idiots
The Unions and the City Council have only themselves to blame. Amazon is no cash cow for them to milk.
The trade unions supported Amazon’s HQ2. They even held a rally in support of it. This is on JVB, Gianaris and AOC, our troika of idiots.
Very sad. LIC has lost big time
Does that mean home prices will drop in Queens?
Home prices may drop, but rents never do. But this may keep them from doubling in the next year or two.
Take your marbles, and your facial recognition software, and your contempt for working people and go. When anti-trust laws split up your company, you’ve got Tennessee and Crystal City hqs all set. Yowza
The people of jackson heights and east elmhurst are very happy this isn’t happening. We don’t want this crap in our beautiful neighborhoods
Beautiful?? I hope you are kidding. These areas are just scared they may get pushed out and want to cover their own asses.
Yes…We love the prostitution on Roosevelt Ave and want it to stay that way!!!
No we are not! This is on AOC – she is doing nothing for the prosperity of Queens.
Why isn’t a federal government employee focusing on one neighborhood of one state?!
Beautiful? Are you kidding? What parts are you talking about? Jackson Heights was nice – years ago. Now it’grimy and falling apart. Maybe if people who worked for amazon and made over &100000 lived there it would get better. But now, its one step away from being the next south Bronx
If the governor wants to redeem himself, he can check out the trashed plans of 2017–
–or come up with something better– and add the public lands that he wanted to give to Bigfoot, and a transparent review process that includes all stakeholders.
Next time you want to give away our land, do have the courtesy to ask.
And think about joining with other governors in a pact to say no to secret deals and bogus talent searches.
Damage control Town Hall Meetings are about the be scheduled, for our “progressive” local politicians to “explain their anti HQ2 position” and “learn and empathize” with the outraged locals. We may even get selfies with Alex! We should definitely boycott any such damage control attempts.
Personally I’m glad we gave Bezos the Bronx salute. He couldn’t hang, so he bailed. Might have been different had they at least attempted to work with us. We don’t need Amazon. We will survive (and then some) without them. They should go to a community that needs that kind of influx more. Stuff’s too expensive around here as it is anyway.
Because Alexandria could rip them to pieces! They are terrified of not being “progressive!”
Mike Gianaris and Jimmy Van Bramer we will remember this fiasco, and you will be voted out. I hope both of you will not hold any public office in the future. This was a big deal.
Is your name Ben because you’re willing to Ben Dover for Amazon no matter what?
For what the city wouldve gotten in return? Both cheeks are wide open, friend.
25,000 jobs equal 25,000 people paying federal, state & city taxes now gone with the wind…who is going to pay for all their “free” crapola? karma for Cuomo for his disgusting display after passing that horrendous late term abortion bill
We need more taxes. More taxes equals more free stuff. Now that’s the ticket…See!
It never would never have been 25,000 jobs.
Oh no! So, only 15,000 measely jobs in LIC?
…and my dream of owning a family sized home in LIC for less than $2mm lives…..
Vote these scumbags out of office! But, NY is a liberal, sanctuary, democratic state so it will never change.
You should move to a Republican paradise like Alabama so you don’t need to suffer these liberal policies.
Sure. More right-wing Yankees are exactly what the South needs!
Yes, move the South. FOH
I hope they are building a prison there instead.
Probably will open up homeless shelters, de Blasio see’s an opportunity now.
On what planet is this something to celebrate…. this was pure political sour grapes. People who were upset that they were left out of the decision. They were left out for exactly this reason . You dont kick a golden goose and you dont look a gift hore in the mouth. There was no detriment in this company coming here. Ok to three cheers to to the hippie dippie fools with their protests and sign (congratulations -you really CAN change the world… for the WORSE). There are too many politicly motivated people here who have an interest in maintaining status quo. LIC was already in the map and will soldier on. But other compNie swill now think twice about the reception they will receive when they plan to set up shop in the Poison Apple.
You’ll right. We’ve just told commerce they are not welcome in LIC. Those who try to stop the future get stuck in the past.
Does that mean the home I own in LIC won’t be worth 5 million?
No. LIC is still exploding. Its still 10 minutes on the train from Grand central station. Amazon was the hot chick going after the good looking popular guy. While there were obvious things to gain, the entire package wasn’t ideal. The good looking popular guy will get another good looking girl
LIC is Anus Mundi! There is no “there there”, just a bunch of cheaply constructed condos awkwardly perched on exit ramps to the LIE, bridge and tunnel. A post-industrial blighted eyesore which has always been a retail desert. Watch those 13,000 new construction units go begging.
Some idiots are definitely thinking this outcome is going to stop the costs from going up but no, property value will continue rising in NYC. Just like when the recession hit, NYC didn’t take the same hit. All those thinking they will be able to afford something they can’t right now by Amazon not coming are mistaking.
Spoken like a desperate real estate broker. Let’s hope these brokers go back to what they do best; prostitution and bartending
Spoken like a resentful non-real estate owner
What a disaster! Why didnt Gianaris/Bramer at least try to renegotiate better terms instead of just chasing Amazon away! What has this accomplished other than 5,000 or 10,000 more apartments that will probably be built on the Anable Basin land instead of Amazon. I don’t get it!
I think they did try to negotiate. Amazon wouldn’t budge. It was their way or the highway.
Because Alexandria could rip them to pieces! They are terrified of not being “progressive!”
Oh for chrissake they literally weren’t allowed to negotiate a better deal. Cuomo and deBlasion did it all in secret; pay attention.
Good job to Gianaris and Van Bramer, they had the courage to stand up to #SCAMAZON, NYC does not need any firm nor do we have to pay them in billions for them to come to us! Enough with all the gifts to all these corporations!
The hypocrisy is impressive. The whole neighborhood is being overbuilt currently on the back of huge breaks given to local developers with Van Bremmer’s enthusiastic support, but Amazon was just pure evil.
Bramer and Gianaris are self serving weasels
Why do you care so much about whether a couple of pols have more than one interest? They all do. You do too. It’s about whether the community is served or not. Address the issues or take a time out.
You people actually think that this so called movement form amazon would bring jobs to us locals in the neighborhood ? Our fellow native New Yorkers? Not the bunch of yuppies and Hipsters from out of state that have moved in. But to us native locals/New Yorkers?
Amazon was ready to bring in and house their own people and give them the jobs. Not us locals! People need to see the big picture. And really , do you think that the move would have “fixed” our LIC neighborhood? Even from the overcrowded population in the neighborhood amongst other things?
Hmmmm. Well, things always happen for a reason. Maybe people can’t see it now but with time “wisdom is proved righteous”.
Maybe amazon is not what LIC and surrounding neighborhoods need at the moment. People have to step back and not let emotion cloud their judgement and thoughts. Again: everything happens for a reason.
Hmmm. I didn’t realize there were NO local NYers that work in construction (8 million sq ft project), tech, admin, marketing, web services. I also didn’t know that “us locals” didn’t want computer training for our LOCAL schools.
It’s very sad that the shortsighted but loud noise from a few destroyed such an amazing opportunity that polls (not just Amazon poll) show the majority of LIC and NY wanted.
Sometimes people like you need to realize you’re in the minority and don’t speak on behalf of the rest of the community. It’s those of you that speak with conecention who don’t realize that you aren’t the only one with an opinion. I don’t agree with you and feel that our politicians were misled by a minority voice who thought they knew better than the rest. We don’t live under a benevolent dictatorship and don’t want to. Take your self-proclaimed progressive agenda and go live somewhere where people care.
The community wants bike lanes, homeless hotels and a nice big prison. We never buy from Amazon and want to pay more taxes. Above all we want our squeegee men back at Queens Plaza, graffiti art on all the buildings and public urination. Thank you very much for letting me explain myself
Don’t agree with you.
a) why wouldn’t they employ native New Yorkers!?
b) if you live and work here, [newsflash] you ARE a New Yorker!
c) yuppies, hipsters, or not, they would have been people with high paying jobs, paying taxes, and patronizing the city’s shops, restaurants, and service industry.
d) FOH
Man, you people are unbelieveably dumb. Especially when pride and the fear of “looking” stupid get in the way of admitting fault.
A mega company like Amazon, no doubt would have lifted a depressed area like LIC and turned it into something amazing. All the poor people who go to CUNY schools would have had a chance for a good job. All* yes, all poor citys, states, countries, etc are poor and crime ridden because they have no businesses there and economic activity. But you won’t look at those facts. You don’t look at the fact that these corporations DO hire local, like how google hires from san jose state. You just want to parrot on about something you haven’t even read about, and follow peoplewho are all talk and haven’t done a thing. Its you guys who need to gtfo. You’d be the first to leave when things go south. You wouldnt live in queens unless it was hip wnough either. Foh
Three CHEERS (make it 10) for Amazon’s pullout! We don’t need the further economic and cultural reconfiguration of the neighborhood that would have been caused by (to use proponents’ own hype) 25,000 jobs *averaging* 150K/year. LIC is already gentrified; we don’t need it to reach San Francisco proportions, which if you’re not familiar transformed a once-great city for the worse for non-Silicon Val-folk. (And LIC is is not going to magically revert to its rougher past just because of this; that ship has left and ain’t coming back.) Nor do we need to contribute billions more to Amazon’s treasury above and beyond our $119 Prime memberships. Or to support anti-union employment practices. My THANKS go to Van Bramer and Genaris. This is also VERY empowering to just-folks who opposed the deal: it shows us that dissidence can really make a big diff. Power to the peeps.
Right on ? you said it perfectly! This is a day to remember. I’m all for bettering the neighborhood but not the way it would have happened here.
You’re both not understanding what happened here. I’ll make it simple, think of it like a car sale promotion. They give a rebate to stimulate sales. In NYC’s case they give tax breaks so companies incur massive costs from their pockets, not ours, to build and develop a massive area, hiring tons of people who WILL be paying taxes, while offering local training, building a school etc…
Now you get nothing, and all the stuff that our idiot politicians misspend on will continue to grow, only now it’s only to get funded by us local suckers (ie: 4K a month for homeless shelter apts, endless funding for junkies etc).
You all got Trumped (fake news, fake protest) by the local political hustlers this time sadly.
Anonymous, of Feb. 16, is the same condescending, will “make it simple” for us lesser folk. Same poster who uses abuse, vitriol and name calling throughout these postings with various monikers. Added abuse, weirdly projecting the name Trump, and fake news on reality–that a community has the right to protect itself. As well, the City, with the planning of the State of NY, gave away a City owned property housing supplies to NYC public school kids. “Memo. of Understanding” placed an undeveloped facility in the middle of Queens for the supplies facility–imagine the cost. Using real world scenarios to play out the sheer amount of the giveaway, produces shame. Hope Cuomo and our mayor have learned their lesson.
Protect our City and support City political friends–not hysterics.
You’re right, LIC is not going to magically revert to its rougher past… it’s going to sit there and do nothing.
Except crime rate (shootings, rapes, and murders) have gone up in Queens and on the subways. But no, lets not look at facts.
The recent rise in crime is miniscule compared to what it once was… But no, lets not look at facts.
True story though, New York City is a sweet deal to attract talent. They would have in fact brought in their own talent, believe me.
Gianaris and Van Bramer are idiots. They let a small group of activists lead them to believe that they had the support of a broader base. Clearly they didn’t do any real homework. You let a small group of activists drive your careers into the ground. Let’s see how many people stand behind you now. And as for the community groups like LIC Coalition, let’s see if anyone in the community ever takes you seriously again. You did not represent what the broader community wanted. You made a mistake.
I totally blame DeBlasio and Coumo for not including the community in their initial conversations with Amazon. By starting this off with a secret & then saying “look what we did” they did not create any community buy in to a plan that might have worked out if all the voices were heard. Shame on them.
I agree to some extent as I wasn’t a fan of Coumo’s ‘Safe Act’ that passed in secret to avoid opposition and debate but not involving the city council was probably though as a way of cutting through the horse trading and getting it done. It didn’t work sadly and now many will lose out on future employment and progress will take a step backwards.
Gianaris and Van Bramer drove into the ground to try and support their own self-serving agenda. I don’t like Cuomo or Diblasio either, but this one is on Gianaris and Van Bramer. They messed up.
those jobs were never meant for new yorkers – they would have definitely put out a search for talent nationwide and brought them in from elsewhere. You’re crazy if you ever thought those jobs were strictly for new yorkers.
maybe, and maybe not, and now we will never know – but what we do know is that those 25,000 workers city and state paid taxes won’t be coming to our city, our children won’t be getting paid for computer classes, and we likely just handed over another large waterfront parcel over to the glass tower developers who get their fair share of kickbacks as well. The difference there is that JVB is in on it, so it’s OK. #VOTEOUTJVBANDGIANNARIS
Amazon wanted the tax breaks and access to cheap labor; armies of South Asian and Chinese software engineers here on student and h1b visas. They sure as hell weren’t gonna find them in the projects
“armies of South Asian and Chinese software engineers”
HAHAHAHA! What a worthless troll!
Wow, I have this can finally get JVB out. God forbid We get anything but another 99 cent store and coffee shop in the area. Terrible
Some can vote with their feet but many can’t. Voting in anyone other then a democratic in this city is next to impossible. You basically have no choice but to take it and get shafted all around. Your taxed to death to pay for every program they float, your not represented as they don’t share your views, you walk on egg shells in the polically correct ‘gotcha’ era, and when something like Amazon comes along you get to watch it destroyed by those who couldn’t exploit it for their own agenda. The city council is just pitiful…they are not leaders, they are dividers.
All together now!!! “I LOVE NEW YORK!!!”
Here’s Jimmy Van Bramer’s phone number: His Phone Number: 718-383-9566
His Email address: jvanbramer@council.nyc.gov
Let him know he screwed up BIG TIME! From Homeless Shelters, to Bike Lanes, and now this. How about if we organize a Protest in front of his house in the Sunnyside Gardens? We won’t forget this Jimmy. Your political career is over.
It took van bramer nearly a decade to add a few stop signs along dangerous areas of 5th Street in LIC. You think he could really handle something as big as Amazon?
Yes, organize a protest!!!!
This is pure dumbness. Why are some people advocating the tax subsidies can now go to something else, such as subway infrastructure and etc.? The tax subsidies are approx. 10% FROM THE TAX DOLLARS GENERATED BY AMAZON? AND the subsidies are only paid out when job creation numbers are met. Now, we get $0 additional tax revenue. We get 0 additional middle class jobs, we get 0 additional non – high tech service jobs in the surrounding neighbourhood that would have been created by this investment, which would have served as job opportunities for all classes. Now, we lost all that because some politicians is arguing Amazon is not playing fair. Amazon took advantage of the programs in place that preceded them and available to any other companies! Some argue Google didn’t get subsidies. They are just misinformed. Google didn’t get additional subsidies because they built their campus in Manhattan! The subsidies are only available for projects outside of Manhattan and meant to invigorate other boroughs! Google or any corporate companies or any individuals would have taken advantage of the subsidy that is avaliable to them. Just ask those politicians who opposed the deal, would they return government grants for their jurisdictions. I think they would give a very different answer. This is lunacy at it’s finest. This is not a victory for the working class nor fight the evil corporate welfare. Ask about the alternative plan to create jobs in the neighbourhood? Ask about the subsidies paid out to all the companies before Amazon and what have they done for the community? Can they even show statistics of how much tax revenue they created in relations to the subsidies they received? Ask about the lost of innovations and future tech talents in NYC?
Hey people complaining that NYC “lost” all those great jobs and investments and housing – where are they in Seattle? If Amazon was so good at delivering all these promises, why did they BARELY give a fraction of all that amazing, benevolent stuff to Seattle after over 20 years? They’re bald faced liars, their track record proves it, and if you believe they were bringing jobs and housing and infrastructure to NYC after their track record wrecking another major metropolis (including all but destroying any livability in that city), I’ve gotta nice bridge in Brooklyn I can sell you.
Well said my friend. Well Said!
Are…. are these all just spam accounts commenting at this point?
Good riddance Bezos – this would not have been good for the community and they certainly did not need $3B in tax breaks when they already pay ZERO.
You all lament on the fact that “hipsters” move here and the speed of gentrification and restaurants closing but REALLY think that Amazon would bring you JOBS?
Thanks you to Gianaris and JVB and all the activists who knocked on doors and protested for our community, well done!
3 billion in tax breaks was contingent on 27 billion in revenue you dope. Kiss that revenue goodbye now.
Amazon’s tax rate is -1% they should be paying a substantial amount in taxes – we didn’t need to give them more money. The displacement and gentrification that would’ve come with this would have literally ruined people’s lives. But go off I guess.
Agree!!!! Well done!! This beautiful location can now be used to host outdoor events throughout the year to showcase the diversity of Queens. Local vendors can replace any potential job lost.
So anyone who disagrees with you is “spam”!? Amazon could have brought a lot of revenue into the area. And I live local business but how many local businesses are paying $100k?
And a warning shot to any other billionaire conmen fishing for a bribe. Queens won. Good riddance.
Yes, the big bully did not want to pay ball with the community, nor have its anti0union policies exposed and debated. So they took their ball and ran away. It’s fortunate that we saw what kind of loust neighbor Amazon would have been before they moved in Let them find their tech workers in the boondocks where they can enjoy the….
Absolutely!!! Now let’s build more of those low budget hotels. The homeless need places to stay and those developers are able about to do something about it.
Bravo. There was never any guarantee of anything close to “25K” high paying jobs. The way this was pushed through under the table was disgraceful. I am very happy to hear this.
Thank you local politicians. I was terrified Newtown Creek would be cleaned up and the LIRR lower montauk rail link to cental Queens would have been rehabilitated to light rail. Now I can rest easy as more homeless shelter hotels are built in Blissville. Now lets get rid of JetBlue and get behind Ocasio’s green plan. Let’s turn all these high rise building into low income housing and increase the bike lanes on Skillman to every street in Long Island City!!!!
You got that right!!!!
More low income housing and bike lanes is a great idea – let’s do it! Thanks!
Who said they were going to do those things? Amazon didn’t. Amazon probably had no idea of the impact of our subway implosion.
We’ve seen what they’ve did to Seattle with rents going sky high and more people becoming homeless. We don’t need Amazon and it’s anti-union stance. We don’t need Amazon and it’s face identification system.
NYC and the state does not need to give away our tax dollars for a company that does not need it.
Good riddance.
Can I share a room with you. I just lost my chance at a job in LIC and there is no room at the homeless hotel in Queens Plaza
Solid thinking there…. Now there WILL BE NO TAX DOLLARS!
Can’t compare to Seattle, NYC already have high rents and will continue to soar in LIC, just not as quickly as if Amazon was coming.
More people ae becoming homeless becaue their skills don’t match modern times. Not because of corporations. There are homeless people everywhere and more of them exist in areas with no businesses than areas with them. But it must be hard to connect the dots when you are stupid as fuck and so stupid you can’t admit fault cause you think youre so special.
St. Valentine’s JOB Massacre!!!
Mike Gianaris and Jimmy Van Bramer KILLED 25,000 JOBS for New Yorkers!!!!
Yup, Mike G and Jimmy the Job Killer joined forces with the Union Thugs and The AOC to massacre jobs on VD. New York City has become a joke.
25,000 new jobs with an average salary of $150,000: GONE. $30 billion in tax revenue: GONE. Construction jobs: GONE. A booming service industry: GONE. Revitalizing a zombified neighborhood: GONE.
And what will happen to your precious Queensbridge now: NOTHING!
Yay!!!! I lease in a building on the waterfront and LOVE the news
Van Bramer and Genaris – you both should immediately resign from your positions.
Here’s Jimmy Van Bramer’s Email address: jvanbramer@council.nyc.gov
Let him know he screwed up BIG TIME! From Homeless Shelters, to Bike Lanes, and now this. How about if we organize a Protest in from of your house in the Sunnyside Gardens? We won’t forget this Jimmy. Your political career is over.
Thanks for the link; I’m writing my thank-you to him and everyone else involved in stopping this robbery.
I’ll be thanking him too…some people are real idiots.
Good job Gianaris!!!!
Now you need to open more homeless shelters and neighborhood jails. You are a spectacular politician!!!
Bye bye jobs.
Bye bye hope of LIC being more than a overcrowded, overpriced bedroom community.
Bye bye Gianaris and JVB plans of being Queens borough prez (note that Amazon says they’ll grow their presence in Brooklyn, Manhattan and Staten Island. Queens? Not so much).
And as for AOC…have to wonder if this “victory” won’t prompt a few second thoughts about her being ready for prime time.
One question for Gianaris, Bramer and the rest of the Amazon protesters is: Will we get that $3 billion that was allegedly going to Amazon, so we can fix our neighborhood and trains? Or were you guys just talking baloney?
Beginning of the end for New York. What business will come to this toxic environment?
this can’t be a serious thought in your head
Many businesses how come here already without Amazon!
Name one
Not to the boroughs!
Google. Announced plans to build an additional 1.2 million square feet in Hudson Square, without any government tax breaks or incentives. They might consider LIC, where land costs are a lot cheaper.
A google is NOT many.
Name more than 3! You liar. I bet you’ve never been to long island city. It’s not hip enough for you.
There have to be no less than 30 tech companies in Brooklyn: Vice, Big Spaceship, HUGE, Kickstarter, Makerbot, Gimlet, Etsy… Not everybody is a gonna be an Amazon or a Google or a Facebook.
Queens has virtually no digital presence (ie fintech, health tech, ecommerce, ad tech, etc).
Oh Great. Now I have to ask the Etsy hipsters to live in my overpriced apartments.
Impeach Van Bramer and Genaris
Finally! Now lets get to work and bring back the ladies of the night on 11 Street and 44 Drive. Need more rub and tug businesses on Vernon too!!!
Way to go. You @sshats just eliminated 25k jobs, (including blue collar/union work!) computer labs for the kids, further rejuvenation of the anable basin site that needs a lot of clean up, making our lovely LIC neighborhood a household name and likely so much more. All because you were butthurt that you didn’t have a seat at the table to whine about the deal from the start. (no wonder you were excluded!) As a constituent, who lives less than 5 blocks from the proposed site, I will not be voting for you ever again, and look forward to your retirement from politics. Especially you JVB.
Ugggg…looks like I’ll need to re-activate my Amazon Prime account. I was looking forward to walking a few blocks over to pick up my Amazon goods 🙁
That’s not how it would have worked.
The distribution center in the Bulova building? Hmmm, that would be a riot, few hour pick-up taking the bus there from my house.
It definitely shows that you were “never politically active.” You have no idea what you’re talking about. A lot of know-nothings who only started paying attention to politics a week ago are suddenly experts. And they’re all on Amazon’s side. Those of us who care ALL THE TIME, and not just when we feel like it, fought this while you all were asleep at the wheel. If it was so important to you: blame yourself.
Amazon is one of the slimiest companies in the country; good riddance. Sunnyside and Astoria are saved, for now, from real estate vultures picking them apart.
from Sunnyside you must be a JVB photo-op fan. Go to the CB2 meetings. Sunnyside and Astoria are saved from whom? Your probably a strapped for cash/waiter/writer/actor who’s constantly behind on their rent. JVB will continue to take money from RE interests — more hotels coming your way to be converted to homeless shelters. Glad I have a few more years, planning a nice retirement selling my multi-unit corner property and get the out of here – you can keep Sunnyside & Astoria.
Yipee…now JVB and Gianaris can get back to packing LIC with homeless shelters in the vain hope that we can go back to the “good old days” when LIC was a sh!thole. Heckuva job, guys!
Giannaris needs to be fired, privlidged POS. GO AND GET A REAL JOB.