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April 29, 2016 Staff Report
Construction plans are in gear for a 14-story, nearly 200-room hotel planned on 9th Street at 38th Avenue, not far from Queensbridge Houses.
Plans were filed with the Department of Buildings Wednesday for the hotel at 38-15 9th St.
The Red Lion Hotels Corporation announced in February that it would open a new Hotel RL – the company’s upscale brand – at this site, as the Real Deal noted. Another Hotel RL coming to Brooklyn was announced in late February.
There will be a coffee shop on the first floor, bar and lounge with outdoor seating, rooftop bar and lounge also with outdoor seating and an exercise room, according to DOB documents.
Building plans indicate that there will be 198 rooms, though the February announcement said there would be 180. RLHC could not immediately be reached for clarification.
The hotel is expected to open in 2019.
The development plans were filed by the real estate investment firm Brooklyn North Capital, which acquired the property about a year ago.
Your neighbor stealing cable is not good. LIC n ever used to be so expensive until well off people moved in and kicked out the long time residents. (Gentrification). It may not have been much to look at but it was a better neighborhood than it is now.
Sorry you lost your job. I don’t mean all people of middle to lower income are on food stamps. If the economy gets worse and /or more Luxury buildings than affordable apts get built ,there may be more people heading to sect. 8 and food stamps.
I just got a raise…. Well, actually I got fired and now that my income slumped, I can now collect food stamps, section 8 rent, free cell phone and finally I have time to go to the gym. Why was I working so hard when it is this easy to live well. #MRLICclasswars #freebeelife
Pup… You are an idiot. Just because a person lives in a structured community, it doesn’t mean they are collecting social benefits. Deblasio has worked very hard to undue all the toxic Bloomberg policies and your uneducated views on individuals who are working cash jobs with no health care is criminal. Trump will change this country for the better and Deblasio should be his VP. #TrumpCaresAboutAmerica
Brooklynmc & JustLifeKicking you just don’t get it. Read my comments above. If Rich people didn’t try to push out the less fortunate and look down on them, things would be better if they tried to fit in with them. Don’t come in like gangbusters and expect friendship.
Brooklynmc and justlifekicking you just don’t get it . Read my comments above. Wealth is fine but don’t push your way through people with less. Try and be kind and live among them. Don’t look down on them and try to push them out. Therein lies the animosity for the less fortunate.
continued…Maybe now you can why they are called SNOBS.
No one should be driven out by the wealthy from their lifetime or longtime neighborhoods by the wealthy. Whether the proximity to Manhattan or not.
You are wrong. No one who has lived most of or all of their lives in a neighborhood should be driven out by the wealthy. whether the proximity to Manhattan or not.
So you are advocating for depriving a property owner of their property rights just because they have had a long term tenant? What a magical reality you must live in.
My neighbor owns two cars and takes road trips all over the country. She eats better food than I and owns a better phone than I. Heck, her apartment is better than mine and she’s 43 years old. Sure, maybe if I worked a little harder and focused on my career. I do work about 50 hours a week and I do have a business degree, yet I worry about money sometimes because life near the city (lic) is expensive. I am not wasteful with my money which means I don’t take vacations or road trips frequently. Maybe I too should live off food stamps, section 8 rent, free cell phone and stolen cable and internet like my neighbor. Her life seems better than mine.
I disagree mrlic
continued…. No one should be kicked out of their homes/ neighborhood by people with more money (gentrification). If the shoe was on the other foot the rich person would not like it either. You are right howwever aabout Foreign Money. We should watch out for that.
JustLifeKicking you sound as if there ishould be a class war. All men are created equal. No one rich or poor should be looked down on because of what money they have or don’t have. . No Poor doors (separate entrances) all people in the building should have access to the pool * gym etc… Your reasoning is flawed for this reason.
-Visitor I bet you’re wrong
i bet it is going to be a “Homeless Shelter” just wait and see this is Jimmy Van Bramer’s area and he is getting big bucks for this –
Competition drives productivity, it makes society better. Wealth attracts talent and those whom took the risk and put the labor in should have a better lifestyle than those that didnt make the effort. Don’t hate on those that can afford to rent or own in expensive buildings. That’s an earned privilege. For those that could no longer afford their living space because other people with money took over there space, that’s unfortunate but that’s life. If you want to be angry, be angry at all the foreign money buying up real estate. If you are a home owner, you should be appreciative of foreign money.
Well said! Nice to see a level head here. But, it is a bubble. Everyone is starting to overstretch themselves again. My wife and I are struggling to find a home. There are very few quality choices within 50 miles of NYC that are under $700,000 in good school zones. Foreign buyers are hurting us. They are even starting to buy investment homes in the suburbs. I read an article about how buildings are being marketed in China before even being put on the market here in the US. These buyers are all cash and they find the US real estate market to be a better option than their third worldish and corrupt political and banking systems.
Businesses are in business to make money and not to do good. Nothing wrong with that. The rewards of getting an education and working hard are evident but not everyone has the mental where with all to take advantage of those rewards. Sometimes the children of those folks suffer as well. The successful top 20% or so don’t need the kind of help that the bottom 20% does. When we help the struggling we help all of us. The sooner folks can swim by themselves the sooner we can all benefit.
The Queensbridge houses while not perfect is the biggest PUBLIC housing development in the USA. It is not going anywhere at all. There would be rioting in the streets. Bulldoze it for what more RICH SNOBS in yours and King Bloomberg’s “City For The Rich Only”.
Queensbridge houses discriminates against white people!!
You can’t hate people for being rich. Everyone with money is not a snob and all these people spending 60% of their money on rent are not rich. Grow up. This city is tough on most of us. Just like your rent is going up, so is mine. We are all just trying to survive here. This is testing your character and you are failing.
Pretty soon we will need to bulldoze the Queensbridge Houses to finish cleaning up the area. Good riddance.
You must be a Trump supporter.
“Upscale brand” leads you to believe this will be a “cheap” option? When the city is booked up, the areas surrounding the city get a similar rate per night. When the city is slow, you could get a room for less than $100 a night in good hotels. Supply and demand darling.
There is no real transit nearby from what I can see. Good Luck.
European travelers are frugal unlike Americans who spend, spend, spend. They will be happy with a loaf of bread, view of Manhattan and a shuttle bus. Not to mention a ton of business travelers who just want a cheap, clean bed.