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Woman Arrested After Allegedly Setting Roommate on Fire at LIC Homeless Shelter

The Verve Hotel, now known as the Pam’s Place women’s shelter (Photo: QueensPost)

July 16, 2018 By Nathaly Pesantez

Police have arrested a woman who allegedly set her roommate on fire at a homeless shelter in Long Island City last week.

Yarenis Perdomo, 33, was arrested Saturday in Astoria, three days after she allegedly threw nail polish remover on her 51-year-old roommate and lit her on fire at the Verve Hotel, according to police.

An NYPD spokesperson said Perdomo got into an argument with her roommate at around 10:30 p.m. on July 11, and set her on fire with an unknown object in the shelter, located at 40-03 29th St.

The 51-year-old victim was taken to Weill Cornell Hospital’s burn unit for severe burns to the face and other injuries, police said.

A spokesperson for the Department of Homeless Services said DHSPD Peace Officers responded immediately to the incident by calling the NYPD and connecting the victim with medical care.

The agency is also coordinating with the hospital and medical provider to ensure that the client who was attacked is provided with support and services.

“This unconscionable act goes against everything we stand for and we’re working closely with law enforcement to ensure the perpetrator is apprehended,” DHS spokesperson Isaac McGinn said in a statement made prior to the arrest.

Perdomo has been charged with attempted murder, assault with intention to cause physical injury, and assault with intention to disfigure/dismember.

Court records show that a psychiatric exam was ordered for the defendant. She is due back in Queens Criminal Court on August 3.

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I use to stay here a year ago it’s not a good shalter. At all stuff happen when I was there a women died and noone know it it was alardy to late


I mean, where they really screwed up is generating all this press. Who’s there to sell to with all the dirty laundry aired?


I just seen where other state gives the homeless jobs keeping the streets clean why don’t they try that in NYC but if they did some of the homeless is not going to want that job plus all of the abandoned buildings why not fixes they up and give the homeless apartment if the city can pay 5,000.00 dollars a month to these hotels why can they give people apartments. It’s sad that these developers are just building all these hotels in Long Island City so 6 months after they open they can become shelters so they can get that money from the city because they become shelters.

Jheri Lewispm

I’m the roommate that was set on fire I was sleeping at the time no argument that’s a lie & worked


Are you ok? I hope you were financially compensated . The employees at Pams place never take care if issues until
It’s too late! Tons of seriously mentally ill clients there . A danger to others


We should have a better solution to combat homelessness in NYC. SF just put out a plan to increase corporate taxes by .5% which is projected to just about solve the funding issues. From there, I agree with Paul – and those folks in #3 can have a place to live (paid for by the .5%) while they get back on their feet. I have no problem sharing my neighborhood with the homeless who are part of that #3 group, it’s the mentally unstable and violent substance abusers who give the rest of the homeless trying to get back on their feet a bad name.


Jimmy Van Bramer and Lisa Deller, the Chair Person of the Land Use Committee to be converted into homeless shelters. he should be ashamed of himself.I have lived in this neighborhood for over 35 years. I have never seen this many homeless people under the 4th. Street station.with all their smelly garbage and begging for money. elderly people are being mugged and attacked. This is a middle class neighborhood, people paying very high rents to live in a safe and clean neighborhood. these homeless shelters have to be moved elsewhere. enough is enough Bramer.


The FAKE MRLIC wrote the July 16, 2018 comment. To Clued Out. This FAKE MRLIC can’t get his own screen name as he/she insists on using mine. I wish they would institute some password protection on the LICPOST.


It’s time to eliminate homeless shelters and focus on eliminating homelessness. The solution? Divide it into 3 categories where they usually fall on 1.) The mentally unstable -send them to the mental hospital 2.) The violent drunks – send them to hard labor 3.) Those who fell on hard times – get them a job.

LIC Neighbor

Sounds like she’s Dominican ancestry to me, with the name Yarenis Perdomo. Well this is typical of what happens all the time – the violence at the Homeless Shelters – these are our new neighbors and get ready – more of these new neighbors coming to LIC as several new hotels have been approved under the watchful eye of Jimmy Van Bramer and Lisa Deller, the Chair Person of the Land Use Committee to be converted into homeless shelters.


See these librals want to show compashun to the homeless and this is what your going to get.

Luckally conservatives only commit classy crimes like cheating on you’re pregrant wife with Stormy Daniels.

Clued Out

Get a clue Anna, this a sarcastic, intentionally provocative troll of a post. Soon, there will be a another post saying that the FAKE MRLIC wrote the post on July 16th, 2018. And on and on and on we go…


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