Rendering and site at 45-03 23rd St. (Fogarty Finger, Google Maps)
April 5, 2020 By Michael Dorgan
A pandemic isn’t getting in the way of progress.
Plans were filed with the Department of Buildings March 26 for a 48-story high-rise in Long Island City.
The 554-foot tall structure is expected to go up at 45-03 23rd St. and will consist of 285 apartment units including two penthouse floors, office space, and retail space.
The proposed building will include 76,996 square feet of commercial space, 194,423 square feet of residential space and 3,388 square feet for community facilities.
Charney Companies and Tavros Capital (under the Court Square 45th Avenue LLC) are listed as the developers.
Tavros Capital bought several parcels in 2016 and 2017 where the new development will sit. The addresses of the parcels extend from 23-10 to 23-16 45th Ave., and 45-03 to 45-09 23rd St. and consist of century-old multi-family homes.
The new project, however, will not cover the corner two-story building currently at 45-01 23rd St. The developer noted in city filings that attempts to purchase the property and its development rights from the owner were unsuccessful.

Development Site
Tavros successfully rezoned the lots it did acquire to allow for the construction of a significantly shorter—but broader– building than what was permitted by zoning. The address for the development is listed as 45-03 23rd St.
The owners were able to build a 70-story structure as of right but sought a shorter building that would allow for more leasable square footage.
Demolition permits were filed in November 2019. Construction on the new building is planned to begin some time this year and be completed by 2022.

Rendering of 45-03 23rd St. (Fogarty Finger)
@ Tada What are you, a moron?
I’m welcoming this addition. The block that it will be on looks terrible and the building will only reinvigorate the look and will bring more commercial activity. We need more supermarkets, barber shops, restaurants etc. and this is what these developments bring with them. Not sure why people complain when the neighborhood is improving.
@Common sense Nice try Mr. Developer.
If only things worked the way you said them…
The greed is staggering. The ease by which this monstrosity got approved was preventable.
Was it preventable though? The biggest donor wins…
What’s crazy is that this current pandemic has shown us what’s missing and essential in this city and you know what? It’s not another apartment building!!!!! LIC is so overbuilt and overcrowded it’s disgusting.
I would not call this progress!
What a sad sad story. Another century old bunch of beautiful buildings will go down for an un unfortunate class structure. Extremely disappointed to see the neighborhood torn apart.
If you ever walked in that neighborhood you’d notice that those buildings look nothing that’s worth saving. They are old, crappy brick boxes. Wake up.
Corpses aren’t getting in the way of progress.
Hipsters will hold daily coronavirus parties there.
Progress? Good one.
You an others are destroying long island city an bravo to the owner that would not sell to you. He is an old resident of long long city that loves his home
Long long city, the city that never spleeps.
What was Long Island City 20 years ago? – Nothing worth looking at. There is nothing to destroy – only to improve.
There is nothing to destroy in LIC. LIC was one giant factory just few years ago. All the niceties you see popping up have been added here recently, brought by new developments. Stop the hate and participate.
Greedy developers are bad rappers.
Rhyming and rapping are two different things.
@ Tada It’s not a good time for nursery rhymes either.
@Rapping Landlord
What are you, rhyme police?