Dec. 23 By Kristen Torres
More New York City residents will be eligible for half-priced MetroCards under an expansion of the city’s Fair Fares program, officials announced Friday.
Fair Fares offers half-priced MetroCards to low-income residents. The program was launched by Mayor Bill de Blasio and City Council Speaker Corey Johnson early this year.
“We’re a city that puts working people first, and no New Yorker should have to choose between taking mass transit and putting food on the table,” de Blasio said.
Any resident who is at or below the federal poverty line will be eligible for half-off MetroCards when open enrollment begins on Jan. 27. The poverty line threshold is $12,490 for an individual and $21,330 for a family of three.
Fair Fares is currently only open to NYCHA residents, CUNY and veteran students and New Yorkers receiving cash assistance.
“With the launch of open enrollment and this dedicated outreach effort, we hope to assist as many New Yorkers as we can in the new year,” Johnson said.
Nearly 100,000 city residents have taken advantage of half-priced MTA fares since the program launched, according to the mayor’s office.
Under the program, eligible residents receive a special Fair Fares MetroCard. The cards can be used at MTA machines and will offer users discounted rates for unlimited ride passes and single ride tickets.
Residents can apply for Fair Fares online at www.nyc.gov/fairfares.