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Van Bramer Endorses Tiffany Caban for Queens DA

Make the Road Action Rally (Twitter: Make the Road Action)

April 4, 2019 By Alexa Beyer

Queens District Attorney candidate Tiffany Cabán received an endorsement from Council Member Jimmy Van Bramer on Thursday.

The endorsement is the first the 31-year-old public defender has received from a council member, in a Democratic primary where she appears to be emerging as the progressive left’s candidate of choice.

Van Bramer said that he’s endorsing Cabán in the June 25 primary because of her progressive approach to criminal justice reform.

“If we are serious about achieving social and economic justice we’ve got to be serious about criminal justice reform. Changing the system—not just tinkering with it—has to be the goal,” he said.

“I believe that Tiffany Cabán has the relevant experience to transform the way we look at systemic inequality in the law. She knows first hand that building people up, rather than tearing them apart, ultimately makes us all safer.”

Van Bramer’s endorsement follows those Cabán has received from the Queens Democratic Socialists, Real Justice PAC, Make the Road Action (MRA) and the Working Families Party. She has the backing of many of the grass-roots organizers who got behind Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’ campaign.

Cabán, who lives in Astoria, is taking on six other candidates in the crowded primary that includes Queens Borough President Melinda Katz and Council Member Rory Lancman.

Cabán is an advocate for the elimination of cash bail for all crimes and an end to the prosecution of low-level offenses like fare evasion and marijuana possession.

She also wants to decriminalize sex work and refuses to take contributions from corporations, a decision she says will free her to prosecute landlords who unlawfully evict tenants and corporations accused of wage theft.

She is opposed to the opening of new jails–including the Kew Gardens facility–while calling for the immediate closure of Rikers Island. Her policy is to reduce the inmate population down to a such a level where this could be achieved.

In his endorsement, Van Bramer noted that as a gay man, he was proud to endorse Cabán, who identifies as queer.

Cabán thanked Van Bramer for the endorsement.

“[Councilmember Van Bramer] has spent the entirety of his career fighting for the LGBTQIA+ community. This resilience and courage is an inspiration to me, especially as a queer woman. I am honored to receive this endorsement, and I look forward to working with him to make Queens a model for decarceral and restorative criminal justice reform,” she wrote.

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Harry Bingham IV

This DA race is turning into a competition over who is going to prosecute LESS people. LOL

That said, Lasak for DA.


The Working Families Party (WFP)supports her. That is reason enough NOT TO VOTE for her. WFP is a progressive Socialist Organization. Abolish ICE signs behind Ms. Caban in the picture says enough. She is anti-American. Trump love him or hate him Trump is for AMERICANS, Vote Democrat and you VOTE for Anti-AMERICANS.

I wonder why Trump has completely failed to build one of his central campaign promises?

Agreed, the WFP’s main concerns are jobs, healthcare and higher taxes on the rich. Since you love the ultra 1% rich so much, I can see why you oppose them.

The billionaire real estate developer talk show host is certainly for the common everyman. I’m glad to see you support luxury condo developers

Still, I wonder why most of his cabinet is in prison now?

I wonder why he is hiding his tax returns from everyone that voted for him?

I wonder why he has completely failed to build The Great Wall, even after the Trump Shutdown?

I wonder why deportations are down under Trump? Isn’t he supposed to be deporting all the brown people he said were rapists?


You are a delusional fake news and biased media Socialist/Communist Democrat to say what you say. Maybe you ae a millennial who seem to identify with Socialism while many do not even know what it is. You must like AOC and Anti Americans Ilan Omar and Rashida Tlaib . You must hate the constitution and America. Trump would have had the wall but DUMB-O-CRATS stopped him. There is no mandate for President’s to show their tax returns. Bernie Sanders don’t want to show his either. Trump got part of his wall the other day. He will get it eventually. The developer as you call him has helped America and wants to fee it of Illegals. Dems want them to roam in Freely with OPEN BORDERS. You want them in here you pay for them. There should be a vote whomever wants to pay for them can. I don’t want that and many others don’t either. He does not control every condo developer that i building here in LIC or shall I say OVER BUILDING without PLANNING. Deportations are down because Dems won’t help him. They want to ruin the rest of the country and turn it into a 3rd world cesspool like NYC, CHIC, SF, SEATTLE. All Dem controlled Cities with Homeless problems, too many taxes and OVER DEVELOPMENT. Tax and spend Dems have nothing left to tax in NYc so they make up Congestion Pricing to hurt people again. Fares and Tolls and commuter trains are going up also. You talk about the 1%. What the heck do you think Cuomo and DebLasio are for BOTH DEMS. Look around you at the $2,850 studios and $5,000 a month 3 bedrooms. No real affordable hosing and you have homeless . It is pretty simple. Lets hand out needles to druggies, lets clear the jails and decriminalize everything so Rikers can be developed. Trump is not against Brown or Black people and No Collusion was proven. Dems are sore losing Socialists who can’t get over anything. Whining Babies. You don’t like America you can leave it. Try crossing the border in Iran you will be shot Canada fined $5,000, China Jailed or shot or both. Here we give them more benefits than citizens. Mexico has very tough border rules.Wake up.

Why did we need The Trump Shutdown if Mexico is paying for the wall, the way Trump promised?>

Wow, that’s a really long unhinged rant.

I agree, the Democrats outmaneuvered Trump on The Great Wall negations He los very badly. The Trump Shutdown got him nothing.

But wait, why does he need to beg the Democrats when Mexico is paying for The Great Wall?

Can you answer a single question?

> I wonder why most of his cabinet is in prison now?

> I wonder why he is hiding his tax returns from everyone that voted for him?

> I wonder why he has completely failed to build The Great Wall, even after the Trump Shutdown?

> I wonder why deportations are down under Trump? Isn’t he supposed to be deporting all the brown people he said were rapists?

A Little Accuracy Please

Look – Trump is surrounded by a fair share of dirtbags, but to say “most of his cabinet is in prison now” is patently false. You undermine your credibility with statements like that

Tryonne Fauntleroy

Ah yes a progressive stain that will turn Queens into Brooklyn and the Bronx. Yeah some crusader that will turn this borough into a dump .

we literally elected a reality tv star for president

You don’t need experience to hold office anymore. Do you know who’s president?

LiC Direct

Loser, what can you expect being supported by JVB. May the lord protect us from these people.

make better choices

yep – she hitched her horse to the WRONG wagon. Maybe they can get jobs at McD’s together!?!


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