Proposed Anable Basin Special District.
Jan. 8, 2018 By Nathaly Pesantez
A public meeting is scheduled for Wednesday in Long Island City to discuss Plaxall’s Anable Basin Rezoning proposal.
The meeting is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. on Jan. 10 at the Plaxall Gallery, located at 5-25 46th Ave.
The public meeting, organized by Community Board 2 and Plaxall, will include an overview of the proposed rezoning of the Anable Basin area, bordered by Vernon Boulevard to the east, 45th Avenue to the north, 46th road to the south, and extending to the East River.
Plaxall, the plastic manufacturing company, owns most of the 15-acre area. The family behind the company is seeking to establish a special-mixed-use zoning district that would allow for higher residential density and manufacturing in the area.
If the special Anable Basin district is implemented, the area could see nearly 5,000 units built over 15 years time.
The Wednesday meeting compliments a public scoping meeting regarding the proposed rezoning held last month. The meeting was a chance for the public to comment on the topics that will make up the project’s draft environmental impact statement (DEIS).
The DEIS will touch on the potential effects the proposed rezoning would have in the neighborhood in areas like transportation, schools, flooding, and more.
The city is still receiving public comment on the draft scope of work until close of business on Jan. 19, with the upcoming meeting designed to be prior to the deadline. Community Board 2 suggests any testimony to be given at the meeting also be submitted to the city at:
Robert Dobruskin
℅ Department of City Planning
120 Broadway, 31st Floor
New York, NY 10271
A little neighborhood history before lamenting about how yet again the community is failing to come together to extract any meaningful benefits from another mega project that’s wildly benefiting a small group, but carried on the backs of the community.
The Queens West Library was originally slated to be housed in the Avalon Bay north building, and Avalon was granted an additional 100,000SF of building rights prior to construction as compensation – then somehow the developer quietly decided that the Library wasn’t economically feasible, so Avalon built the larger apartment building anyway and punted their responsibility for the Library off to the sidelines.
The EDC recently chose to ignore far superior bids for the Waters Edge Parcel, in lieu of accepting TF Cornerstone’s cheaper price for their inferior proposal – on land that truly should have been entirely designated a public park.
Plaxall is now claiming somewhat murkey ownership to the public land (150 years ago 11th St was a public road, not Plaxall’s private path to wealth) beneath the Anable Basin for their Zoning Calculations. Plaxall has no claim to own this, they have never paid real estate taxes on that property nor have they taken any financial responsibility to clean up the grossly contaminated land under the Basin that is the basis for much of their claimed holdings.
What Placall is asking the city to do is give them an extra 1,700 apartments based on fake calculations – and even with this extraordinary gift the family members of Plaxall (who have ALL long ago moved out of Queens where they were raised) still can’t quite manage to provide any meaningful community center, pool or similar facilities – despite the billion dollar give-away deBlasio is about to trade for a few more “affordable” apartments (read 130% of Queens West income).
Watch to see how quickly this family sells the land and drives off without once looking in their rear view mirror at the mess they’ve left behind in poor Pfohl’s name.
anyone have an update on how the meeting went/outcomes? Unfortunately couldn’t make it by 630pm – 7 train was delayed
What is criminal, aside from breaking zoning for industrial/back office for much of the land, is the circle being drawn around city-owned property between 44th Drive and the end of 44th Road, on the East River.. That is a Dept. of Education property. The north side has a “pond” formed by neglect of apparently abandoned property. I see the future: Building condemned due to water damage–a new waterfront property, and the City is underpaid (by a major political donor).
Also, the “map” does not show the shadows and shade now existing with Rockrose crowding seven–or is it ten?–aluminum/glass high rises hard up along the Basin.
Shut this project down, we don’t need it. Overbuilding has gone on long enough.
Then make sure your voice is heard at this meeting
Yes we need to tell these greedy developers, like the sexual predator you voted for for president, “enough already.”
Get over it already MRIRONY. Your words are getting tired.
Thank you for giving the greedy developers more power. Thanks to you they now get a massive tax break as well.
I will keep calling you out on pretending to not like greedy developers when your voting history proves that’s not true.
I would vote for Tump 100 time over before Hillary or any DUMB-O- CRAT that wants OPEN BORDERS and all the refugees from Syria & other countries. She is verysshady in her dealings with her & Bill’s Clinton Foundation. You can call me out all you want but nothing will change my mind. Trump is perfect by no means and has a BIG MOUTH. He was still and always will eb the best choice of the 2.
Thanks for doing such a huge favor for the luxury condo developers! They’re getting rich off his tax breaks for the ultra-wealthy and pushing more working-class families out of LIC.