June 7, 2019 By Max Murray
The police are looking for seven people who attacked and robbed two men at a Long Island City park last month.
The suspects, five men and two women, approached the victims at Rainey Park, located at 34th Avenue and Vernon Boulevard, at around 11:30 p.m. on Saturday, May 16, and asked for the time.
A member of the group then punched one of the victims in the face and the suspects demanded the victims to hand over their possessions.
The first victim, a 28-year-old man whose jaw was broken by the punch, handed over his wallet, a smart watch, cellphone, credit cards, and debit card. The second man, 25, had his iphone and credit cards stripped from him.
The 28-year-old went to hospital to get his jaw treated.
The police released a video of the suspects.
Anyone with information on the case should contact the Crime Stoppers hotline at 1-800-577-8477, or text CRIMES and then enter TIP577, or visit www.nypdcrimestoppers.com.
Time for OAC and Diblasio to go. These kids could have benefited from Amazon jobs. What the hell is wrong with our stupid politicians. Don’t they realize that 25,000 jobs were at stake. Taxpayers will be leaving this City relatively soon.
You are a character. You think lowlikes like these were going to get a job at Amazon? LOL You’re a clown.
(Psssst,….. Bill. I think that’s a troll comment)
By the time we get a new socialist DA they’ll be collared and ROR, and the jurist will punish them by giving them homework. Thou shalt not rob or assault etc. etc. Naughty kids!! Promise don’t do it again
Has there ever been a socialist DA in the history of NYC?
Or you’re just another ranting Trump Lover?
Why does everything turn into Trump? What’s next? Race? Relegion?
It’s obvious that you’re incapable of having an intelligent discussion.
The Fox News Informed or Hillary voters? Lmao.
Trump tweets about “muh soshulists” so much that his followers have no choice than to agree with him, that’s how he’s related.
Isn’t the park closed then? A gang beat up and robbed drug dealers?
Tenants who scared off Amazon should be happy.
This kind of thing will speed up middle-class flight, and lower rents even more.
Why aren’t there police looking for these people as they did the 5 innocent men they locked up 4/19/89 ??
Whoa, those men were found not guilty of rape but somehow this has morphed into they were all innocent and did nothing…baloney! They were out there running around attacking people…multiple people. DNA cleared them of rape and everything else they did got washed away in the noise. Now nothing can be proven and they get to play the victims.
That park is closed at night and the police do patrol it. I have been kicked out a number of times and won’t go back after dark not only because it is unsafe but because the police scare me. They actually full on ran after me in a full sprint one night. That was when I first learned that it closes at sunset. Not saying these two guys deserved what they got but I am saying, don’t go into dark, closed parks at night especially when they are walled in by the river and fences on 3 sides.
Memo to self…Don’t walk around any park across from a project at 11:30 pm unless you have a death wish to encounter the local culture…end of memo
HAhahahahahahaah, the politically correct media refuse to put out out their race.. Keep protecting the thugs..
I am hoping these thugs make a come back, Hipster have had it all to easy here in NYC.
Another reason to vote for Judge Lasak in the Democrat primary.
LASAK for DA 2019!
Like we need another reason! Also, who’s Judge Lasak?
very long-in-the-tooth guy, but he has my vote.
Sadly none of the other candidates make safe neighborhoods a priority. Whatever you do, don’t vote for Katz.
Former Judge Lasak has the most experience. But he’s lacking name recognition and is much older than the other candidates. My guess is he’ll siphon votes mainly from Katz. That leaves the door wide open for Cabán.
They left out one important point above: according to the NYPD Crime Stoppers Twitter account, there’s a $2,500 reward for information leading to their arrest. https://twitter.com/NYPDTips Whoever can identify anyone from this group, has a moral obligation to do the right thing here. Step up for your community! Call 1-800-577-8477
Check Astoria projects. 2 of them live there.
I just saw your comment: “Check Astoria projects. 2 of them live there.”
I get the sense you recognize 2 of the people in the video. Do you know names or any other pointers/hints (nicknames they they go by? Building number? Etc.) you could write here that might help with identification?
It’s a difficult video to work with. I think that girl in the front who turns around and then faces front again, in the 2 color hoodie, is probably the most distinctive. Someone must know who she is?
“Moral obligation “ you’re adorable.
That’s not a “Group of Thieves”, that’s a gang!
?Ha! Fake thumbs down! ?
Deblasio City!!!! A criminal’s best friend!!!
Slowly but surely taking us back to the grimy 80’s.
it rained today when i left for work, thanks DeBlasio
I’m a Trump lover so I’m actually stupid enough to believe this
Why is everything that goes wrong in the Country Trump’s fault but nothing that goes wrong in the City is DiBlasio’s fault? Explain it to me please. I am trying to learn the how the Alinsky playbook works.
The Rainey Park 5…. wait for the movie in 20 years.
Who cares if they were cleared of all charges, Trump tweeted about them once so his lovers have to parrot it every chance they get lmao
John Gotti was cleared of all charges…..
multiple times….please.
but ok…
Wow what a fine group of smart, young gentlemen! Do you think they at least opened the door for their girlfriends as they took them out with the bounty of their spoils?
They are thugs . They care about no one but themselves. 7 against 2 shows they are cowards. A gang is the correct term as someone said. Not a group. CRIME IS DOWN though. NOT.