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New details released on elementary schools coming to Hunters Point South, open for public comment until November

Parcels C and F, where two schools will be built.

Sept. 20, 2017 by Nathaly Pesantez

Details have emerged on the two elementary schools slated to be constructed as part of phase two of the Hunters Point South development.

The schools, to be built within parcels C and F of the remaining massive waterfront development, will seat over 500 students each. The city announced that two schools would be included in the development last year.

The school grounds in parcel C will be built within 33,933 square-feet of space, and will be near 2nd Street and 54th Avenue. The school will be free-standing, and will have 572 seats. In addition, a school playground will be built on ground level.

Parcel F, the site near what will be 2nd Street and 57th Avenue, about three blocks from the school at parcel C, will also have a stand-alone school building within an area of 43,363 square-feet. The school will seat 612 students, and will have a playground built on ground level as well.

Both schools will be situated near apartment complexes in the parcels.

Michael Mirisola, director of external affairs for the School Construction Authority (SCA), said designs for both schools are ready to begin, and that the project has officially entered a 45-day public comment period.

“These both were not easy to get moving,” Mirisola said at the CB2 Land Use meeting on Tuesday. “We are working with all these other city agencies to bring this to bear.”

Kelly Murphy, director of real estate services at the SCA, said the SCA would go to City Council for approval some time in November.

Overall progress on parcels C and F of the development site have been slow, with the HPD saying that they are still waiting on an update on when TF Cornerstone will break ground on its 1,200 unit tower on parcel C. The developer ran into infrastructure problems for the site after finding out about an Amtrak tunnel and power lines below.

RFPs for parcel F and G were released by HPD in 2016. The agency said it will announce the winning developers of the two sites in the coming months.

The school on parcel F, adjacent to Newtown Creek, is expected to be completed by the end of 2020, and will cost about $60 million to build, according to Lorraine Grillo, the president of the SCA.

The public can send comments on the proposed schools in parcels C and F by emailing or by writing to the following address until Nov. 9, 2017.

New York City School Construction Authority
30-30 Thomson Avenue
Long Island City, New York 11101
Att: Ross J. Holden


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The School near the Newtown Creek I would be very worried about sending children here. It is supposed to be a SUPERFUND Site, scheduled for cleanup.Don’t know when or why it hasn’t been done already. Pollution could seep into ground water (water fountains etc…) . Toxic dirt under grass etc.. I sure hope they don’t BS parents that it is SAFE, when it is NOT.


So happy we will have new schools! It’s wonderful to see since last years wait lists for Pre K. I think all schools should have an outdoor space. Good schools will keep families here and make it a less transient neighborhood.


For the old timers…

Hipster (contemporary subculture):
The hipster subculture is stereotypically composed of youth who reside primarily in gentrifying neighborhoods.[1][2] It is broadly associated with indie and alternative music and has popularised more esoteric genres such as shoegazing, dream pop, synth pop and folk. Hipsters also frequently flaunt a varied non-mainstream fashion sensibility, vintage and thrift store-bought clothing, generally pacifist progressive and environmental political views, organic and artisanal foods, alternative lifestyles and snobbery.[3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10] The subculture typically consists of mostly white young adults living in urban areas.[11][12] It has been described as a “mutating, trans-Atlantic melting pot of styles, tastes and behavior”.[13]

The term in its current usage first appeared in the 1990s and became particularly prominent in the late 2000s and early 2010s,[14] being derived from the term used to describe earlier movements in the 1940s.[15] Members of the subculture typically do not self-identify as hipsters, and the word hipster is often used as a pejorative to describe someone who is pretentious,[16] overly trendy, and effete, or a stereotypical term, that has been reclaimed and redefined by some as a term of pride and group identity.[1][17] Some scholars contend that the contemporary hipster is a “marketplace myth” that has a complex, two-way relationship with the worldview and value system of indie-oriented consumer. The official Merriam-Webster definition of hipster: One who is exactly like Lexi Hernandez. [18] [19]

In a 2009 article in PopMatters magazine, Rob Horning asserted that the hipster might be the “embodiment of postmodernism as a spent force, revealing what happens when pastiche and irony exhaust themselves as aesthetics.”[20] In a New York Times editorial, Mark Greif states that the much-cited difficulty in analyzing the term stems from the fact that any attempt to do so provokes universal anxiety, since it “calls everyone’s bluff”.



over development, over population, lack of seats in schools = need more schools.

If only they took the same approach to transit.

Native New Yorker

So, I suppose your solution is that people should just stop moving to New York, right?

You’re welcome to leave, anytime.


My first solution is to send you to these schools to brush up on your reading comprehension 🙂

My second, as stated above, is for the mta to take note of the “strategy” of opening more schools to serve growing population/demand.

My third, is to request that you leave first, as I’ve been here all my life.


“MRLIC” you are so full of it. Your playground was not Northern Blvd. There were plenty of parks before hipsters came to Queens so just stop. Grew up in Corona- even the hood had parks.


Jkna you’re probably one of these HIPSTER transplants that voted for DumBlasio and lives in one of LIC’s new ivory towers the greedy developers are building. I was here when LIC was still gritty, my “playtime” growing up was my father forcing me to spray Lysol in the shoes at the bowling alley he owned.


Do you mean Licity Lanes? That guy wasn’t your father. And they never sprayed Lysol in shoes at the bowling alley. Stop lying.


Anonymous, You were talking to the FAKE MRLIC. He wrote 3 times as me on this story.I went to Licity Lanes myself and I saw them spray shoes. If they are any other alley didn’t spray he shoes I would ask or the spray and do it myself.


MRLIC suffers from Irritable Male Syndrome. It is a real thing, google it. He has stopped rambling about bowling alleys and he has stopped referring to us as hippies, but he now thinks that we are hipsters. Oh well.


You’re against parks? So you never visit the waterfront? Grumpy ass. And no I’m not a tower person, stop being so condescending. I’ve been around here for decades and I’m happy it’s become more family oriented, maybe people will stay. Finally got rid of that dorm room for 20 something’s population. Now if they would only open something other than bars on Vernon.


Oh great, Big Education strikes again, lining the pockets of developers, I’m sure Jimmy Van LAMER put them up to this. These hipster parents think their precious kids deserve a playground, growing up my “playground” was Northern Blvd.


Whatever happened to the CVS that was supposed to open in Hunter’s Point South? It appears to have been abandoned, although this very publication said it would be open by now!


It’s not abandoned. Have you ever opened a business? It’s stocked but perhaps they’re training people or waiting on the bureaucratic red tape of NY. What a Negative Ned!


CVS opened this week. Are you suddenly happy and joyful now?

Yeah. Didn’t think so.

Good luck.


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