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Van Bramer Allocates $1.3 M to Renovate Sixteen Oaks Grove Park

(Council Member Jimmy Van Bramer’s Office)

Nov. 26, 2019 By Allie Griffin

Long Island City’s Sixteen Oaks Grove Park is getting a $1.3 million makeover, after City Council Member Jimmy Van Bramer secured funding for the renovations.

The triangular park, named for its sixteen bordering oak trees, sits on .22 acres of land between 21st Street and 14th Street, acting as a traffic median with eight benches. The park is across from Community School 111Q Jacob Blackwell and is a few blocks from the Ravenswood Houses.

“I’m so glad to hear that the Sixteen Oaks Park will get the funding to fix up this little park in the middle of our community,” said Carol Wilkins, President of Ravenswood Residents Association.

“The sixteen oak trees create such a lovely shade in the summertime and a place for parents waiting for their children to return home from school, the community to rest when coming home from shopping or waiting for the bus or even coming from the library to sit and read a book.”

The $1.3 million comes out of the 2020 budget passed in June. The allotment is part of Van Bramer’s ongoing commitment to improving public spaces throughout the district.

“I am proud to have allocated $1.3M to renovate this essential gathering space for the Long Island City community,” Van Bramer said. “This is a beautiful space that is essentially empty. We can add appropriate benches and greenery to beautify this space for those who live around this park.”

The principal of Community School 111Q said she hopes to see the park be made into a playground.

“The groundbreaking overall of the piece of land into a playground speaks volumes of the continued and extraordinary efforts by Jimmy Van Bramer and his team to ensure that the children in our community have a safe and beautiful place to play and to pass the time,” said Dionne Jaggon, Principal of Community School 111Q.

“It is particularly special for me because the scholars closest to my heart will see the transformation daily as they come to school.”


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JVB might want to save this money to fix the issues with the library he and his cohorts so ignorantly screwed up. Unbelievable.

LIC Direct

Notice the JVB photographer in the back ground of the picture filming JVB and the prop kids. It will be used for his campaign commercial for this next run for Queens Borough President. Don’t vote for this clown, he the same guy who said the people in the projects could not aspire to the Amazon jobs, we were not worthy of these jobs, killing billions of dollars coming into our community. What a F*&^ing idiot!!


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