Sept. 10, 2015 Staff Report
Kate Hudson took in the Manhattan views from the Long Island City waterfront last Friday when she paid the upscale Italian restaurant Maiella a visit.
The famous actress was photographed with Tommy Demaras, an owner of the 46-10 Center Boulevard establishment that opened in June.
The restaurant is co-owned by Rocco Sacramone, the acclaimed owner/chef at Trattoria L’incontro in Astoria, and Long Island City resident Robert Briskin.
A look-alike who pulled one over on the owner.
Doesn’t even look like her.. And if it’s verified, she looks awful
I had a meal at Maiella’s and was super disappointed. She should have gone to Manetta’s instead.
It doesn’t look like her.
That’s the first thing I thought.
“That’s a man, baby!”
Which one?
In other news, I pulled some lint from my belly button last night.
I pulled lint out of Kate Hudson’s belly button. Beat you.
You post YES! YES! YES! in every article. A tad strange dude.
Slow news day?
When Paul Newman visited the neighborhood and ate at the old restaurant where the school building is now, THAT was news. Kate Hudson? PFFFT