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Maloney, Ocasio-Cortez and Torres Visit Rikers Island, Call it a ‘Stain on the City and State’

Photo: QueensPost

Oct. 13, 2021 By Christian Murray

Three Congressional lawmakers—including two who represent neighborhoods in Queens—visited Rikers Island Tuesday and called the facility inhumane and urged local and state officials to take corrective action.

Representatives Carolyn Maloney, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ritchie Torres said the conditions that inmates are living under and prison staff face each day are horrific.

“The inhumane conditions we witnessed today are a stain on the City and State of New York. Riker’s horrific history must come to an end,” the trio said in a statement Tuesday. “The City, State, and federal government must immediately take action to correct the humanitarian crisis on Rikers Island, and provide a safe and clean environment – including ensuring access to medical care for those incarcerated there.”

The lawmakers said that action must be taken immediately to alleviate the problem. They said it was inexcusable that the number of in-custody deaths on Rikers Island has more than quadrupled over the past two years, including five individuals who have died of suspected suicides this year alone.

“We can act today by beginning the decarceration process, supporting individuals’ return to their communities, and working with the Courts to reduce pretrial sentencing and to expedite hearings for those currently incarcerated.”

They said that they welcomed the recent signing of the Less Is More Act, although said more needs to be done.

The Less is More Act aims to reform the state’s parole system and reduce the likelihood that parolees will be incarcerated for minor or technical violations, such as missing an appointment or failing to meet a curfew. The act also aims to speed up the timeframe for judicial review for any violations.

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Bloomberg, as Mayor, closed housing for runaway or “thrown away” youth, including one housing facility in each borough. Bussing to their former local schools, meals , clothes, allowances. Prior times, orphanages. Girls who abandoned abusive families did not have to stay with criminals, but got counseling, after school activities. Bloomberg fired every worker, sold every piece of NYC real estate he could. And ejected kids to “foster care.” Hence the ruthless youth roaming our streets.


WHICH REALLY MEAMS SOCIALIST DEMOCRATS are a stain on.NYC. and State AOC does not even eant any jails built, ask her? Try fixong Rikers instead of closing it.


Don’ t close it fix it. AOC wants
Nonprisons or cops just mental health initiatives like Chirlane
McCtay DeBlasio ‘ s failed money missing Thrive and now she received more money for a different named same website as Thrive. AOC thinks Social workets will be better than cops. I think not.


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