May 13, 2016 Staff Report
Plans have been filed for yet another tower in the Court Square district.
This one will be 66 stories and will be located just one block from Rockrose’s Linc LIC.
The development company Stawksi Partners filed plans Friday with the Buildings Dept. to construct a 66-story residential tower at 43-30 24th Street that will include 921 rental units, 17,000 square feet of retail space and an indoor swimming pool.
The project will be about two blocks from Rockrose’s 974-unit development at 43-25 Hunter Street that is under construction and is a block from Rockrose’s 709-unit Linc LIC, which was completed in 2013.
Meanwhile, a 79-story apartment complex is planned for 23-15 44th Drive and two towers– consisting of 1,000 units–are going up on the 5 Pointz site at 22-44 Jackson Avenue.
I wrote the 2:57 AM post but not the 9:19 AM post.. Just so you know Frank and Mac. Some one thinks they are funny, but they look stupid doing it.
I really don’t give a shit if LIC becomes Manhattan East, but why did they have to raze 5Pointz. History shows us what happens when we eat our young.
I did not write the previous post with the ignorant buffoon in it, as some ignorant buffoon is hijacking my name because that person is a coward and who hates bowling alleys
I did not write the previous post with the bowling in it, as some ignorant buffoon is hijacking my name because that person is a coward and can’t post under his own name.
I did not write the previous post nabout the DeBlasio did sell out to the 1% and forgot the 99%. I have always loved DeBlasio and bowling.
I think you mean DeBlasio and blowing.
Cont..Comrade B+DeBlasio is a Capitalist who is corrupt and only cares how Far he can get at lower income people;s expense.
To #blamefoxnews: the real MRLIC says you are the buffoon to resort to name calling. Comrade DeBlasio did sell out to the 1% and forgot the 99%.
: I will always expose the fake MRLIC’s posts. Be a real person and post your own. Don’t be a coward.
I did not write the previous post nabout the Luxury Condos and DeBlasio and Shillary and poor people with empty factories. I have always supported middle class and poor. Someone hijacked MRLIC as their own.
Building luxury condos is exactly the same as slavery. DeBLAHsio and SHILLary are puppets of the 1%ers that are ruining rustic LIC. Poor people deserve to have empty factories instead of new buildings.
I posted as Sc so what does it mean. I can be you and you can be me.
You are proving a point that anyone can post as anyone else. WOW!!!!!!!!
Are you sure its you posting as you?
By posting under MRLIC at least you know it’s me. Anonymous could be anyone.
MRLIC is the same as Sc,Brooklynmc,#Blameitonfoxnews. Can’t you realize this? Who needs remedial reading & Comprehension now?
Maybe you are a communist not I. DeBlasio is a Socialist/Communist dictator. The people be damned,
-MRLIC More name calling by you. One breath DeBlasio is a communist next breath or sentence he is “selling” out to developers for the 1% and luxury housing. Meanwhile you’re crying about and advocating for “affordable housing” like a Socialist/Communist…You sound like an erratic buffoon who is prone to hysterical fits. Are you drunk?
deblasio is a nincompoop. he’s not a communist nor is he a socialist.
I didn’t know communists were so into capitalism
MRLIC is the same as Sc…..Brooklynmc & #blamefoxnews etc…As I have said before,MRLIC is part of my name and where I live. Anonymous could be anyone, at least you know it’s me. Can’t you realize this? Who needs remedial reading now?
I post as MRLIC so you know it’s me. Anonymous could be anyone. As I said before MRLIC is part of my name & Where I live. Brooklynmc-Sc-#blamefoxnews do the same thing. Can’t you realize this? You need the remedial reading and sound like an imbecile. You and others attack differences of your opinions.
At least you know who I am when posting under MRLIC. Anonymous could be anyone. Sc is the same as MRLIC. As I have said before it ispart of my name & where I live. Brooklynmc, & $ balmefoxnews do the same. Can’t you realize this?
Maybe I had a date or two wrong but King yes King because that’s what he thought he was did talk early in his first term about developing the 5 boroughs. Pay to play was his way. Comrade DeBlasio is no better.
When you post Anonymously it could be different people every time. At least you know it’s me with MRLIC. You use Sc for yours. Brooklynmc etc.. As I have said before MRLIC is part of my name and where I live. Can’t you realize this?
I did not pass over anything. I know what is going on. With 1% of the population being wealthy the percentage of Affordable to Luxury should be the other way around 80-20% Affordable-Luxury. You would not here the community Boards complain then.
Continued… I am well informed believe me. I have lived in LIC all my life and should know about it. I am not a Fox News Hound. I should have some credibility as many people agree with my views on these sites.
Continued…Believe me I am not uninformed. I follow along with curreent events especially in LIC where I have lived all my life.Many people agree with me. Where is all the mixed use light industrial development promised in 2001? Luxury Condo/Rental and Hotels are all I see. No stores or movie theaters or real bowling lanes (8 lanes don’t cut it).Many commercial space is available because rents are too high to make a profit.
first of all someone who posts as anonymous should not have credibility on such an important subject,LIC original 2001 plan I knew about. Much of this was implemented by KING BLOOMBERG in his PLANYC2030 document. PALNYC2030 iswas a plan to make all 5 Boroughs a playground for the rich and kick out the middle class and poor. He needed to continue his plan by getting his ILLEGAL 3rd term.
-MRLIC At least the person posting anonymously is posting credible and concise information from credible sources. You totally misread the article you provided in your link. Your posts are mostly on the line of personal attacks and name calling “King Bloomberg” and “Comrade Deblasio”. You need to post less hysteria and more “verifiable” facts.
While we’re on the subject, how did Mayor Bloomberg, who took office on January 1, 2002 cause a zoning change in 2001?
And, PlaNYC was released in 2007, what does that have to do with the rezoning? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlaNYC
Lolz this again…
Unless your name is Bob Mrlic, then you, too, are posting anonymously.
You’re bashing somebody for doing the exact same thing that you’re doing, and then complaining that you don’t get the respect and credibility that you deserve?
You’re a silly goose.
Blamefoxnews read the comments on this.
I guess you’re arguing with two anonymous guys now. I’m the first one, who posts links. So do you, but I read the ones I post. The one you posted said the city is going to do a study about further upzoning. They have not yet upzoned anything. If you’d like to find out more, the city helpfully has information here: http://www1.nyc.gov/site/planning/plans/long-island-city-core/long-island-city-core.page
Also, if you’re complaining about anonymous posting, am I to understand that your name is actually Mr Lic? That what it says on your drivers license?
-MRLIC. “Developers who construct new buildings in the Court Square/Queens Plaza section of Long Island City will most likely be required to make sure one-quarter of the units are affordable, if a proposal from the Department of City Planning goes through as written.” You obviously passed over this paragraph when you read this article..
People, this is just simple supply and demand! Why is housing so expensive in the city? Because there is not enough of it!
Passing more laws to require affordable housing just benefits a lucky few but doesn’t solve the problem in the long run. The only way housing prices stop increasing like crazy is if there is more of it to go around.
And yeah, read the actual planning docs, people DO think about this things! The tricky part is getting the timing right. LIC is going to keep growing, the question is how fast…
Continued…. LIC is overbuilt and does not have proper planning , This is bad idea for a neighborhood. I will continue to say just what we need another Luxury Condo every time I see one. It is ridiculous what is happening here and many people know it, why don’t you?
I agree, because this this new luxury condo will block the view in my current luxury condo. As a 1%-er I deserve better! I suggest you vacate your current apartment and move to Sunnyside, maybe they will convert your vacant apartment into a bowling alley for my amusement.
-MRLIC I have absolutely no faith in your posts. As somebody posting here anonymously has just exposed you as an uninformed blowhard or somebody posting propaganda and misinformation. Either way you have lost all credibility. You’re a fox informed imbecile.
Anonymous you are wrong. The Court Square area has recently been talked about higher development (taller Buildings). It wasn’t supposed to be that way. Comrade DeBlasio sold out to the developers to include supposedly more affordable housing (which isn’t really affordable to the people who need it.
Taller, yes. But not more larger and not more units. The same restrictions from the 2001 rezoning apply now, and everything currently under construction was permitted under those rules. Here: http://www1.nyc.gov/assets/planning/download/pdf/plans/long-island-city-mixed-use/lic.pdf
The proposed changes, Zoning for Quality and Affordability and Mandatory Inclusionary Housing do not permit any additional FAR, or units. They do in some cases allow for taller buildings, but not ones that have more floor space. Here:
As CB2 pointed out, they are concerned with existing infrastructure issues, not changes that create new ones. https://www.dnainfo.com/new-york/20151110/long-island-city/queens-cb2-rejects-affordable-housing-plan-citing-overcrowding-concerns
Am I the only one who finds it tiresome that the same people complain of a lack of planning in LIC on every article? Court Square was rezoned fifteen years ago. The plan was very explicitly that it would become the most densely populated part of New York City outside of Manhattan. The water front (Queens West and Hunters Point South) were rezoned about twenty years ago. There has been a plan, available on the internet, for longer than Google has been a verb.
Now, I know, and I share the frustration of many parents that schools are so packed around here. Really that should have been a bigger priority a long time ago. Nevertheless, the plans do include schools. The two new schools in Hunters Point South – always part of the plan. Now that part is a lot more real with funding for the SCA, but fundamentally, it’s part of the original site plan for Hunters Point South.
But really, none of this new construction is/should be a surprise to anyone. It has been a long time coming. Lots of people, including recent arrivals, moved to LIC thinking it wouldn’t change. It has been, is, and will continue to for quite a while into the future.
Well, another probably Luxury Development. When will it END as Had Enough Said. It’s sad that there is NO REAL PLANNING HERE, it is just build, build, build. Law of averages says that all of these buildings will not prosper. The infrastructure cannot handle all theses people as I have said before and Had Enough said. More affordable housing needed,
Affordable Housing ???
Who is really paying for what the Mayor’s is dictating to developer with the 20/80 ???
We all are paying for some chosen ones to pay low rent as the city is providing developers no or low real estate taxes in return for 20% affordable housing in each new development. This real estate tax money could have otherwise be in the city bank account and allow the city to provide more and better services.
This is really insane. I’m not a NIMBY because I’m not against ALL change, but people have to admit that this ridiculous bull has to stop at some point. How much more can this infrastructure handle? Look at all of the developments in progress. Yes, people are going to continue to argue that there is demand, but there is demand for AFFORDABLE housing. There is demand for GOODS and SERVICES. There is demand for TRANSPORTATION OPTIONS. There is demand for SCHOOLS. I do not see anyone demanding any more residential building of this scale. Granted, this does not indicate whether this particular building is luxury, but come on. We all know what this will be. It is TOO MUCH all at once. Let us quit while we are ahead and see how all of the current developments affect the neighborhood in the future before blindly allowing developers to build, build, build. Greed, greed, greed.
Demand affordable housing all you want, but your wallet is the only thing that entitles you a set of front door keys.
I get that you’re not a NIMBY, you’d just really prefer this whole new development thing wasn’t bringing more people into your backyard. We should quit while we’re ahead (right after you got here) before everything goes to hell. Can’t remember, but there’s this island around here with even more density that worked out ok. Matthias? Manischewitz? It’ll come to me.