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Teenager Hospitalized After Minivan Driver Rams Into Him for Egging His Car

Nov. 1, 2017 by Nathaly Pesantez

LONG ISLAND CITY — A teenager has been hospitalized after the driver of a minivan he threw eggs at plowed into him, according to police.

The incident happened at approximately 8:19 p.m. on Oct. 31, where police received a call of a person struck at the intersection of Jackson Avenue and 23rd Street, police said.

Officials saw a 17-year-old male when they arrived at the scene, lying on the roadway with head and body trauma, police said. The teenager was then taken to Elmhurst Hospital, where he remains in stable condition.

A preliminary investigation found that Keith Richard, 50, got into an argument with a group of teenagers at the intersection of Jackson Avenue and 23 Street after they threw eggs at his 2008 Dodge Caravan, an NYPD spokesperson said.

Richard then made a u-turn and took a right onto the sidewalk on the north side of Jackson Avenue in an apparent attempt to strike the group of teenagers, police said. The group began to run south across Jackson Avenue when Richard followed them and struck the 17-year-old.

Richard then fled eastbound on Jackson Avenue after hitting the 17-year-old in an attempt to leave the scene, but was arrested near Pearson Street and Jackson Avenue, police said.

The 50-year-old driver was charged with attempted murder, reckless endangerment, leaving the scene of an accident, vehicular assault, and reckless driving.

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The comments on here are ridiculous you are all acting less mature than the kids throwing eggs, you should all take a good look in the mirror


I recall as a kid some of the hooliganism that went on every year. Haven’t seen that type of behavior in decades but it use to be pretty bad with random vandalism being the norm. The police dept use to request stores not sell shaving cream and eggs for two days leading up to Halloween and it still didn’t help. The worst were those that stole fire extinguishers, filled them with urine, and went spraying revelers. That was gross.


My friend and I hit a car with an egg when were about 14-15. The car turned around and came back, hit the breaks, the guy got out and chased us. It was dark and in a wooded area. His headlights were lighting up the woods and we hid behind a fallen tree. I think the guy just gave up when he saw we were kids but it scared the living bejeezus out of me the way he came after us. That was the last time I threw an egg at anything. I bet these kids won’t throw eggs anymore either.

i'm yawning

“I bet these kids won’t throw eggs anymore either”

Yeah probably because he has multiple fractures to his skull, spine, pelvis and right leg, as well as bruising to his lungs. Does your boring story have anything to do with anything? PS it’s spelled “brakes.”


What we have here is another example of 2 bad eggs running into each other. No puns intended.


sensitivity training for egg throwing syndrome should be made mandatory for everyone above 50. That should cover all the bases.

Very fine people

You can’t just run your car into people trying to murder them because they made you mad. Where does he think he is, a Trump rally in Charleston?!

Trump told me brown people are scary

I must have missed it, I was still reading the news about the white guy in Vegas that committed the worst mass shooting in our nation’s history.

i loled

One person played a prank, the other tried to murder someone with their car. You sound like Trump when he said there was “violence on many sides” following a murder by a Trump supporter at a klan rally.


Or a Democrat who says you can’t blame it on extremist Muslims when an Uzbek runs over a bunch of tourists.


Hitting someone with eggs is assault. Hitting a persons car with an egg is vandalism. Driving a car at someone and hitting them is attempted murder. None of these are pranks.


Moron’s, with all the starving people in the world what a waste of food! I bet if you asked them to buy the eggs for a hungry family they would look at you like were crazy, its a sad world we live in today!


You’re OK with running over someone and maybe killing them someone for throwing eggs at your minivan? Idiot.


I’m not defending anyone but what if the driver was struck by the egg and crashed into people or died?


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