Photo: By Adam E. Moreira
June 13, 2019 By Shane O’Brien
The Hampton Jitney will be serving Long Island City this summer with a designated pick up spot in Hunters Point.
The Jitney, a popular bus service that goes from New York City to the Hamptons, is adding a Long Island City link over the summer.
The Jitney will leave from Hunters Point twice each Friday and return twice on Sunday evenings, as well as offer another dropoff on Monday mornings.
The Jitney will include the Long Island City stop on a seasonal basis. This summer, the service will go from July through October. Starting in 2020, the Jitney plans to include a Long Island City stop from Memorial Day through Labor Day.
Community Board 2 Chair Denise Keehan-Smith said the board is currently working with the company to determine the best spot where passengers can be picked up and dropped off.
“The Jitney wants to be right on Center Boulevard by the (Hunters Point South) ferry stop, but we didn’t agree with that. Their second option was Center Boulevard and Borden Avenue, but we felt like that was too congested because of construction. So, we recommended Second Street and Borden Avenue,” Keehan-Smith said.
The final decision has yet to be made.
The board believes that a stop by Second Street is best because it would lead to fewer traffic problems. Additionally, it is closer to the Vernon Blvd-Jackson Ave subway stop, yet still near the ferry.
The company did not respond to calls for comment.
When does the jitney service officially start?
LIC officially joining the Uber-Wealthy crowd now. Congrats LIC you made it to the BIG LEAGUES. Sometimes what you wish for is NOT what you want.
You voted for the president that gave MASSIVE tax cuts to the “Uber-Wealthy” class.
He also gave MASSIVE tax cuts to the “Uber-Wealthy” developers
We know you love the “Uber-Wealthy” developers, drop the act. Your integrity doesn’t exist.
I have more integrity on my pinky finger than you have in your whole body. You repeat yourself over and over again. What will you do if TRUMP wins again? repeat yourself for another 4 years?
Integrity means strong moral principles. You claim you’re principled against the “Uber-Wealthy.”
Then you support the “Uber-Wealthy” president that gives massive tax breaks to his fellow “Uber-Wealthy” real estate developers. ?
How embarrassing.
Change is inevitable. You should’ve rolled with the change rather than think your neighborhood (NEW YORK CITY!!!) was going to stay the same forever.
Change is inevitable but not in the way you see it in NYC (LIC). People should not be gentrified out of their homes, Brooklyn also experienced this, Manhattan too.You are 100% wrong. I would have liked to get out earlier,but my wife had some time to go to retire. This place (LIC) NYC SUCKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can have it. Are you a developer or real Estate person??????????? If so shame on you.
It’s a shame you keep blaming your problems on other, your probably a socialist from venezuela that wants open boarders. In the US we work for what we have.
Let me see if I got this right: so as a real estate developer, it’s just inherently my obligation to spend millions and millions of dollars to buy up land and build homes that are low cost for the general public, and willingly forgo the millions in profits I *could* be making purely out of the kindest of my heart?
I’m not taking a bus. Peasants. Bring a heliport to LIC
Oh great, more proof that DumBlasio is in the pocket of Big Jitney
i thought i had a quarter in my pocket but it turns out it was just a nickel, thanks DumBlasio
Most take the train in to Lex/59th station but I guess for the others not near that line have an option now.
Back in the day, savvy LIRR riders to the Hamptons would take the 7 train to the Hunterspoint station and board the Montauk branch train at its origin on Fri afternoon instead of going to Penn Station. You always got a seat and didn’t have to transfer at Jamaica.
Penn Station is still a zoo and the LIRR still has limited service to the East End. Hampton Jitney fills the gap and is a good company. Welcome to western Queens!
Will I have to pay extra to take 2 cases of Provencal rosé and a dry ice box of monkfish liver with me?
The neighborhood has officially jumped the shark