Source: LICP
Dec. 9, 2015 By Jackie Strawbridge
The Long Island City Partnership has launched a wide-reaching survey intended to take a census of local businesses and organizations and gauge their needs.
The survey will collect data for the LICP’s “Comprehensive Plan,” a project to bolster the neighborhood’s economic, social and physical infrastructure and help guide its growth as a uniquely mixed-use region.
Spanning zip codes 11101, 11102, 11103, 11104, 11106, 11109 and 11120, the survey is open to everyone from manufacturing shops, to tech firms, to nonprofits, to working artists. It will collect data on four main categories: business or organization description, location, workforce and resource access or needs.
According to the Partnership, there have been small-scale neighborhood studies in Long Island City dating back to the 80s, but none with the scope or cross-sector focus of their survey or the Comprehensive Plan.
“Nobody really has great information across sectors and across geography about the business and organization ecosystem that’s here,” LICP President Elizabeth Lusskin said. “Who’s here, what are they doing, how are they working together, what are their challenges?”
“We were trying to pick an area that we felt we could err on the side of inclusion,” she added, regarding the wide geography. “These are areas that are synergistic.”
Lusskin estimated that there are roughly 6,300 businesses, organizations or working artists in the area. The survey will be sent out to them via direct mail, followed by door-to-door outreach, and is also available online. Lusskin said she would be happy with at least a 10 percent response rate.
“What makes this special is that it’s across the full geography, and it’s across sector,” she said. “This is an area where it all comes together, and we want to make sure that we’re reflecting that when we finish up this effort.”
The survey will remain open until January 15. Along with this survey, the Comprehensive Plan will also collect information through a base conditions analysis and focus groups.
All survey respondents will be eligible to win either a set of JetBlue tickets or a three-month membership to the LIC YMCA.