Members of the On Point Security team who will patrol the area over the coming weeks. (Image provided by Yolanda Tristancho)
Aug. 29, 2020 By Michael Dorgan
A private security firm began patrolling the Hunters Point waterfront Thursday night as part of a community-driven effort to clamp down on high levels of anti-social behavior in the area.
On Point Security, an Astoria-based security firm, kept watch of the walkway outside Gantry Plaza State Park and Hunters Point South Park after being hired by a group of residents.
The security firm was brought on by residents to combat illegal racing, rave parties, and other unlawful acts being carried out at the park this summer.
The residents said that police and local politicians had not done enough to help them and they were left with no choice but to hire the firm.
More than 125 donors have raised about $8,500 as part of a Go Fund Me campaign to pay for the security at the parks over the coming weeks.
The initiative has not received the unanimous support of the community. A separate group of residents launched an online petition opposing the move out of concern that minorities from outside the area might be targeted. The petition has generated nearly 400 signatures.
On Point Security is owned and operated by Urban Upbound, a non-profit organization that works with people living in low-income housing. Urban Upbound was founded by Bishop Mitchell Taylor in 2004.
The security team will work the area every Thursday through Sunday from 10 p.m. to 3 a.m. The initiative is expected to last until late October. There will be four security members working per shift.
Resident and organizer of the security effort Yolanda Tristancho said that more than 20 residents met with the On Point Security team before they started their shift Thursday night. She said that three people who opposed the initiative also turned up and all parties had a productive discussion about the security team’s agenda.
The residents then toured the area with the security guards, Tristancho said.
Tristancho said the first night went off peacefully and she hopes that continues for the foreseeable future.
“Everything went well and I was very pleased,” Tristancho said.
“It was a really quiet night because of the storm threat and many restaurants were closed,” she said.
Tristancho said she was impressed with the small but positive interactions the security team had with members of the public during their first night.
For example, security witnessed a Revel scooter driver cut onto a sidewalk at around 11 p.m., according to the security team’s log reports. One of the guards managed to speak to the driver about the incursion a short time later to advise that it was not permitted.
The security team then came across a group of individuals standing outside their cars and playing loud music between 56th Avenue and 57th Avenue just before 12:30 a.m. The guard asked them to lower the music and they complied, the report states.
Security also logged several cars ignoring a stop sign at 51st Avenue and Center Boulevard. Tristancho said the stop sign is routinely flouted and they will continue to highlight the issue as a safety concern.
This weekend is expected to be much busier but Tristancho said the team is well-equipped to have a constructive influence on the area.
“I have full confidence in the team and I hope that all residents and visitors can enjoy the park respectfully.”
Informative post! This is a great share thank you
I don’t typically frequent the park at night. However, I found it interesting that when I went for a late night snack on Friday the cops were actually actively driving around the park telling people it was closed. Not sure if it’s because they don’t like someone else doing their job or they normally do that.
I live right across the street from the park so I can see the park from my windows. Other than July 4 (at around midnight), we don’t usually hear or see any NYPD patrolling at the waterfront. Until, that is, the hiring of the private security, and the fatal shooting last Thursday. Even then, it wasn’t done wholeheartedly. Most of the crimes can be easily deterred by having a patrol car by the food truck area. This lack of enthusiasm is confirmed to be intentional by our trusted 108 precinct.
Interesting, these guards have no arrest powers. They will be in a precarious situation when dealing with the thugs of today who do not even comply with police officers. Good luck, hope none of you get injured or killed.
It’s unfair to blame the police when, as other have said, their hands have been tied by far-left pandering politicians who are dripping with contempt for a majority of their constituents.
Except that now with the antisocial behavior in the park so well documented and so many politicians agreeing that the issues are real, why aren’t the police taking action? The area in and around the park, normally quiet at night, is a loud, lawless carnival basically every night from 8pm-4am. THIS ISN’T NORMAL.
Again, nothing and no one is preventing the 108th cops from getting in their patrol cars and dealing with the lawbreaking on the riverfront. The only one tying their hands is themselves and their union.
LOL Rich white ‘progressives’ using a black security force to create a gated community and keep minorities from their precious ‘park.’ You can’t make this stuff up. Black Lives Matter, just stay outta my park, BOY!
Yep. Basically that’s what they’re doing but they are so full of themselves they don’t see it like that.
Read my post below. Didn’t take long for the racist comments to come in as I predicted. To imply that all of the “rich” residents are white meant to prevent “minorities” when this entire issue was about unruly behavior. You guys no longer even try to hide how dysfunctionally dangerous and racist the progressive party truly is.
your alias/handle/screenname is confusing based on your comment.
the residents of the hunters point waterfront area are on the side of law and order, supporting police. this is precisely the same platform as trump.
conversely, a progressive would allow the lawlessness to continue, or create a petition opposing the hiring of a security team (as was done).
btw, center blvd has affordable housing high rises. by definition, those living there cannot be rich. these folks also contributed their personal dollars to the hiring of this security team, on top of city taxes that went to a police force (108th) tasked with maintaining law and order.
hope that clears things up for you.
Well I disagree with you and assume you dont live in the neighborhood. Your “white progressives” comment makes me assume what you’re about. I’m a Latina living in the neighborhood and have seen and experienced the chaos going on in the park at night by people of all colors. It doesn’t matter what they are. They shouldn’t be in the park after 10pm until 3:30-4:00am having illegal races, riding dirt bikes, having sex, urinating, breaking bottles, fighting, etc. Maybe you like sleeping with chaos around you. I don’t.
Great work by the Democrats running the city. Demonize the police, weaponize criminals by releasing them from jails, categorize a virus as racist while keep businesses shut months after the infection rate was flattened, move mentally unstable and drug addicted homeless into hotels with zero community input, no cash bail, and call everyone a racist who objects to their strategies! Keep voting Democrat! A criminal’s best friend!!!!
Why are you so critical of they police not responding?
What are the cops supposed to do…get out of their car?!
Get out of there car and be set upon by perps with cameras yelling like animals when we try to address a QOL issue? Nope. Why would make ourselves the next contestant on the BLM game show?
You and the other cops posting on this site seem to have forgotten your oath to protect and serve, in this case the people who live in your neighborhood. If the job isn’t to your liking anymore, maybe you’d be happier working security in a Long Island nightclub.
Legitimate emergencies will be handled as they always have been.
This is a horrible idea… as soon as these guards touch someone on public property they are all personally liable for lawsuits (residents included) and will be arrested … the company better have great lawyers and supply bullet proof vests…
It is unfortunate the City ids being run by the incompetent de Blasio. He needs to be recalled from office. I long for the days when law and order Mayor Rudy Giuliani was in charge of the City.
I think a lot of the mayhem was being caused by frisky young people (teens and college-age kids) who are feeling up in arms and dislocated at this time. I bet the disruptions will stop when school starts, but this is a good message to the community: if you can’t control your teens and kids, the neighborhood will do it for you!
Respectfully. Last word in the article and the first way we should treat each other.
Already contributed myself, though I’m a block away from the park and the mayhem. Meanwhile, why are we paying taxes when we cannot count on the NYPD to enforce the LAW?
For all the bleeding hearts who live outside the area and yet who still feel they have the right to complain that hiring private security is somehow racist:
There was a knife assault in the park last night.
Great job, “progressives.”
can you provide a link / source?
is the licpost also aware of this:
it should be sent directly to jimmy v and the 108th, c/o co gibbs.
a comment from https://licpost.com/nolan-wants-de-blasio-to-create-task-force-to-address-quality-of-life-issues-on-the-lic-waterfront:
“I recently had an extended conversation with the CO of the 108th precinct, Deputy Inspector Michael Gibbs, who told me point blank that short of a felony, we are basically in our own. So what are we supposed to do?”
i think this qualifies.
Thank you for someone in the community who is trying to protect his/her home instead of hiding behind their phones or computers
Instead they’re hiding behind their money and an all black security force. Truely standing up would be supporting your police, standing up to the violent mob instead of kneeling to their threats, and holding our politicians accountable for the mess which they helped make by pandering to radicals.
Are they armed? If not..it’s a wasted effort.
Love it. I hope these guys stay safe
Looking forward to chippin in $$
Hey 108 I want a partial refund please!!!
Please don’t start making this political. This is a positive move so give it a chance. We have to stop blaming others at some point, the police, the government, the Dems, the Republicans… they are all guilty and they are all operating under extremely difficult circumstances. All the supportive comments are appreciated.
When liberal government won’t fix problems… capitalism sure does!
The cops are liberal? The 108th can solve the problem immediately if they wanted to. They are playing a dangerous game by risking the safety of the community to score political points. Absolutely shameful!
It’s good idea and well done job. Seeing people feel free and have safety.
Thank you, concerned neighbors. We need support. Charred wood seating near The ferry Landing site convinced me that the nervous energy, fear and anger (and forced idleness) nowadays, required extra attention. Arson attempts are very, very serious. Twelve food trucks parked all night on Center Blvd. encourage all night revels. Please, clear them out. They are required by law to leave for cleaning, each night, and don’t. Ticket them!
I thought this was referring to the Hunters Point Area of San Francisco, until I read farther along and noticed the street names! LOL
It will be the same if this city keeps heading in that direction
It pleases my heart to know that we can solve problems if we take action, and exercise civility; not lawlessness This is the making of prophetic anomaly. John Lewis would be proud!
That my guy Big Buddy and people of hunters point believe me you are in Good Hands with All State. And people please be respectful to Big Buddy or else you will experience the Black Steven Segal but they are gentlemen before anything else but dont take kindness for weakness please. But all in all great fellas.
I don’t understand why this has turned into a race issue. Acting like an complete ***hole has nothing to do with the color of your skin. I’ve seen all races represented in the antisocial behavior that has made my life a living hell this summer. It’s simple, don’t act like an ***hole and you won’t be arrested/removed from Hunter’s point. Definitely wholeheartedly contributing to this security team.
It’s a “race issue” only because the media and educational establishment has turned everything into a race issue. Right out of the Trotsky-Bolshevik playbook.
There was no mention of where this place is located. City or state.
Don’t tell everything that takes place in the area. Security should be security and the elements of surprise.
This isn’t the ideal situation, but if the interactions stay positive, I’m hopeful. Having a complete absence of responsible and accountable authority is not great, some people just need boundaries pointed out without aggressive confrontation. Who knows, maybe the 108th will get the message that we just want responsible policing.
?☺ Good job to everyone who made this possible.
Not really a diverse group, but ok
how convenient that out of all nyc private security companies which could have been hired, on point security just happens to be owned by urban upbound, which was founded by mitchell taylor who is a paid advisor for the yourlic development initiative hmmm
Why does the opposition worry about minorities being targeted from outside the area. It is a park. If people come to break rules with rave parties and drag racing. Color should not matter or where you are from. You are breaking rules and being inconsiderate of others.This BS sounds like DeBkasio and his failed policies. Cuomo too. Dems have ruined NYC and State. Give Republicans a chance. Can they do any worse?
It’s not ideal, but still much better than relying on the 108th. Thanks for your help, fellas.
Security has no more powers than the average person.If a violator does not comply with Security’s request there is nothing Security can do about it except call the Police.The Park is under the purview of The NYS Park Police.As far as motorists ignoring Traffic Laws that is local matter to be taken up by the 108Pct
It’s an extra set of eyes. Better than nothing.
Now we wait for the progressive party move, which will be probably be to bring charges of slavery for hiring minorities. It will unacceptable to them and call Urban Upbound a racist organization
I’m curious. Do you place any blame with the 108th police for not doing their jobs? Or do you just enjoy making absurd arguments?
As much as I can blame a carpenter with no tools or a teacher with no classroom. You see, for anyone to do their jobs, they need support. I been in NYC under several Mayoral administration. Both Dinkins and Giuliani had cops aggressively pursue acts like this. But we live under the dangerous threat of the progressive party with a crazy Mayor, Attorney general and public advocate. They adore crime and homelessness. Cops have no friends in them. Apparently, anyone who tries to support cops or hold rallies in support are evil. The topic has been about ending police brutality and prejudice. Do the progressive ask for meaningful dialogue? Demand a third-party internal department to root out racist cops? No, their solution is to cause chaos amidst a pandemic and somehow believe defunding will solve all of the prejudice and racism. Now coming back to this, a bunch of residents realized their progressive representatives are a bunch of do-nothing hack that only enjoys publicity, and decided to take meaningful action with their own time and money to reduce litter, waste, illegal racing, and unruly behavior. What did the progressive nutjobs do? Somehow found a way to make this a race issue. No real solutions at all.
hunters point extension should be closed off on wknites and weekends. it is all development and part of open streets. of course miscreants are going to congregate there if it is deserted.
i wonder if mccarren or marsha p johnson state park in north willyb have the same problems as the lic waterfront. they also have luxury highrises adjacent to the parks.
good luck to these guards – something is better than nothing.
108th – bueller? bueller? bueller?
and revel is back as of last thursday. heres to more accidents.
Liberals suffering from the effects of the politicians and the policies they voted for. Love it. #LONGISLANDCITIOTS
It’s ironic that the liberal Long Island Citiots who voted Democrat are now complaining because the police have had their hands tied by the very policies and budget cuts that the residents allowed by voting for the idiot politicians for example Van Bramer, AOC (jackass) and Wilhelm Diblasio.
Did DeB, Van B and AOC glue the police officers’ glued to their desk chairs? Exactly how is someone’s vote for a Democrat preventing a 108th cop from doing his or her job of maintaining safety in LIC?
All of those liberals are condoning lawlessness; bail reform, decriminalization and restorative justice are making our job too risky. Who the hell wants to be held responsible when another Eric Garner chooses to resist arrest and dies? Not worth it. Making heroes out of perps for the BLM cause is what makes us reevaluate how we approach situations.
Since you said “our” and “we,” I assume you are a cop, maybe even someone at the 108th. If you have to use the example of an unarmed guy selling loosies who posed no threat to anyone and was set upon by a gang of cops, you only make yourself look like a fool. With people like you on the force, it’s no wonder you so many have lost their faith in the police.
Set upon by a gang of cops? There you go with your liberal dramatizations. This is not the movies, we don’t fight one on one, we call for back up when someone becomes combative. Garner was well over six feet tall and about 300 lbs. More importantly he was very uncooperative. What should the cops do? Walk away when someone says they’re not going to jail?
This wouldn’t be necessary if the cops weren’t doing a slowdown.
Honestly, just start firing the cops.
If I was a cop I’d rather take my chances of getting fired for administrative issues vs going to jail for enforcement since everyone is calling for their heads the moment they have to get physical with a criminal. Actually when you consider all the protections civil servants have its pretty hard to get canned so taking enforcement action in this current climate is pretty foolish. You’d have better job security being a do nothing. The politicians and leftists have put them in an impossible situation so I don’t blame them for slowing down, they’d be stupid if they didn’t. Btw, I don’t like what they’re doing but I don’t blame them. I blame our mayor and all the local politicians that were handed a jem of a city and slowly destroyed it trying to be progressive. Since I can’t vote these guys out I’ll vote with my feet when the time comes…which is hopefully soon.