April 25, 2016 By Jackie Strawbridge
The developer behind 2 Gotham Center at Queens Plaza South and 28th Street plans to build two more towers right next door.
Tishman Speyer Properties plans to develop a two-tower commercial building at 28-10 Queens Plaza South, according to City documents. This property is adjacent to 2 Gotham Center, a 21-story building developed by Tishman Speyer that was completed in 2011 and is home to the Dept. of Health. It is also across the street from a 1,800-unit residential project that Tishman is developing with H&R Real Estate Investment Trust.
According to City documents, the development will comprise about 1.1 million square feet of office space and 40,000 square feet of retail space. There will also be a 388-space parking garage.
Tishman Speyer is seeking tax exemptions and deferrals from the City and State to realize this project.
A Tishman Speyer spokesman declined to comment or respond to questions.
The Real Deal reports that the two towers will be named 1 and 3 Gotham Center, and that one will stand 29 stories and the other 30 stories.
A public hearing regarding City financial assistance for this project will be held at 10 a.m. on May 5 at the City Economic Development Corporation offices, 110 William Street, Floor 4.
How about some retail ? Like CVS or any Drug store .
I agree
Story’s a few months late, no? And no mention of wework as an anchor tenant?
he rend can’ be reversing for he middle class and poor. Firefighers and Cops can’ even afford to live in he 5 Boroughs anymore. he rich are coming here under King Bloomberg’s City For he Rich Idea. PLANYC 2030. It’s online, read it. Some of i came rue already. Comrade DeBlasio is no better.
Bloomberg and Ray Kelly through a FAILED COMPSTAT program gave everyone the illusion of safety as DeBlasio and Bratton want you o believe now. Many cops and people involved have said Compstat lowers certain crimes to lessen the numbers. Cops were told not even to report certain lesser crimes. NYC is a House Of Cards. It will Fail one day.
This smells like Bloomberg who ruined NYC. There is no PLAN here in LIC . It is just wild building without the consequences to the infrastructure being thought of. at all. A park would have been better. Rents would not be his high.
Parks increase an area’s attractiveness, raising renter demand. If rental supply doesn’t grow, rent will go up. Economics.
Not sure how long you’ve been here. But Bloomberg did a solid job preparing and running this city. I’m sure this means you voted for De Blasio. Well that says is all. If people want to move into urban areas they are allowed and the city needs to do it’s best to plan for such social movements. And the only the city can accommodate the influx of people is by building up.
Too bad, it would have been a great park or plaza. 30 story towers are much too large, but if there’s some public space left when construction is done it’s better than what was there.
In the 60s people left NYC for the suburbs. That trend is reversing. Bloomberg saw the population/wealth influx coming and developed plans for increased density in nearly every borough, reasoning it’s better to have planned growth than a free-for-all. This urbanization is the result of broad socio-economic conditions, not the fault or result of a particular man, party or committee. Halting development would not stop the flow of people, nor the increase in your rent.
False dilemma: it is not a choice between a no-plan ‘free-for-all’ and the sudden, luxury-oriented development LIC is experiencing. There are a many types of development, including ways which respect existing citizens and those who are not interested in living in new high-end condominiums.
This was approved way before the Deblasio administration.
I agree DeBlasio is guilty and all Development should be stopped immediately. It’s Overkill in LIC on development now. There is no plan.
I’m sorry, but all development should halt while DeBlahsio is under investigation, especially any of the rezoning he’s pushed forward. We all know he’s guilty.
I assume the assertion comes with proof?
If not, slow your roll.