Van Bramer
Oct. 29, 2018 By Christian Murray
Council Member Jimmy Van Bramer announced today that his office has helped more than 30,000 constituents since he took office in January 2010.
Van Bramer, in making the announcement, said that his most notable constituent achievements since taking office include: aiding a resident from avoiding deportation; getting an additional school safety officer assigned to P.S. 11 in Woodside; changing MTA construction times to reduce noise for residents; reducing fines for constituents from overzealous city agencies; and helping remedy pedestrian safety issues.
The announcement of the number of constituent cases a council member completes is not typical but Van Bramer says that he wants to make sure the public knows what he is doing.
“My job is to work hard every day and to deliver results,” Van Bramer said. “Constituent services have always been at the heart of our operation and we are proud to have helped thousands of constituents in Sunnyside, Woodside, Long Island City and Astoria.
Van Bramer, who plans to run for Queens Borough President, provided details of one his most noteworthy efforts. He said his office helped Mohammad Anwarul Islam, a Sunnyside resident avoid deportation in 2012
Islam was picked up by ICE after his political asylum case was rejected and taken to a correction facility in Newark, NJ. His wife called Van Bramer and the matter was resolved in 45 days and he was released. Today Islam is a US citizen.

Van Bramer with the Islam Family
He’s a very calculated robot. He’s got tricks up his sleeve, the thing is he wears tank tops…everyone knows and can see right through him. Even those who support him but that’s cause they’re his “friends” and people who give $$$$$$. Jimmy is a narcissist who should never hold office again. A narcissist only has one thing in mind…to serve THEMSELVES!
Do Not Vote for Van Bramer. NO.
I lived in Sunnyside and asked for help when I was bullied by Sampson Realty, he didn’t do one thing. He is much like most, geared to help his image and fill his pockets. We need somebody who helps all people, not just those he chooses for himself.
30,003 if you add the 3 that were employed to build the Long Island City Library over the last 4 years.
Add the way he has helped create very dangerous residential streets by his “advocacy” for rerouting traffic to streets where many children live.
Empty bike lanes – less space for cars. JVB is best buds with DiBlasio – he does not represent us get that through your fat heads. From bike lanes to homeless hotels and shelters, quality of life issues, over building, over crowding, crappy schools – the things that matter to a community. His self-promotion can compare to a snake oil salesman. He has served himself and a select few who he has enriched — the operators of the not for profits who operate the homeless hotels in LIC who have contributed heavily to his campaign and war chest on our tax dollars.
Jimmy is a not being truthful. He always wanted bike lanes bus appeared to vote against them simply to satisfy their constituents who he has encumbered with this foolishness. He knew full well that De Blasio another progressive nitwit would veto his dissent and then inflict this horrendous situation on the people who live here as those few who don’t just wave as they cycle by and they get to work in plenty of time and travel faster than the cars do Without stopping for lights or pedestrians. He has destroyed the quality of life for 1000 families living on 39th Dr. by inflicting bicycle lanes on us and reducing the traffic on Skillman Avenue to one lane which is insufficient especially in emergencies. Where he lives on 46 street there are two lanes of traffic. Jimmy takes care of Jimmy in every photo opportunity that might become available to him. He’s told the people on 39 drive to eat cake and live with the situation that is hazardous. It’s only a matter of time before someone dies because of the stupidity.
There is only one lane of traffic on 46th Street. 48th Street has two lanes.
Please correct title:
Van Bramer Announces That He Has Helped Himself to $30,000 from Developers Since Monday
In about two weeks, we’ll be up to 30,000 people negatively impacted by Mr. Van Bramer’s support for the road diet scheme imposed on Skillman/43rd Avenues.
Joke of the year!! His constituents… he failed his constituents in an epic way with the protected bike lane debacle. I don’t know how he sleeps at night. I can’t wait to not vote him in for Queens Borough President.
Most are probably Illegals that he has helped, an deelopers who donated $106,000 to his campaign.
90% of them are illegals that he helps and that is a fact.
Do you have any proof of that at all? Or just blind fear mongering about Illegals?
Trump received over $2 million from a real estate developer for HIS campaign. That bothers you too right? Otherwise you’d be a huge hypocrite…
Does the 30,000 include the 1,400+ daily cyclists on Skillman / 43rd?
Did you mean to say the maybe 100 bikes a day That roll down Skillman Avenue and 43rd Avenue?