Hunters Point South
Aug. 20, 2019 By Shane O’Brien
The city is looking to replenish the wait list for some of the moderate-income “affordable” apartments at Hunters Point South.
Spots on the wait list are now available for households that earn between $104,538 and $278,300 a year. The rent in these units range from $2,992 to $5,183 a month depending on the size of the apartment.
The apartments are located in the two towers at 1-50 50th Ave. and 1-55 Borden Ave., both adjacent to the waterfront. The buildings, both 100 percent permanently affordable, consist of 925 units and were completed in 2015 as part of the Mixed Income Housing Program implemented by the New York City Housing Development Corporation.
Applicants are able to earn up to 230 percent of the Area Median Income to quality for a spot on the wait list.
Individuals looking to rent a one-bedroom apartment must have a yearly income ranging between $104,538 and $168,130, while a two-person household can make no more than $192,050 a year. One-bedroom apartments go for $2,992 a month.
Households looking to rent a two-bedroom apartment must have a minimum annual income of $136,309, while three-bedroom apartments require households to take in at least $180,240 a year.
Applicants for two-bedroom apartments can earn up to $239,890 yearly, with those seeking three-bedroom apartments capped at $278,300.
A two-bedroom apartment will cost successful applicants $3,974 a month, while a three-bedroom apartment costs $5,183.
Gas and heating prices are included in the monthly rent, but electricity and other bills are excluded.
Amenities at the two buildings include a fitness center, a tech center, an outdoor terrace, a playroom and a 24-hour attended lobby.
The towers were first occupied in 2015 following an affordable housing lottery for all 925 units in 2014.
The city set aside 186 units for those who made no more than 50 percent of the Area Median income. The remaining 738 units were designated for moderate income earners. Of those units, 308 were for individuals and families who made up to 230 percent of the AMI.
The AMI for a family of four in New York City is currently $106,700.
To apply for an apartment or find out more, click here.

At 1-50 50th ave.Lic
Is Parking included in rent?
Is fitness center included in rent?
Is roof top deck included in rent?
Thank you,
Not fair for middle class and low income families . What they seem to be doing is creating an affordable housing for the rich so they feel that there is something affordable for them smh.
WHATS affordable about paying $3k a month?? With that kind of money I could pay off a mortgage to a house if i was able to afford that much a month! not live in a small apt, unbelievable how they get away with this.
Really affordable for who?
Right that’s extremely too high for a two bedroom apartment in on top of that not enough space inside… I’ll buy a home that’s the case
These people who are in housing expecting the low income to come up with that kind of money. What? Are you serious? And what are we supposed to do just sleep out on the streets or something? Jesus Christ!!
We all better stay away from the Insanity of the Dems protecting Illegals over citizens. They don’t tell you how much they help pay their rent, and so many additional benefits they are getting while us Citizens do not qualify. They are targeting them to grab their Vote! We can not give in to those who do not care about any Legal Citizens. We don’t want Socialism.
I’ve been a city worker for over 15 years, make almost $50K. However I don’t qualify for any of the affordable housing since I earn too little. Doesn’t that sound twisted?
Yes it does and I am a city worker also!
An awful lot of New Yorkers, not just City employees, make a lot less than the $104K minimum for these apartments. This town is getting sicker by the day.
Apply here they have other options:
God Bless America
The land of the free ..to rip each other off !
God..Please bless us all!!
How can this be called “Affordable Housing”. What is wrong with these people. They bulldoze people out of their homes to build these high rises.
Kudos to this reporter for accurately placing the term “Affordable” in parentheses in the headline. At this point, it should be clear to any ethical journalist that not doing so is dishonest and that using that term haphazardly simply advances the City’s narrative at the expense of regular New Yorkers. Bravo, Mr. O’Brien!
Disgusting, 2008 Wall St. banking scandal all over again. When will it end in this country,,,
You would need Epstein’s money to afford this area.
so when they say a certain amount of units need to be affordable… we’re talking wall street salaries?
That’s NOT affordable!!!
It’s affordable to me. I worked hard to get where I am and I’m proud of it, and if someone who never took advantage of the opportunities that this country has to offer doesn’t like it, too bad. It’s easier to play the victim and whine than it is to strive and work and struggle to succeed. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.
You obviously don’t live in the real world.
How is working hard and making something of yourself not living in the real world? Does living in the real world mean being dependent upon the government to take care of you? Does living in the real world mean not trying? New York is the most expensive city in the country and if you can’t afford to live here, move to a place you can afford. This is a big country and there a plenty of low level jobs available for the poorly educated. Unless of course you like having the government take care of you.
if only it was that simple. do you have job security? if you were laid off from your job this week, how long could you sustain your current quality of life. do you have enough disposal issue to manage your current lifestyle and a health emergency?
Low level jobs are not for the poorly educated both my children are very educated college students who have had to take lower level jobs to make ends meet
So…you’re okay with paying almost 3K a month for rent for just a 1 bedroom?
I pay mortgage in that amount (very slightly less). Why the hell would I wanna pay that much for something I wouldn’t own?
If you’re not going to be in NYC long term and don’t plan on owning property and there are two people, both with good jobs, $3,000 per month rent is reasonable. Especially for a new building with all the amenities it offers. There are no requirements as to how long someone has to live in the building.
First off I thing you’re a liar and some of us do work hard and have been doing it for many years. But salaries are not keeping up with the cost of living in this city. The prices are just outrageous. Thank God I have a good pension and get my health benefits for the rest of my life when I retire. I will be moving out of NY to someplace more affordable.
You’re missing the point. The “affordable” price is market rate, limited to people who make quite a bit of money. Meanwhile the developers get benefits for building affordable housing even though it’s market rate, and there’s an administrative cost to placing people in these apartments. Waste of taxpayer money at least.
Definitely not market rate. Take a look at TF Cornerstone’s website and you will see that 1BDs are going for upwards of $3350-$3850 and 2BDs are $5K-$6K. Same with Rockrose, even in Court Square. While these apartments aren’t “affordable” in the sense of being affordable to a bulk of NYers, they are definitely discounted from the OBSCENE rates of market apartments in the neighborhood. This is especially true for 2BDs that run $1K-$2K less than market rates, and you can’t even get a 3BD right now. The 186/925 units that are designated as low rather than moderate income are significantly cheaper but no one is moving out of those so they don’d need to refill the wait list right now. And of course you need to have units closer to market rate for any developer to come in and develop properties like this, otherwise they have no incentive. Find me a company that is willing to essentially break even or lose money on developing 1000 units of low income housing at the relative quality of these developments; it’s not happening because developers are businesses that look to make profits. Otherwise, you end up with NYCHA housing, and just look for a few articles on how well those places are going.
We all strive to succeed and be successful but I’m not using all my pay on an 1 bedroom apartment wtf. Be apartment poor. ??. Shame on you and them.
What common wisdom emptiness! Everyone can work as hard as they want and there is still only so much room at the top. Every organization has only one CEO. It doesn’t matter how much everyone else within the organization works, there’s only room for one CEO. Anybody else but a child, would know and admit it takes more than hard work to make it. It takes luck, the luck of being born healthy, in the right family, the luck of going to at least a basically decent school, the luck of being liked by people one goes to school and works with, and the very basic luck of being in the right place at the right time.
This has been up for over a year…
Also… this is totally not affordable!