Location of shooting (Google Maps)
July 18, Staff Report
An 18-year-old was hit in the buttocks and wrist yesterday when shots were fired from a car on 21st Street, according to police.
The male victim was walking on 21st street outside of Queensbridge Houses just before 5 p.m., when an unknown individual fired shots from a black, four-door sedan. The car then fled south on 21st Street, police said.
The victim took a cab to a nearby hospital in stable condition.
There are no arrests and the investigation is ongoing.
Were the bike lanes harmed?
Surprised you didn’t try to blame this on immigrants as usual
And people thought Amazon would hire hundreds of people who live close by?????
The article does not say the victim (or the unknown assailant(s), for that matter) live in Queensbridge.
Deblasio City ?
A criminal’s best friend…….
been to the Queensbridge tech lab several times over the past few months, this is a great gift to have in their neighborhood, These kids can learn robotics, 3D priting etc for FREE!! Problem is its virtually empty and not being used. Its the parents fault, what a waste of a good effort by leaders of the area to fund a program like this. Guns, violence, thug music, thats all they care about. Destined to for a crappy life if you don’t make an effort to change.
Yeah, that’s probably why the library just expanded hours… because it’s empty and no one is there.
Give these men basic monthly income, free health insurance, free college, reparations and why not, throw in free tube socks for 1 year. They are just victims of years of white men oppression. I am a white man and I am ready to empty my pockets to help these children gone astray. Forgive me Queensbridge thugs!!
We Need More Money For The Programs
Our good Mayor is already releasing inmates from Rikers Prison.
He plans to release thousands.
Hence the present spike in crime.
In addition, he lied to us that his homeless shelters would house
families. In our area, there’s little but mentally ill adult males.
Our area is swarming with panhandlers.
This city is going to hell.
All untrue but thanks, troll
It’s 100% true. I am a life long democrat and I believe this mayor is the absolute worst ever.
did you blame de blasio for spilling your coffee?
This is AOC’s fault because socialism
They are voters for her and Caban lives in these projects.
Mr. JVB says it is very safe over there – this is his own words –
The only way this madness is going to stop is to bring back stop and frisk. its a deterrent to stop the hooligans from carrying weapons & who have no regard for themselves, let alone the safety of their neighbors and family. and viewers if your agree or disagree with my comment, respectfully do so without including some form of politics/race/or assumption of my media information. Just make an objective comment. Thank you.
Yeah, what guarantees the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures?!
Yes please!
How are people supposed to respond to you and not bring up politics and race when your comment is about the intersection of those exact topics? Policies such as stop and frisk are ultimately passed or overturned by politicians and those policies impact certain communities along very clear racial lines. You have to talk about those things, whatever your opinion is, when you’re talking about policies like stop and frisk.
Ahhhh.. The good old days coming back. I can’t wait!!
Sounds like a case of “ass”ault to me….
And we have a winner!!