45-45 Center Boulevard (Google)
Oct. 3, 2019 By Allie Griffin
A 27-year-old man was robbed at gunpoint in the garage of a Center Boulevard apartment complex.
At around 11 a.m. inside 45-45 Center Blvd, two masked men approached the victim — one with a firearm — and demanded he hand over his property, the victim told police.
The two men punched him and removed his bag which contained jewelry of an unknown value, according to police. The men then fled the scene.
The investigation is ongoing.
Crime is Down (NOT) , low crime area??? Maybe 5 years ago. Crime is on the rise and residents know it.
Maybe if Trump didn’t lie about building the wall things would have been better?
Crime really is up. Don’t be fooled. And it usually gets worse around the holidays.
No, maybe if the idiot mayor didn’t sto the police from doing their job and making muchneeded arrests, so he could say crime is down.
But de Blasio definitely forced people to commit crimes lmao
If Trump secured our borders this wouldn’t be such a problem. It’s a shame you voted for the soft-on-crime rich luxury condo developer. Sad!
Sounds like they knew he had some jewelry. Setup?
I’m sure the 108th will get right on the case, as soon as they can back their patrol cars off the sidewalk.
Hey JVB, how is your discussion with the cops going to stop them from parking on the sidewalks of 50th Avenue? Still waiting for you to get back to us. Sending out press releases means squat if you don’t get results.
Is there a link to an article for the attempted kidnapping in front of the library?
Where did you hear about that?
maybe provide some of your own insight, DS…Donna is it? Stop spewing nonsense without any details
If this incident happened as alleged, it would be proof that even crooks know the 108 doesn’t do its job. Zero foot patrols and people being murdered and robbed steps from the precinct. 108, are you listening? You need to patrol more than just the path between the precinct and the deli on Vernon.
Even Barney Fife worked harder than the average cop at the 108th.
Seriously. Officers are nowhere to be found in the neighborhood and, overall, seem to have a bad attitude.
Not a lot of “foot patrols” INSIDE a parking garage
And the diblasio administration says crime is down well in this district its on the way up, break ins, sexual.assualts, burglaries, robberies in LIC, Sunnyside, Woodside.
No worries… most of the voters in that district voted for Deblasio so they got what they wanted
check the homeless shelters around there – there must be alot of cameras to find out who did this.
Do you really think this was homeless people? This was a targeted armed robbery in a low crime area. Even mentioning homeless is ridiculous.