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NYC Ferry unveils ‘Astoria Route’ schedule

Aug. 22, 2017 Staff Report

NYC Ferry unveiled its schedule for the Astoria Route today that will make its debut next week.

The new ‘Astoria Route’ will begin service on August 29 and it will connect Astoria at the Hallets Cove dock to Roosevelt Island, to Long Island City at Gantry Plaza, to East 34th Street in Manhattan, and down to Wall Street. The route will take approximately 45 minutes.

The schedule notes that ferries will run every 25 minutes during morning (6:30am-9:50am) and evening peak hours (3:40pm to 6:35pm) and every 50 minutes outside those times.
The ferries will run every 33 minutes on weekends. Service starts each day at 6:30am and ends between 9:00-10:00pm. Click for schedule.

On weekends, ferries will run every 33 minutes. Service will begin at 6:30am and end around 10pm. A fully detailed timetable can now be viewed on the NYC Ferry website.

The existing “East River Route’ that incorporates Hunters Point South Park in Long Island City will be unchanged.

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Continued to YOU CRAZY:……… Your ideas suck… There is money boh state and City. Tax he rich but there is money. DumBlasio wastes so much with BIG Government and aides to do his job so he can go to the Gym and take naps. here is M-O-N-E-Y!!!!!!!! Coumo has his corrupt BUFFALO BILLIONS MONEY. The extension to LaGuardia can be even extended to under served areas not for just LaGuardia itself genius… We agree finally that the BQX is a waste. Your Tram n=buses may not fit on Jackson Ave. with he idiotic partition in the middle of it. They probably would not be able to turn easily on he narrow ave. My ideas are not pipe dreams unless you are a crooked Politician which we have many of. You are the TROLL sir/madam. Thx


Continued to YOU CRAZY:…. I guess that when the G ran to 71 ave Continental for many years it was wrong. Do you know hardly anyone rides he M they wait for the E Express. I live around Court Square and see it all the time. The G has a lot of ridership now that Brooklyn has as many Luxury Condos as LIC and Manhattan. Have you looked around Brooklyn lately? Were you hiding under a ROCK?????? Your comment is LAUGHABLE sir/madam. I guess you want elderly people to walk through a transfer tunnel. The Moving walkways as I said hardly ever work. There is no elevator to the G. The 7 45th rd station escalators and elevators are frequently broken. Do you even ride these lines (G-7-M-E)????? The G station is not handicapped accessible. It doesmakes sense to run the G to 71 ave Continental.


TO YO CRAZY……You must be crazy saying what you said. You believe the MTA knows what they are doing???? Look the heck around you the system they run is falling apart before our very eyes, causing pain and hardship for millions of New York commuters. Maybe there were security issues with garbage cans. I really believe they don’t understand the people they serve. I and any other New Yorker could tell you people were not going to wait until they find a garbage can at street level to throw out heir garbage. The MTA wanted to cut cleaners and garbage personnel I am sure to cut corners. The Track Fires increased from extra garbage , some may have found a can if it was there but did not. Guess what the MTA admitted their mistake and put them back.. ……


Dim dum Blasio is responsible for my cold. Damn you mayor diploblasio. I don’t understand when I’m being trolled. Whaaaaaaa


As long as I am not told that the boat is full, I will use this service, however, the minute I am turned away, I will stop using this service. Imagine you get to the subway 10 minutes early, stand there, wait, and when it pulls up the conductor sticks his head out and says, no passengers, we are full. Be back in a half hour and you MIGHT get on then. If there is room.

Tony Bologna

That happens right now with the 7 train. You never had to let a full 7 train (or 2 or 3 or 4) pass without getting on?


I am not against ferry service. Just be assured they are not the end all to transit overcrowding in NYC . One ferry holds about the content of 1 subway car is what I remember reading. It will help but better ideas are needed and not congestion pricing. Tax the rich would be a better idea to fund transit. I don’t often agree with Mayor DumBlasio but I like his idea over Governor (Corruption) Cuomo.


tax the people who don’t use the subway. Not only is that idiotic, but it’s also been tried (and failed) before. Cuomo already called it DOA. Get used to congestion pricing.


How short sighted are you? They don’t use the subway because they think they are too good for it. They leave the subway to the riffraff, so that they can travel below their feet, out of sight and out of mind.

If the subway fails, the wealthy will be up in arms, because suddenly they will be confronted with the majority of people that actually make the city what it is.

They should certainly have to pay for the privilege of not having to deal with the common people, otherwise they should lose said privilege.

People should know how taxes work...

Guys the system benefits everyone. For example, I’m perfectly happy to pay to educate someone else’s child because if we don’t, that means hundred of thousands of NYC kids would be running around loose and uneducated and we would have to pick up the tab decade later for welfare. Even if you don’t take the subway you are easing congestion in one part of the system so if you drive it hopefully will take people off the roads making your commute slightly better without you noticing. People complain their commute “used to be better, it takes 45 instead of 30” before. Yes, it could be worse and be an hour if some engineer didn’t make a small improvement somewhere else that eased up congestion. Though lowering the fares for people outside NYC is to win the votes, that is unfair as their bridges cost just as much to build and maintain but the per car usage cost is higher. More people in the city uses the city bridges and per cost expense is smaller so then city users should be paying the same as outer borough residents. Regardless, I know someone will start with the waste city taxes blah blah nonsense but that’s a different major topic. But I’m fine with my taxes picking up the garbage for everyone’s benefit and paying fire fighter salaries even though I hope I will never have or need a firefighters help personally. Relax you same troll complainers. Please make your own website elsewhere so you guys can talk to each other. Astoria shuttle is awesome new transportation options. MRLIC keeps saying there should be better ideas so tell us MRLIC, what are your better ideas that solve the million people transportation problem that no other engineer can figure out?


to People should know how taxes work. You obviously don’t how the MTA & Port Authority & The City Of NY works. All or wasteful & bloated entities. The MTa never fixes or finishes anything on time or under budget. Stupid leadership taking garbage cans out of the stations and wondering why track fires increased. The MTA doesn’t know their own clientele. City Of NY spends money to defend it’s own Mayor on corruption charges (staff also) 13.6 mil last I heard. NYC Housing Authority a mess. feces in hallways,broken lights, bad security. port Authority cops caught hanging out in breakrooms. Tolls keep rising due to waste and inflated OT. 3 cops guarding PA Bus terminal at any one time. DUMB. Now for my Transit Plan. Run the G into Queens 71 Continental ave as it used to. Dump the M. Add more cars to the existing 4 that run on the G line. people can transfer for the E at Queens Plaza instead of walking through a tunnel .


Continued….at Court Square. The moving walkways go in only 1 direction and rarely work. The Elevators & Escalators by the 7 line are out frequently too. Even today Aug. 25,the Elevator on queens bound side is out and up escalator (out for 2 weeks at least) to 7 line. Commute would be easier. Build the whole 2nd ave subway not just 3 stops and proclaim more to come. How long???? I am not against Ferry service but it is not the answer nor is the BQX trolley pipe dream. Instead of a park similar to high line for LIRR track that use to run to Rockaways I believe, Make it a LIRR line again. Extend the N & W lines to Laguardia Airport .These are about the only feasible changes I can see, I don’t ride every line so maybe someone else who rides other lines can help.

You crazy

Haha you went into the wasting money rant as I suspected you would. Anyways as for your plan it’s all laughable because you were against all these things and these things cost literally hundred billion dollars and doesn’t help congestion haha. FYI so you know why they made those decisions, they removed garbage cans because they wanted people to take their garbage with them and also as a security measure. They don’t want people hiding stuff in them which we have seen with previous security issues around the world. Hence clear garbage bags etc. The reason why they discontinued the G to 71 is not enough people used it. They have the M to replace it for the people actually using it. Extending N /Astoria line to LaGuardia would not serve enough people just to get to the airport let alone how will you pay for the infrastructure and the trillion dollars it would cost to design, build and pay private property owners for right of way. Conclusion, your ideas suck so stop saying you have ideas. I’m all for extending that line to LaGuardia but I know it may be implausible now especially with other transportation options coming onboard and the high cost to it. BQX would be nice but weighing the cost it would be too expensive rather than just have new tram style buses run the same route. It really depends on if riders will use it. Stop being a troll. Thx.

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