Aug. 27, 2020 By Christian Murray
A reputed gang member has been charged with murder for fatally shooting a 54-year-old man in broad daylight last month in Long Island City.
The alleged perpetrator, who is just 17-years-old, killed George Rosa when a stray bullet hit the 54-year-old in the abdomen at around 11:20 on July 25, according to the Queens District Attorney’s office.
Rosa was walking his dog at the time near the intersection of 22th Street and 40th Avenue, just two blocks from where he lived.
The 17-year-old allegedly fired shots as part of an on-going dispute with rival gang members in the vicinity of the Queensbridge Houses.
Rosa heard a popping sound and suddenly realized he was bleeding from his stomach, according to the District Attorney’s office. He was rushed to a nearby hospital but died Tuesday from the gunshot wound that was inflicted one month ago.
“Tragically, a man is dead because he took his dog for a walk in his neighborhood, struck by a stray bullet intended for someone else,” said Queens District Attorney Melinda Katz. “Every resident of every community deserves to be safe from the reckless gang violence that is fueled by access to guns.”
The 17-year-old, whose name is being withheld because of his age, has been charged with second degree murder, criminal possession of a weapon in the second degree and reckless endangerment in the first degree. He faces up to 25 years to life in prison if convicted.
The police are looking for a second man who was with the alleged perpetrator at the time of the shooting.
A poll was take nationwide. 83 percent of people do not want police defunded.
Why doesn’t he want to hire police?
This poor boy was misguided, he needs a second chance. Something a liberal would say.
Dude, just, no.
Access to guns is only part of the problem within hood culture. What if these gang members did not ingest a daily diet of music that fetishizes death and violence? What if laws were instated that were actually a punishment for volent criminals? Instead we have politicians who want to hold violent criminals less accountable! In our attempt to be progressive we are regressing rapidly as a culture.
I believe Americans have the right to bear arms, but I’m not a liberal like you
in clear cut cases such as these where there is no doubt of a whiff of innocence, how about eye for an eye? or cut the hand off that pulled the trigger?
a bit of biblical corporal punishment might be what’s needed in these absurd times – an absurd solution.
So we’ll said. You do understand what is wrong with failed Democratic policies in NYC and NY State with the bail reform nuttiness installed by Cuomo. DeBlasio Defunding the police was terrible also.
And the NYPD haven’t been defunded at all yet. You’re completely out of the loop as usual, no wonder you’re offended!
Put him away for life. No bail, no bond, no parole.
I don’t what’s more heart breaking. This story or that fact the progressives would start another protest/petition if you request more cops around Queensbridge to pursue gang activities because “it will be prejudice against those who live in public housing and clearly shows racism to the poor”
let them live the way they want. Defund the popo only means higher body count