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Van Bramer allocates $60K for trash cans, 34 new bins come to Long Island City

New cans in Woodside (Van Bramer)

June 19, 2017 By Christian Murray

Thirty-four new trash cans have recently popped up in Long Island City following the allocation of $60,000 of city funds by Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer toward the installation of 108 new cans throughout western Queens.

The majority of the 34 new cans in Long Island City have gone up in new locations on Vernon Boulevard, from Hunters Point over to Queensbridge.

A small number of the new cans have replaced existing wire trash cans. The new cans, which cost over $500 each, are significantly larger and are sturdier than the old cans.

Woodside has received 32 new cans and Sunnyside 29. In these areas, the trash cans, for the most part, have replaced the old wire cans.

Van Bramer said that 15 new cans have been installed in the Dutch Kills/Astoria neighborhood that he also represents.

“With more than a hundred new trash bins in Woodside, Sunnyside, Long Island City, Dutch Kills and Astoria, it will be easier than ever to throw trash in a bin rather than on the ground, keeping our streets clean for all,” Van Bramer said in a statement.

Old cans (file photo)

Trash Bin Locations by Queens Post on Scribd

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New York City Councilmember Jimmy Van Bramer (D-Sunnyside) continues to make fundraising appeals for his 2017 campaign committee to reëlect, even after he has reportedly dropped out of the matching funds program of the New York City Campaign Finance Board.
In an e-mail distributed on Thursday, Councilmember Van Bramer’s campaign committee sought campaign contributions, in part, because, “I need your help in order to face the very real and immensely important fights that are ahead. I’ve spent this year organizing the resistance against the devisive retoric from the White House.”
The e-mail apparently referred to a protest march that Councilmember Van Bramer spearheaded last November to denounce the politics of then-President elect Donald Trump as an affront to “Queens values,” a vague political construct that appeared to overlook the prominent conservative sensibility that exists amongst voters in the borough of Queens.
Councilmember Van Bramer’s campaign fundraising drive continues in the face of a news report that his campaign committee has reportedly exceeded a fundraising cap and has dropped out of the Municipal matching funds program, according to an article published by The Gotham Gazette. Councilmemmber Van Bramer is a member of the City Council’s Progressive Caucus.
For this report, Councilmember Van Bramer’s office did not answer a request to explain why the incumbent candidate dropped out of matching funds program.


People litter no doubt about it. Remember when the MTA took garbage cans out of certain subway stations, claiming people will hold their trash until they reach a street can or a mezzanine can somewhere. How did that work out? Answer, MTA idiots had to return the cans to the stations because people did the direct opposite.They left their trash on seats and on the station platform floor and some threw their trash onto the tracks causing more Track Fires. Everyone knew it wouldn’t work when they announced it. In this case more cans will help but as someone said, unless they are emptied more frequently, they will be useless.

LIC Resident

The original mesh cans weren’t the problem. The frequency within which the cans were emptied by NYC Sanitation was the problem. The next photo we’ll see of these new green trash cans will be identical to the one above (in that it will be overflowing with garbage). New overpriced cans, same issue. Fail, Councilman.


Did you miss the part where these cans are significantly larger and have a lid? So even if they’re emptied the same frequency, they shouldn’t be overflowing.


Dead on LIC, empty the fu$king cans more often and enforce the laws against illegal dumping. Prettier cans won’t do a thing.

your neighbor

Unfortunately it isn’t going to stop the people in cars (uber/lyft as well as some private cars) who like to just open their windows and dump whatever trash they have into the street.

price gouging?

OMG. what is up with that!? And why do so many of them eat chicken on the bone!?


He’s an idiot. Someone should throw him in one of these cans for spending our money so foolishly.


My thoughts as well. Would be more reasonable if it were the solar-powered self-compacting ones but with that kind of markup, I cannot even imagine what obscene amount those ones cost us.


I actually think $500 for a commercial grade trash can is acceptable considering all the greedy union and political hands touching them, they could easily be $800-$1,000 each. Like the 2.5 million dollar storage/meeting room being built at Queensbridge Park.

Scott S.

Judging by the materials used and the powder coating and the hours of labor it probably takes to make each one, yes $500 sounds reasonable for a trash can that will withstand a decade of abuse on a Queens street corner.


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