July 12, 2017 By Christian Murray
The MTA will be installing countdown clocks across many of its subway lines in the next six months–including on the 7, N, W, F and E lines
The latest batch of countdown clocks are to appear across 40 stations along the C line this month, with additional countdown clocks being gradually rolled out into coming months. The last line to get them will be the 7 line in December, when all 22 stations will get them.
Melissa Orlando, founder of a local tranportation advocacy group called Access Queens, believes the addition is a good start but that the agency has a very long way to go.
“This is great news and long overdue in terms of the MTA improving its ability to communicate with passengers as to how long they need to wait for their next train, but it does nothing to remedy the fact that delays have gone up 152% over the past 5 years according to City Comptroller Scott Stringer’s most recent report.”
Other members of the group, such as Joseph Anastasio, the group’s research analyst, expressed skepticism as to the effectiveness of the clocks.
“If these countdown clocks are placed at the platforms rather than the turnstiles, by the time passengers see how long their trains will be delayed, they will have already paid their fare and swiped their card,” he said.
The rollout schedule as listed today is a follows:

Given the sense of urgency show by the average MTA “worker”, these should be installed, but not working, by 2076 at a cost of $598,073 each.
What a waste of money. These only show the next “scheduled” trains. The trains never run according to the schedule.
All you have to do is go to the Lexington/59th stop on the N/R/W and see how pointless they are.
A huge exercise in misleading the traveling public. MTA should be ashamed.
One question I have for Governor Cuomo – how does he feel knowing that his presidential chances have been ruined by something as silly as the MTA?
Thank god. I sat in sweltering heat yesterday for 30 minutes waiting for a 7 train. No announcements at all. A half hour wait time at 10:30 am is unacceptable.
What took so long MTA ??????????????? We know our train will be late, now we get to find out how late.
It’s about time……MTA. MTA=Money Thrown Away.